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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide
Release 2 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B10874-04
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C Troubleshooting

This appendix describes common installation problems and solutions.

This appendix contains these topics:

C.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client Configuration

If a user logs into Oracle Collaboration Suite and sees a generic Oracle9iAS Portal page instead of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page, do the following:

  1. Ensure that the user is a member of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group, as follows:

    1. Log into Oracle Delegated Administration Services as orcladmin at the following URL:



      In a typical installation, Oracle Delegated Administration Services is located where the infrastructure is installed.

    2. Click the Directory tab.

    3. Search for the user by user ID (orclguest, for example).

    4. Select the user from the search results, and click Edit.

    5. Scroll down to the Public Groups Assignment section, and ensure that the user is a member of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group.

      If the user is not a member, select the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users box, and click Apply.

    6. Log out of Oracle Delegated Administration Services.

  2. Ensure that the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group is the user's default group, as follows:

    1. Log into Oracle9iAS Portal as the user in question. For example, go to http://host_name:port_number/, click End User Login, and log in as orclguest.

    2. If the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page displays, the user is now correctly provisioned and the rest of this procedure is unnecessary.

    3. If the Oracle9iAS Portal Welcome page displays, click Account Info.

    4. On the Account Info page, ensure that the user's default group is set to OCS_PORTAL_USERS.

      If it is not, manually enter OCS_PORTAL_USERS for the user's default group, and click Apply.

    5. Ensure the user's Default Home Page is blank.

    6. Click the Home global button. You should see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page. If not, proceed to step 3.

  3. If the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page still does not display, do the following:

    1. Log into Oracle9iAS Portal as the user in question. For example, go to http://host_name:port_number/, click End User Login, and log in as orclguest.

    2. When the Oracle9iAS Portal Welcome page displays, click Account Info.

    3. On the Account Info page, ensure that the user's default group is set to OCS_PORTAL_USERS.

      If it is not, manually enter OCS_PORTAL_USERS for the user's default group, and click Apply.

    4. Click the Browse Pages icon next to the Default Home Page field.

    5. Locate the OCS_V2_PAGE_GROUP page group, and click to expand it.

    6. Locate the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page, and click Return Object.

    7. Click Apply.

    8. Click the Home global button and the correct home page should display.

C.2 Troubleshooting Oracle Files Installation

Most configuration errors involve failure to carefully follow preinstallation instructions. The following section describes some common installation problems, their possible causes, and how to correct the problem. Installation and configuration actions are captured in the following log files:

This section describes the following problems:

C.2.1 Error Creating Database Objects

The database is not running or is not available, or the listener is not running. Start the database and listener prior to configuration.

C.2.2 Database-Related Installation Error Messages

The database is not running or Oracle Text is not correctly configured. Start the database prior to installation and check the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files.

C.2.3 Oracle Files Servers Fail Due to Insufficient Database Resources

The values in initsid.ora are too low. Check the $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/log directory for the log file of the failed server. Edit the initsid.ora file (or change the SPFILE), but provide larger values.

C.2.4 Determining if Oracle Text is Operating Properly

The Oracle Files configuration assistant performs a series of operations to determine if Oracle Text is operating correctly. These steps involve the following:

  • Creating and logging in as an IFSCTXTEST0 user

  • Creating an Oracle Text preference

  • Creating a table with a blob column

  • Creating an Oracle Text index based on this blob column

  • Loading a Word document into the table

  • Synching the Oracle Text index

If any of these steps fail, the Oracle Files configuration assistant notifies you that Oracle Text is not operating properly. The cause of the problem can be related to a number of issues. To find out in which step the test fails, use the following procedure.


Oracle Files configuration against Windows 64-bit Oracle9i Database Server 9.2 database fails because the database is missing the ctxhx executable that is required to enable Oracle Text on the schema.

There are two possible solutions to this problem:

  • If you receive an error message during Oracle Files configuration that states "Oracle Text Verification Failed," click OK to create a schema without Oracle Text enabled.

  • Build your own ctxhx executable. For more information, read the Building a Filter Server for Oracle Text document on OTN at

Perform the following to do a manual step-by-step check of Oracle Text:

  1. Log in as a DBA user and create a test user called ifsctxtest0, as follows:

  2. Create the directory to load the ifsctxtest.doc file from:

    SQL> create or replace directory DIR_TESTCASE as '$ORACLE_
  3. Allow the IFSCTXTEST0 user to read from this directory:

    SQL> grant read on directory DIR_TESTCASE to IFSCTXTEST0;
  4. Connect as IFSCTXTEST0 and create a lexer preference:

    SQL> exec ctx_ddl.create_preference('mylexer', 'basic_lexer');
  5. Disable theme indexing for this preference:

    SQL> exec ctx_ddl.set_attribute('mylexer', 'index_themes', 'NO');
  6. Create a temporary table to store the Word document:

    SQL> create table ifs_basic_lob_table( id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, name 
    VARCHAR2(64),content BLOB );
  7. Create an Oracle Text index on the BLOB column:

    SQL> create index content_i on ifs_basic_lob_table(content) indextype is 
    ctxsys.context parameters ('lexer mylexer');
  8. Insert a row into the temporary table containing the lob locator and load the document using the following PL/SQL block:

           Dest_loc BLOB;
           Src_loc  BFILE := BFILENAME('DIR_TESTCASE', 'ifsctxtest.doc');
           INSERT INTO ifs_basic_lob_table (id,name,content)
            VALUES (1,'ifsctxtest.doc',EMPTY_BLOB())
            RETURN content INTO dest_loc;
  9. Synchronize the index:

    SQL> alter index content_i rebuild parameters('sync');
  10. Perform a content-based query on the table containing the Word document:

    SQL> SELECT id, name FROM ifs_basic_lob_table WHERE CONTAINS 
    (content,'Protocol') > 0;

    If Oracle Text is operating properly, this should return the following row:

    ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
         1 ifsctxtest.doc

Any error messages that are returned should give you an indication of what could be causing the problem. If synchronizing the index or searching on the content fails, ensure you check the CTX_USER_INDEX_ERRORS for supplemental information, as ifsctxtest0:

SQL> select * from ctx_user_index_errors;

This information can be used to search OracleMetaLink for possible solutions or supply support analysts with better diagnostic information.

