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Oracle® Calendar Reference Manual
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10891-02
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  X 


access control information, directory server, F-92
access rights, F-4
ACE framework
parameters, C-153, C-156, C-159, C-162
agenda to an existing agenda, F-39, F-46
event calendars, F-217
resources, F-217
users, F-217
administration rights, managing, E-20, F-16
administrative groups, A-1
default, A-11
default right to create, A-10
granting permission to create, E-20, F-16
managing, F-106
access rights to, F-4
adding one to another, F-39, F-46
archiving the calendar server, F-26, F-74
attribute definitions, calendar server object classes, H-6
parameters, C-155, C-156


backups, F-26, F-74
restoring contents of, F-88
tar archive of the calendar server, F-26
big endian, F-28, F-124


Calendar Administrator
configuration parameters. See parameters
Calendar Administrator parameters
accepttemppages [ADMIN], D-4
dataretrievingblocksize [ADMIN], D-6
sessionsdir [ADMIN], D-6
showssolink [ADMIN], D-4, D-5
templatedirs [ADMIN], D-7
web_attribute_name [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], D-2
web_attribute_type [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], D-2
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], D-3
calendar server
configuration parameters. See parameters
controlling interactions with directory server, C-82
controlling server behaviour, C-17
granting server administration rights, F-16
schema extensions, H-1
size of installation, F-179
starting, F-189
status, F-201
stopping, F-206
Synchronous Network Connection statistics, F-187
version, F-236
character set
directory server, C-85
checksum, generating a, F-33
clients, xi
controlling behaviour, C-103
controlling connections to server, C-153
off-line storage, C-123
clusters, C-17
parameters, C-159, C-160
configuring a node network, F-145
converting a database, F-28, F-124
resource data, F-35, F-48
user data, F-41, F-54
Corporate-Wide Services
request queue information, F-163
ctCalAdmin object class, H-1, H-3
ctCalResource object class, H-1, H-5
ctCalUser object class, H-1, H-2


starting, F-189
stopping, F-206
unicwsd, viewing requests, F-164
unisncd, C-23
unisncd statistics, F-187
checking, F-79
converting, F-28, F-124
defragmenting, F-79
maintaining, F-79
repairing, F-79
differences between a directory server and a calendar server node, F-93
event calendars, F-217
meetings, old, F-170
request in Corporate-Wide Services request queue, F-163
resource (after moving), F-41, F-47, F-58
resources, F-217
tasks, old, F-170
user (after moving), F-41, F-47, F-58
users, F-217
list in user profile, A-1, B-1
diagnostics, compiling information for, F-183
directory server
access control information, F-92
character set, C-85
configuring, F-154
differences with a calendar server node, F-93
differences with a node, F-68
listing non-calendar users in a, F-97
parameters, C-82
schema extensions, H-1
status, F-103
disk space
unilogons requirements, F-132
information on signed-on users, F-237
sign-on/sign-off activity, F-127


parameters, C-161, C-162, C-163
endian-ness, F-28, F-124
event calendars
adding, F-217
deleting, F-217
granting event calendar administration rights, F-16
listing, F-217
information from log files, F-181


file format
unicpr, F-59
unicpu, F-63
file system
cleaning up, F-34
verifying, F-31
unicpr file, F-59
unicpu file, F-63


Global Address List, C-134
default public and administrative, A-11
default right to create, A-10
granting permission to create, E-20, F-16
managing, C-97, F-106
connections to directory server, C-34


granting administration rights, E-20, F-16
hosts, C-17


importing, F-112
Internet standards, C-19


support in Oracle Calendar server, xi
event calendars, F-217
non-calendar users in a directory server, F-97
resources, F-217
users, F-217
little endian, F-28, F-124
log files, C-41 to C-47
extracting information from, F-181


groups, F-106
node network, F-145
meetings, removing old, F-170
event calendars, F-217
resources, F-217
users, F-217
resources (several at a time), F-41, F-48, F-59
resources by copying, F-35, F-48
users, F-139
users (several at a time), F-41, F-48, F-59
users by copying, F-41, F-54


node network
configuring, F-145
managing, F-145, F-176
propagating local information, F-177
synchronizing node information, F-177
adding, E-20, F-12
creating, E-20
database, converting, F-28, F-124
granting node administration rights, F-16
producing reports on, F-192
re-initializing, E-20, F-12
statistics on, F-192
synchronizing in a node network, F-177
preferences, A-7


object class
attribute definitions, H-6
ctCalAdmin, H-3
ctCalResource, H-5
ctCalUser, H-2
default mappings for attribute names, H-9
extensions to directory server, H-1
ocad.ini. See parameters
ocal.conf, E-1


parameters, A-1 to A-13, B-1 to B-8, C-1 to C-182, D-1 to D-7, E-1 to E-73
about (ocwc.conf), E-36
accrights (ocwc.conf), E-38
ACE settings (ocas.conf), E-17
ACE settings (ocst.conf), E-57
ACE settings (ocwc.conf), E-53
ACE settings (ocws.conf), E-56
activity [ENG], C-41
admin [LDAP], C-90
admindefault [AUTHENTICATION], C-157
admindefault [COMPRESSION], C-160
admindefault [ENCRYPTION], C-163
admingroup [LDAP], C-91
agendaview [LIMITS], C-112
alert_instantmessaging [NOTIFY], C-126
alert_sms [NOTIFY], C-127
aliases [YOURNODEID], C-56
allowattachments [LIMITS], C-103
allowpasswordchange_eventcal [ENG], C-115
allowpasswordchange_reserved [ENG], C-116
allowpasswordchange_resource [ENG], C-116
allowpasswordchange_user [ENG], C-117
allowresourceconflict [ENG], C-110
allowsysoplogon_capi [ENG], C-79
allowsysoplogon_unicp [ENG], C-78
allowsysoplogon_uniical [ENG], C-78
application (ocas.conf), E-7
attendeesindetails (ocst.conf), E-63
attr_country [LDAP], C-87, H-10
attr_generation [LDAP], C-87, H-10
attr_givenname [LDAP], C-88, H-10
attr_mail [LDAP], C-89, H-10
attr_organization [LDAP], C-88, H-11
attr_uid [LDAP], C-86, H-11
attrpreservelist [LDAP], C-85
authcache_cachesize [ENG], C-176
authcache_expiredelay [ENG], C-177
authcache_passwordsize [ENG], C-177
authcache_stats [ENG], C-178
autoacceptresource [ENG], C-111
autocontrol [LIMITS], C-104
autolog (ocwc.conf), E-26
backup_timeout [UTL], C-53
backupatonce [UTL], C-54
ban_bot (ocwc.conf), E-45
ban_left (ocwc.conf), E-45
ban_top (ocwc.conf), E-45
banner [CWS], C-72
banner_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-23
basedn [LDAP], C-92
binddn [LDAP], C-94
bindpwd [LDAP], C-95
browser-path-win [WEBLINK], C-142
ca_maxsearchresult [UTL], C-129
caladmin [URL], C-141
calendarhostname [ENG], C-17
capi_storage [ENG], C-19
cgi_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-20
charset (ocas.conf), E-8
charset [LDAP], C-85
charset [UTL], C-55
check_user_credentials (ocwc.conf), E-27
checkreminderinterval [NOTIFY], C-32
checksum [TIMEZONE], C-76
chgpwd (ocwc.conf), E-37
cleanuptime (ocas.conf), E-16
coexist_cwsbasicauth [ENG], C-81
coexist_unidentifiedsessions [ENG], C-81
command-description-offline [WEBLINK], C-144
command-description-online [WEBLINK], C-143
command-name [WEBLINK], C-143
connect_timeout [YOURHOSTNAME, unidas], C-34
connection (ocas.conf), E-8
cs-standard_coexistence [ACE_PLUGINS_SERVER], C-170
dac_configerrlog [ENG], C-45
dac_failederrlog [ENG], C-45
dac_ignorederrlog [ENG], C-46
dac_maxretry [ENG], C-35
dac_miscerrlog [ENG], C-46
datapoolchunk (ocas.conf), E-9, E-16
db_files [DB], C-49
db_pages [DB], C-48
dbi_name [DBI], C-49
dbversion [DBI], C-50
default [AUTHENTICATION], C-156
default [COMPRESSION], C-159
default [ENCRYPTION], C-162
default [TIMEZONE], C-75
default_color_mgt_by (ocwc.conf), E-51
default_dayview_mode (ocwc.conf), E-49
default_view (ocwc.conf), E-49
default_weekview_mode (ocwc.conf), E-50
devices (ocst.conf), E-63
dir_connectrecycletime [DAS], C-82
dir_internal_nodes [ENG], C-58
dir_updcalonly [DAS], C-123
dir_usewritednforadmin [DAS], C-124
dirsyncmigrate [CWS], C-31
dirsynctime [CWS], C-31
dispatchhttperror (ocas.conf), E-9
dispatchstats (ocas.conf), E-10
dispatchstatslog (ocas.conf), E-10
dispatchtime (ocas.conf), E-11
domain (ocwc.conf), E-52
download_enable (ocwc.conf), E-42
download-fail [WEBLINK], C-148
download-mode [WEBLINK], C-144
dsa [LDAP], C-83
enable [CONFERENCING], C-148
enable [CSM], C-22
enable [CWS], C-22
enable [DAS], C-24
enable [SNC], C-23
enable ADA (ocwc.conf), E-30
enable_autologin (ocwc.conf), E-40
enable_designate (ocwc.conf), E-34
enable_web_conferencing (ocwc.conf), E-35
Ericsson (ocst.conf), E-69
eventcalrelativedn [LDAP], C-93
eventlevel (ocas.conf), E-11
eventlog (ocas.conf), E-12
eventrefreshintervals [ENG], C-138
eventsearch_commentsearchlength [ENG], C-63
eventsearch_maxlookthroughlimit [ENG], C-62
eventselectbegin [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], C-132
eventselectend [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], C-133
eventsyncinterval [ENG], C-80
evsearch_maxcount [ENG], C-63
external_backup [UTL], C-51
external_restore [UTL], C-52
file extensions and types (ocwc.conf), E-44
frameworkenable [ACE], C-153
gal_enable [ENG], C-134
gal_enableldapsearch [ENG], C-136
gal_refreshinterval [ENG], C-134
gal_view [ENG], C-135
galsyncinterval [CWS], C-79
global_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-20
group_dlenable [LDAP], C-101
group_dlfilter [LDAP], C-101
group_dlsearchbase [LDAP], C-102
group_enable [LDAP], C-97
group_membersizelimit [LDAP], C-98
group_searchbase [LDAP], C-102
group_sizelimit [LDAP], C-99
groupfilter [LDAP], C-96
groupmemberlistattribute [LDAP], C-89
groupviewmax [LIMITS], C-114
help_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-22
hide ADA toggle (ocwc.conf), E-30
hide_dayview_toggle (ocwc.conf), E-50
hide_eventcal (ocwc.conf), E-31
hide_global (ocwc.conf), E-31
hide_managegroups (ocwc.conf), E-32
hide_show_unconfirmed (ocwc.conf), E-33
hide_suggesttime (ocwc.conf), E-33
hide_taskview (ocwc.conf), E-32
hide_updateall (ocwc.conf), E-34
hide_viewpub (ocwc.conf), E-35
hide_weekview_toggle (ocwc.conf), E-50
host [LDAP], C-83
ignoreoldreminders [NOTIFY], C-32
img_button_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-21
img_enable (ocwc.conf), E-41
img_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-21
installtype [PRODUCT], C-17
invalidlogin_countinterval [ENG], C-122
invalidlogin_deactivationtime [ENG], C-122
invalidlogin_enable [ENG], C-120
invalidlogin_invalidcount [ENG], C-121
itemcacherefreshrate, C-107
itemuidmap [ENG], C-61
keepresourcepswincaldb [AUTHENTICATION], C-158
language (ocas.conf), E-12
languages (ocas.conf), E-18
lck_dedicated [YOURNODEID], C-172
left_ban_width (ocwc.conf), E-47
limitremindercheck [NOTIFY], C-33
linkdbencodefilename (ocas.conf), E-13
linkdbstorebasepath (ocas.conf), E-13
localcharset [ENG], C-42
localnodes [YOURNODEID], C-114
log_activity [CWS], C-43, C-44
login_fail_timeout (ocwc.conf), E-29
logout (ocwc.conf), E-36
logout_docname (ocwc.conf), E-23
mail [LIMITS], C-125
mailfiledelete [CWS], C-68
mailhdroriginatorfromuser [CWS], C-69
mailhdrtoname [CWS], C-69
masternode [CLUSTER], C-76
max_addrlogons [ENG], C-175
max_attach_file_size (ocwc.conf), E-43
max_login_attempts (ocwc.conf), E-28
max_login_attempts_url (ocwc.conf), E-24
max_socket [SNC], C-35
max_userlogons [ENG], C-175
maxattachmentsize [LIMITS], C-103
maxattendee (ocws.conf), E-53
maxattendees (ocst.conf), E-62
maxfavorites [LIMITS], C-139
maxfavourite (ocwc.conf), E-24
maxfolderentryperuser [QUOTA], C-138
maxinstances [ENG], C-109
maxmaildistr [LIMITS], C-127
maxnodepertask [CWS], C-29
maxnodesperlistener [LCK], C-172
maxpasswordage [LIMITS], C-118
maxpersabentries [LIMITS], C-137
maxrecur [LIMITS], C-108
maxremleadtime [LIMITS], C-109
maxresults (ocws.conf), E-54
maxsearchresult [LIMITS], C-129
maxsessions [ENG], C-173
maxsessionsfornode [ENG], C-173
maxsessionsfornode [YOURNODEID], C-174
maxtimepernode [CWS], C-27
maxwinopen [LIMITS], C-113
messaging_maxtime [CWS], C-28
messaging_waitonerror [CWS], C-28
mgrdn [LDAP], C-94
mimecontentcharset [CWS], C-70
mimecontentcharset_force [CWS], C-72
minbufsizetocompress [ACE], C-154
mincharsearch [LIMITS], C-128
mini_calendar (ocwc.conf), E-42
minrefreshrate [CLIENT], C-105
mobile_phone (ocwc.conf), E-25
mode [WEBLINK], C-140
modify_emailadd (ocwc.conf), E-41
multi-day-event [OUTLOOK_CONNECTOR], C-133
name [PRODUCT], C-16
name [YOURNODEID], C-57
needsauthenticate [ENCRYPTION], C-162
Nokia 3650 (ocst.conf), E-66
Nokia 6800 (ocst.conf), E-67
Nokia 7650 (ocst.conf), E-65
Nokia 9210 (ocst.conf), E-64
Nokia 9290 (ocst.conf), E-65
Nokia Corporation V1.1 (ocst.conf), E-69
Nokia V1 (ocst.conf), E-67
Nokia V1.1 (ocst.conf), E-68
noreqsleep [CWS], C-26
noreqsleep_replication [CWS], C-26
numconnect [YOURHOSTNAME, unidas], C-33
numsessionsstoppedpersecond [ENG], C-176
oc_minidlerefreshrate [CLIENT], C-106
oc_minofflinerefreshrate [CLIENT], C-106
ocheckleteventlog (ocas.conf), E-14
offlineab [LIMITS], C-136
offline-source-mac [WEBLINK], C-146
offline-source-version [WEBLINK], C-147
offline-source-win [WEBLINK], C-145
online-url [WEBLINK], C-145
Oracle SyncML (ocst.conf), E-72
page-backward [LIMITS], C-131
page-forward [LIMITS], C-130
paper_key (ocwc.conf), E-52
password [CSM], C-21
passwords [ENG], C-115
pdv_notes_top_task_bottom (ocwc.conf), E-51
plugins (ocas.conf), E-19
port [CSM], C-21
port [DAS], C-25
port [ENG], C-18
port [LDAP], C-84
port [SNC], C-24
portal [URL], C-142
prefs (ocwc.conf), E-37
prioritizedjobs [CWS], C-29
pubgroups [LIMITS], C-124
publishab [LIMITS], C-137
quickCreateEndTime (ocwc.conf), E-48
quickCreateStartTime (ocwc.conf), E-47
readlocktimeout [ENG], C-178
readmaxlocktime [ENG], C-180
realm (ocws.conf), E-54
remotemasternode [CLUSTER], C-77
remotemaxretry [LIMITS], C-181
remotewait [LIMITS], C-181
request_chunk_size [SNC], C-37
resourceconflicts [LIMITS], C-110
resourcemailmap [ENG], C-59
resourcerelativedn [LDAP], C-92
restore_timeout [UTL], C-53
rules [TIMEZONE], C-75
sec_left_banner (ocwc.conf), E-45
secondary page attributes (ocwc.conf), E-46
secure_login (ocwc.conf), E-29
secure-login [LIMITS], C-120
secure-port [LDAP], C-100
security [LDAP], C-100
securitycacherefreshrate [CLIENT], C-107
sendmailpath [CWS], C-66
serverlist_login (ocwc.conf), E-39
servicedefault [AUTHENTICATION], C-157
servicedefault [COMPRESSION], C-160
servicedefault [ENCRYPTION], C-163
sessionpath (ocas.conf), E-15
sessiontimeout (ocas.conf), E-15
settimezone [LIMITS], C-125
showicalvcal (ocwc.conf), E-40
showQCCompletion (ocwc.conf), E-48
signinmaxattempts [LIMITS], C-119
singlelst [LIMITS], C-123
siteauthkey [CONFERENCING], C-149
siteid [CONFERENCING], C-150
slibcachecount [ACE], C-154
sms [NOTIFY], C-127
smsc_phone (ocwc.conf), E-25
smsignoreerror [CWS], C-74
smsnotifyprogram [CWS], C-73
smsnotifyprogramparam [CWS], C-74
smtpmailhost [CWS], C-66
smtpmailmaxcommandlinesize [CWS], C-68
smtpmailmaxrecipients [CWS], C-67
smtpmailpath [CWS], C-65
smtpmailprogram [CWS], C-64
snc_so_keepalive [SNC], C-40
snc_so_rcvbuf [SNC], C-39
snc_so_sndbuf [SNC], C-40
snc_tr_block [SNC], C-38
snc_tr_recv_timeout [SNC], C-38
snc_tr_send_timeout [SNC], C-39
Sony Ericsson (ocst.conf), E-70
Sony Ericsson 2 (ocst.conf), E-71
Sony Ericsson P800 (ocst.conf), E-72
ssignin [LIMITS], C-117
ssigninrestrictions [LIMITS], C-118
ssn_timeout (ocwc.conf), E-27
sso_user_env_key (ocwc.conf), E-28
sss_cacheexpiredelay [ENG], C-152
sss_cachesize [ENG], C-152
standalone (ocas.conf), E-14
standards [ENG], C-19
startupsleep [CWS], C-25
stats [ENG], C-42
style_sheet_prefix (ocwc.conf), E-22
supported [AUTHENTICATION], C-155
supported [COMPRESSION], C-159
supported [ENCRYPTION], C-161
syncrangeback (ocst.conf), E-58
syncrangeforward (ocst.conf), E-59
sys_owner [SYS], C-20
timelimit [LDAP], C-99
timezone [YOURNODEID], C-57
tmp_attach_file_loc (ocwc.conf), E-44
top_ban_height (ocwc.conf), E-47
unidbfix_logfile [UTL], C-55
unixmail [CWS], C-64
unixmailprogram [CWS], C-65
upload_enable (ocwc.conf), E-43
userlist_login (ocwc.conf), E-38
userlist_login [LIMITS], C-119
userlookthroughlimit [ENG], C-61
usermailmap [ENG], C-58
usermobilemap [ENG], C-59
usermobiletypemap [ENG], C-60
usersearchmaxreturn [ENG], C-62
usersmsprefmap [ENG], C-60
utf8_autoconvert [ENG], C-48
utf8_onfailprintmesg [ENG], C-47
version [PRODUCT], C-16
version [YOURNODEID], C-50
wait_sbh [SNC], C-37
walletfile [CONFERENCING], C-151, C-152
walletpassword [CONFERENCING], C-151
wantattendanceintitle (ocst.conf), E-60
wantcalendars (ocst.conf), E-58
wantcontacts (ocst.conf), E-57
wantlocationintitle (ocst.conf), E-61
wantnoattendees (ocst.conf), E-62
wantownershipintitle (ocst.conf), E-60
wantrefusedentries (ocst.conf), E-59
web_attribute_name [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-166
web_attribute_type [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-166
web_attribute_valuemax [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-167
web_cacheexpiresec [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-167
web_cachesize [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-168
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-168
web_CAL_sharedkey [ACE_PLUGINS_SERVER], C-170
web_custom_script [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-169
web_tmppath [ACE_PLUGINS_CLIENT], C-169
webconferenceindetails (ocst.conf), E-61
workbufsize [ACE], C-155
writedn [LDAP], C-95
writednpassword [LDAP], C-96
writelocktimeout [ENG], C-179
writemaxlocktime [ENG], C-180
wsdl, calendaring (ocws.conf), E-55
wsdl, Web client (ocws.conf), E-55
changing, F-156
encrypting, F-104
aging, C-118
case sensitivity, C-115
changing, C-115, C-116, C-117
conventions table sample, xiv
display, A-6, B-4
notification, A-7
refresh, A-7, B-5
reminder, A-7, B-5
security, A-9, B-6
user, A-1 to A-11, B-1 to B-6
big endian, F-28, F-124
little endian, F-28, F-124
public groups, A-1
default, A-11
default right to create, A-10
granting permission to create, E-20, F-16
managing, F-106


refresh preferences, A-7, B-5
reminder preferences, A-7, B-5
meetings, old, F-170
tasks, old, F-170
resource data, copying, F-35, F-48
adding, F-217
adding agenda of one to that of another, F-39
backup, F-167
deleting, F-217
deleting after moving, F-41, F-47, F-58
granting resource administration rights, F-16
listing, F-217
modifying, F-217
moving by copying, F-35, F-48
moving several at a time, F-41, F-48, F-59
restoring, F-167
rules, time zone, C-75


preferences, A-9, B-6
sign-ons/sign-offs, displaying, F-127
size of calendar server installation, F-179
Internet, C-19
start, C-23
starting the calendar server, F-189
displaying sign on/sign off, F-127
node, F-192
summary of a calendar server stats file, F-194
unisncd, F-187
calendar server, F-201
directory server, F-103
stopping the calendar server, F-206
Sun clusters, C-17
synchronization with Sync clients, F-213
nodes in a node network, F-177
nodes with directory server information, F-99


tasks, removing old, F-170
time zone
displaying information on, F-215
rules, C-75
time zones
table, G-1 to G-11
user profile, A-1, B-1


automatic start of, C-22
automatic start of, C-22
viewing requests in queue, F-164
automatic start of, C-24
unisncd, C-23
automatic start of, C-23
statistics, F-187
unison.ini. See parameters
user data, copying, F-41, F-54
adding, F-217
adding agenda of one to that of another, F-46
backup, F-167
default profile parameters for, A-1 to A-5, B-1 to B-8
deleting, F-217
deleting after moving, F-41, F-47, F-58
granting user administration rights, F-16
listing, F-217
modifying, F-217
moving, F-139
moving by copying, F-41, F-54
moving several at a time, F-41, F-48, F-59
restoring, F-167
signed-on, F-237
UTF-8, F-210
utilities, E-1 to E-73, F-1 to F-240
uniaccessrights, F-4
uniaddnode, E-20, F-12
uniadmrights, E-20, F-16
uniarch, F-26
unib2lendian, F-28
unicheck, F-31
unicksum, F-33
uniclean, F-34
unicpinr, F-35
unicpinu, F-41
unicpoutr, F-48
unicpoutu, F-54
unicpr, F-59
unicpu, F-63
unidb2ldif, F-68
unidbbackup, F-74, F-170
unidbfix, F-79
unidbrestore, F-88
unidsacisetup, F-92
unidsdiff, F-93
unidssearch, F-97
unidssync, F-99
unidsup, F-103
uniencrypt, F-104
unigoup, F-106
uniical, F-112
unil2bendian, F-124
unilogons, F-127
unimvuser, F-139
uninode, F-145
uniping, F-159
unireqdump, F-163
unirestore, F-167
unirmold, F-170
unirndel, F-176
unirnsynch, F-177
unisizeof, F-179
unislice, F-181
unisnapshot, F-183
unisncdump, F-187
unistart, F-189
unistat, F-192
unistats, F-194
unistatus, F-201
unistop, F-206
unistrconv, F-210
unisyncrefresh, F-213
unitzinfo, F-215
uniuser, F-217
universion, F-236
uniwho, F-237
unioidconf, F-154


file system, F-31
version of the calendar server, F-236
version, verifying the calendar server, F-236


X.400 address, A-11