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Oracle® Database Application Developer's Guide - Expression Filter
10g Release 1 (10.1)

Part Number B10821-01
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9 Expression Filter Views

The Expression Filter metadata can be viewed using the Expression Filter views defined with a xxx_EXPFIL prefix, where xxx can be USER or ALL. These views are read-only to the users and are created and maintained by the Expression Filter procedures.

Table 9-1 lists the names of the views and their descriptions.

Table 9-1 Expression Filter Views

View Name Description
USER_EXPFIL_ASET_FUNCTIONS List of functions and packages approved for the attribute set.
USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTES List of elementary attributes of the attribute set.
USER_EXPFIL_ATTRIBUTE_SETS List of attribute set.
USER_EXPFIL_DEF_INDEX_PARAMS List of default index parameters.
USER_EXPFIL_EXPRESSION_SETS List of expression sets.
USER_EXPFIL_EXPRSET_STATS List of predicate statistics for the expression sets.
USER_EXPFIL_INDEX_PARAMS List of index parameters assigned to the expression set.
USER_EXPFIL_INDEXES List of expression filter indexes.
USER_EXPFIL_PREDTAB_ATTRIBUTES List of stored and indexed attributes for the indexes.
USER_EXPFIL_PRIVILEGES List of all the expression privileges of the current user.


This view lists all the functions and packages that are allowed in the expressions using a particular attribute set. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the attribute set.
UDF_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the user-defined function or package (or type) as specified by the user (with or without schema extension).
OBJECT_OWNER VARCHAR2 Owner of the function or package (or type).
OBJECT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the function or package (or type).
OBJECT_TYPE VARCHAR2 Type of the object at the time the object was added to the attribute set:
  • Function: If the object is a function

  • Package: If the object is a package

  • Type: If the object is a type

  • Embedded type: If the object is a type that is implicitly added to the function list as the type is used by one of the elementary attributes in the set.

  • Synonym: Synonym to a function or package or type.


This view lists all the elementary attributes of the attribute sets defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the attribute set.
ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 Name of the elementary attribute.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2 Datatype of the attribute.
ASSOCIATED_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding table for the table alias attribute. Null for all other types of attributes.


This view lists the attribute sets defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the column described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the attribute set.


This view lists the default index parameters (stored and indexed attributes) associated with the attribute sets defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
ATTRIBUTE_SET_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the attribute set.
ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 Name of the stored attribute.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2 Datatype of the attribute.
ELEMENTARY VARCHAR2 YES, if the attribute is also the elementary attribute of the attribute set; otherwise, NO.
INDEXED VARCHAR2 YES, if the stored attribute is also the indexed attribute; otherwise, NO.
OPERATOR_LIST VARCHAR2 String representation of the common operators configured for the attribute.
XMLTYPE_ATTR VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding XMLType elementary attribute when the stored or indexed attribute is an XML tag.


This view lists the expression sets defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
EXPR_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the table storing expressions.
EXPR_COLUMN VARCHAR2 Name of the column (in the table) storing expressions.
ATTRIBUTE_SET VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding attribute set.
LAST_ANALYZED DATE Date on which the predicate statistics for this expression set were recently computed. Null if statistics were not collected.
NUM_EXPRESSIONS NUMBER Number of expressions in the set when the set was last analyzed.
PREDS_PER_EXPR NUMBER Average number of predicates for each expression (when last analyzed).
NUM_SPARSE_PREDS NUMBER Number of sparse predicates in the expression set (when last analyzed).


This view lists the predicate statistics for the expression sets in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
EXPR_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the table storing expressions.
EXPR_COLUMN VARCHAR2 Name of the column (in the table) storing expressions.
ATTRIBUTE_EXP VARCHAR2 The arithmetic expression that represents a common LHS in the predicates of the expression set.
PCT_OCCURRENCE NUMBER Percentage occurrence of the attribute in the expression set.
PCT_EQ_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with equality (=) operator.
PCT_LT_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the less than (<) operator.
PCT_GT_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the greater than (>) operator.
PCT_LTEQ_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the less than or equal to (<=) operator.
PCT_GTEQ_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the greater than or equal to (>=) operator.
PCT_NEQ_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the not equal to (!=) operator.
PCT_NUL_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the IS NULL operator.
PCT_NNUL_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the IS NOT NULL operator.
PCT_BETW_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the BETWEEN operator.
PCT_NVL_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the NVL operator.
PCT_LIKE_OPER NUMBER Percentage of predicates (of the attribute) with the LIKE operator.


This view lists the index parameters associated with the expression sets defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
EXPSET_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the table storing the expressions.
EXPSET_COLUMN VARCHAR2 Name of the column storing the expressions.
ATTRIBUTE VARCHAR2 Name of the stored attribute.
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2 Datatype of the attribute.
ELEMENTARY VARCHAR2 YES if the attribute is also the elementary attribute of the attribute set; otherwise, NO.
INDEXED VARCHAR2 YES if the stored attribute is also the indexed attribute; otherwise, NO.
OPERATOR_LIST VARCHAR2 String representation of the common operators configured for the attribute.
XMLTYPE_ATTR VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding XMLType elementary attribute when the stored or indexed attribute is an XML tag.


This view lists the Expression Filter indexes defined in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the index.
PREDICATE_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the predicate table used for the index.
ACCESS_FUNC_PACKAGE VARCHAR2 Name of the package that defines the functions with queries on the predicate table.
ATTRIBUTE_SET VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding attribute set.
EXPRESSION_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the table on which the index is defined.
EXPRESSION_COLUMN VARCHAR2 Name of the column on which the index is defined.
STATUS VARCHAR2 Index status:
  • VALID: Index was created successfully.

  • FAILED: Index build failed, and it should be dropped and re-created.

  • FAILED RBLD: Index build or rebuild failed, and it can be rebuilt using the ALTER INDEX REBUILD statement.


This view shows the exact list of stored and indexed attributes used for expression filter indexes in the user's schema. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the index.
ATTRIBUTE_ID NUMBER Attribute identifier (unique for an index).
ATTRIBUTE_ALIAS VARCHAR2 Alias given to the stored attribute.
SUBEXPRESSION VARCHAR2 The arithmetic expression that represents the stored attribute (also the LHS of predicates in the set).
DATA_TYPE VARCHAR2 Derived datatype for the stored attribute.
INDEXED VARCHAR2 YES, if the stored attribute is also the indexed attribute; otherwise, NO.
OPERATOR_LIST VARCHAR2 String representation of the common operators configured for the attribute.
XMLTYPE_ATTR VARCHAR2 Name of the corresponding XMLType elementary attribute when the stored or indexed attribute is an XML tag.
XPTAG_TYPE VARCHAR2 Type of the XML tag:


XPFILTER_TYPE VARCHAR2 Type of filter configured for the XML tag: POSITIONAL or [CHAR|INT|DATE] VALUE


This view lists the privileges of the current user on expression sets belonging to other schemas and the privileges of other users on the expression sets owned by the current user. This view is defined with the columns described in the following table:

Column Name Datatype Description
EXPSET_OWNER VARCHAR2 Owner of the expression set.
EXPSET_TABLE VARCHAR2 Name of the table storing expressions.
EXPSET_COLUMN VARCHAR2 Name of the column storing the expressions.
GRANTEE VARCHAR2 Grantee of the privilege.
INSERT_PRIV VARCHAR2 Y if the grantee has the INSERT EXPRESSION privilege on the expression set; otherwise, N.
UPDATE_PRIV VARCHAR2 Y if the grantee has the UPDATE EXPRESSION privilege on the expression set; otherwise, N.