Remember to review the Oracle Text documentation and the troubleshooting sections in the Oracle Files Administrator's Guide for information on configuring Oracle Text.


  • Ensure that you have the following locations in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the database server:

    $ORACLE_HOME/lib (for 64 bit distributions)




  • Stop and start the database listener to apply any changes


Remember to drop the IFSCTXTEST0 user after these tests have been performed.

C.2.5 "Out of database cursors" Message Written to $ORACLE_HOME/ifs/files/log/domain_name/node_name.log

The OPEN_CURSORS value in the initsid.ora is too low. Modify the initsid.ora file (or change the SPFILE) using a larger value for OPEN_CURSORS.

C.2.6 Server is Slow

Tuning is required.

See Also:

The Oracle Files troubleshooting and performance chapter in Oracle Files Administrator's Guide

C.2.7 Cannot Connect to Protocol Servers

If you can log in to the Oracle Files Web Interface but cannot connect to some of the Oracle Files protocol servers, you must set the Oracle Files-specific password. Protocols with which to associate an Oracle Files-specific password were selected during Oracle Files configuration. By default, FTP and AFP require users to log in with an Oracle Files-specific password rather than a Single Sign-On password.

Connect to http://host_name:port/files/app/ProtocolAccess and set the Oracle Files-specific password for users.

See Also:

Oracle Files Administrator's Guide for more information about configuring protocol servers

C.2.8 "503 Service Unavailable" Message

There are two possible causes for this:

  • The OC4J_iFS_files instance is not running. You must restart the OC4J_ifs_files process after starting the Oracle Files domain (use the command ifstl start to start the Oracle Files domain).

    Check the HTTP log for errors and start the OC4J_iFS_files instance. Then connect to http://hostname:port/files/app.

    To start the OC4J_ifs_files process, run the following command in the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin directory:

    opmnctl startproc gid=OC4J_iFS_files

    If you had previously started the OC4J_iFS_files process, use the following command to restart the process:

    opmnctl restartproc gid=OC4J_iFS_files
  • The OC4J_iFS_files instance is running, but the interface is still loading. Wait approximately one minute after starting OC4J_iFS_files before connecting.

C.2.9 Oracle Files Configuration Assistant Cannot Establish a Connection to a RAC Database With the Thin Driver

This occurs when the Oracle Files Configuration Assistant attempts to make a connection to a RAC database as SYS 'AS SYSDBA' using the thin JDBC driver, which fails.

To resolve this issue, you must create a new SYS user password:

  1. On the database computer, run the following at the command line:

    orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dba/orapw password=password entries=5

    Where password is the new value for the SYS user password.

  2. Run the following two commands in SQL*Plus to change the password of the SYS user:

    connect / as sysdba

    Where password is the password that you specified in step 1.

  3. Add the following line to the init.ora file:


C.2.10 Oracle Files Configuration Assistant "session_max_open_files must be set to 50" Error Message

The session_max_open_files value in the initsid.ora file is not set correctly. Modify the initsid.ora file and set the value of the session_max_open_files parameter to 50.

Edit the file and add the following line:


After editing the file, shut down the database and then restart it with the new initsid.ora file. Use the following command in SQL*Plus to start the database:

startup pfile="$ORACLE_HOME/pfile/initsid.ora"

Run the Oracle Files configuration assistant.

C.2.11 Broken Images on UNIX

Oracle Files uses Oracle UIX (User Interface XML) technology to generate web pages. UIX dynamically generates many images, such as buttons and tabs, appearing throughout the UI. Due to limitations in Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) prior to version 1.4, UIX requires an X server process in order to generate dynamic images on UNIX platforms.


This limitation does not affect Windows platforms.

To locate the X server, the UIX runtime relies on the value of the DISPLAY environment variable. If the Web Client is running on a UNIX host, and some of the images in the UI appear broken or inconsistent, the problem may be that the value of the DISPLAY environment variable for the Web Client process is set incorrectly.

A common symptom of this problem is that instead of the rounded, beige buttons, UI pages are rendered using native browser buttons.

To verify the value of the DISPLAY environment variable for the Web Client process, open the $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.conf file in a text editor, and locate the entry for the instance called \OC4J_Portal\:

<oc4j maxRetry="3" instanceName="OC4J_Portal" gid="OC4J_Portal" numProcs="1"> 
    <prop name="DISPLAY" value="your-host-name:0.0"/>

Change the value of the DISPLAY property to a running X server computer.


During installation, the Oracle Universal Installer automatically populates the value of the DISPLAY property in opmn.xml using the value of the DISPLAY environment variable detected during the installation session. If you are running OUI remotely, such as from a desktop PC with X emulation software such as Hummingbird Exceed), this auto-detected value will be incorrect, because it will point to a remote X server that is not guaranteed to be available. The safest approach is to create an X server on the middle tier host and set the DISPLAY property to point to it. Consult your UNIX documentation on how to start an X server on your platform.

C.3 Troubleshooting Real Application Clusters

To ensure that the installation succeeds on the remote nodes you choose, select a path for Oracle home that is the same on all chosen nodes and is writable. Otherwise, installation on the remote nodes fails. No error message indicates this failure.