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Oracle9i Application Server Release Notes Addendum
Release 2 ( for Microsoft Windows
Part No. A90336-10
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6 Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J)

This chapter discusses issues with Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE (Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE). It includes the following topics:

6.1 JSP, Tag Library, and Demo Release Notes

The following release note applies to OC4J JSP, JSP tag libraries, and related demo applications.

6.1.1 Miscellaneous JSP, Tag Library, and Demo Release Notes

The following release notes apply to JSP tag libraries and related demo applications as of Oracle9iAS release 9.0.2:

  • Due to differences in browser functionality, some of the JSP file-access tag demos might fail under older versions of Netscape (4.x) in a Microsoft Windows environment. If you encounter this, try Internet Explorer or upgrade to Netscape 6.x.

  • The default-charset attribute of the <orion-web-app> element in global-web-application.xml or orion-web.xml, documented in the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer's Guide, is not yet supported by the OC4J JSP container in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2). The default character set is ISO-8859-1. (The default-charset attribute is supported in the servlet layer, as documented.)

    In the OC4J JSP 9.0.2 implementation, you can use /WEB-INF/ojsp-global-include.xml to achieve functionality similar to that of the default-charset attribute for a JSP page. Following is an example.

    In the file /WEB-INF/ojsp-global-include.xml:

      <include file="/WEB-INF/setshiftjis.jsp" position="top">
        <into directory="/shift_jis/" />

    In the file /WEB-INF/setshiftjis.jsp:

    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=Shift_Jis" %>

    Given these file contents, all JSP pages under the /shift_jis directory will have the default character set Shift_Jis.

    See the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Support for JavaServer Pages Developer's Guide for general information about global includes.

6.2 Release Notes for JMS

The following release note describes issues for Java Message Service (JMS).

6.2.1 OC4J/JMS Should Not Be Used in Oracle9iAS Releases, 9.0.2, and 9.0.3

In releases, 9.0.2, and 9.0.3, OC4J contains a default Java Message Service (JMS) provider called OC4J/JMS (sometimes referred to as OrionJMS). Because OC4J/JMS is not fully JMS 1.02-compliant and was not used to achieve J2EE 1.3 compatibility, we recommend using the Oracle JMS (OJMS) implementation, which is provided. This JMS provider leverages Advanced Queueing (AQ) from the Oracle9i Database and is integrated into Oracle9iAS by means of a resource provider interface. In Oracle9iAS release 2 (9.0.3), OJMS is JMS 1.0 compliant and was used to achieve J2EE 1.3 compatibility.

6.3 Release Notes for Servlets

The following release note describes issues for servlets.

6.3.1 Failover Requires load-on-startup

For failover to work properly in Oracle9iAS release 2 (9.0.3), you must specify the attribute setting load-on-startup="true" in the <web-app> subelement of the <web-site> element of the Web site XML file (such as default-web-site.xml or http-web-site.xml). For general information about load-on-startup, refer to the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Servlet Developer’s Guide.

6.4 Documentation Errata

This section describes known errors in the documentation.

6.4.1 OC4J Services Guide Errata

Note the following errata in the Oracle9iAS Containers for J2EE Services Guide. deployconnector Switch Not Supported

According to the "Deploying Stand-Alone Resource Adapter Archives" section of Chapter 12, one can deploy a stand-alone resource adapter (RAR) that is compliant with J2EE Connector Architecture using the -deployconnector switch in admin.jar. This switch is not in fact supported in the 9.0.2 implementation. Incorrect Name for HTTP Client

Chapter 14 describes the support that HTTPClient provides for the class. The following text appears:

If the framework is used, then set the java.protocol.handler.pkgs system property to select the HTTPSConnection package as a replacement for the JDK client as follows:


The preceding contains the following errors:

  • The package that replaces the JDK HTTP client should be HTTPClient, not HTTPSConnection.

  • The property setting example is incorrect. It should be:
