This diagram shows the data storage model. The words How Structured is Your Data? appear at the top of the diagram. Three lines connect below to three separate boxes named, from left to right, Structured Data, Semi-structured Pseudo-structured Data, and Unstructured Data.

The box labeled Structured Data has two lines that connect below to the words XML Schema Based? and the words Non-Schema Based?. XML Schema Based? connects below to the words Use either: CLOB or Structured Storage. Non-Schema Based? connects below to the words Store as:, which list three bullet points: CLOB in XMLType Table, File in Repository Folder Views, and Access through Resource APIs.

The box labeled Semi-structured Pseudo-structured Data has two lines that connect below to the words XML Schema Based? and Non-Schema Based?. The words XML Schema Based? connect below to the words Use either:, which have three bullet points listed below: CLOB, Structured, and Hybrid Storage (semi-structured storage). The words Non-Schema Based? connect below to the words Store as:, which have three bullet points listed below: CLOB in XMLType Table, File in Repository Folder Views, and Access through Resource APIs. The box labeled Unstructured Data connects to the words Store as:, which have three bullet points listed below: CLOB in XMLType Table, File in Repository Folder Views, and Access through Resource APIs.