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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit) and Linux x86

Part Number B12156-05
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4 Oracle Email

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Email. It contains the following sections:

What's New?

Release 2 of the Oracle Collaboration Suite e-mail product ships with restricted use licenses for the Oracle9i Application Server and the Oracle9i Database Several enhancements have been made to all components of the mail solution to improve performance and functionality. New features include:

Known Issues

This section describes Oracle Email known issues.

JDK 1.4.2 for Web Client

JDK 1.4.1 or newer must be used with Oracle Webmail to support GB18030 (Simplified Chinese PRC standard) encoding.

NNTP Server Manual Upgrade

You do not have to perform any manual steps for the NNTP Server upgrade.

TargetDN Attribute

The targetdn attribute must be cataloged manually. If this attribute is not cataloged, the user rename operation fails.


Enter the following command:

$ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin/ -connect infrastructure_connectstr -add -attr 

See Also:

Search OracleMetaLink for bug number 3049817 for more information:

Oracle Text

The text index for e-mail body searching is created with the Oracle Text BASIC_LEXER, which supports English and most western European languages that use white space delimited words. For other languages that are not supported by Oracle Text BASIC_LEXER, e-mail body search does not work.


  1. Enter the following SQL prompt:

    SQL> ALTER table es_imt_msgbody ADD (cset VARCHAR2(20) default 'JAAUTO');
  2. Choose a lexer for e-mail indexing.

    Supported lexers are:






  3. As database user es_mail, drop the existing index es_ot_ix_search file. This unindexes previously indexed e-mails.

  4. Recreate the index es_ot_ix_search file with the lexer chosen in step 2. This causes all previously indexed e-mails to be re-indexed using the new lexer.

  5. Determine whether tablespace esoratext exists.

  6. Run the following SQL commands as database user es_mail to recreate the index:

    @ execute
     Create charset filter preference
     @ execute
     @ execute
      chosen_char_set : Globalization support name of  source character set.
     DROP INDEX es_ot_ix_search;
     CREATE INDEX es_ot_ix_search ON es_imt_msgbody(text)
             indextype IS ctxsys.context
             parameters ('DATASTORE es_search_dspref
    SECTION GROUP  es_search_sec_group
    STORAGE               oratextstore
    LEXER          my_lexer
    CHARSET COLUMN cset') ;
  7. Replace the following entries:

    • my_lexer with a unique name

    • LEXER_NAME with the name of the chosen lexer

    • my_charset_preference with a unique name

    • chosen_charset with the name of the source character set


    • Indexing is limited to one lexer

    • Indexing is limited to one character set

    See Also:

    Search OracleMetaLink for bug number 2981864 for more information:

Known Bugs

This section describes Oracle Email known bugs.

Oracle Email Administration

Table 4-1 Oracle Email Administration Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
3236819 The parameter value labels for the Prevent Service Denial Attack parameter on the Policy page under the Administration tab are mislabeled. The parameter value currently labeled connection(s) refers to Spam Flood Interval. The parameter value currently labeled message(s) refers to Spam Maximum Flood Count.
3117825 OESCTL command displays a message

The following message appears when performing the oesctl show targets, oesctl startup, oesctl shutdown commands:

Admin not using default pool

You can ignore this message.

3029078 Administrator online help is missing.
2978639 If the mail store configuration for first mail store fails, the orclguest user is not provisioned for e-mail


To provision the orclguest account for e-mail, invoke the following script:

$ORACLE_HOME/oes/bin/ domain_name


  • $ORACLE_HOME is the middle tier Oracle home

  • domain_name is the e-mail domain

2882795 System rules for message delivery can be invoked more than once for a message, if the message delivery fails during the first delivery attempt and delivery is tried again.
2349530 You cannot install more than one e-mail middle tier on the same system.
2883242 When enabling the distribution list synchronization option from administration pages, the list of objectclass names must contain the groupofuniquenames or groupofnames explicitly, even if the definitions objectclasses are inherited.

HP-UX Only: Email Component Issue and Database Listener

On HP-UX, you must configure the database listener to use extproc32 for external procedure agent callout.

To configure, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the Information Storage listener.ora file, as follows:

    1. Set the program parameter to extproc32 instead of extproc as follows:

      (program = extproc32)
    2. Add the following line:

  2. Set the SHLIB_PATH environment variable, as follows:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH environment variable, as follows:

      $ export SHLIB_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib32
    • For the C shell enter:

      setenv SHLIB_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib32
  3. Restart the listener.

Oracle Email Migration Tool

Table 4-2 lists known bugs in Oracle Email Migration Tool.

Table 4-2 Oracle Email Migration Tool Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2598308 The index is not available in the Help system. Keyword searches for help are not possible. Help content is available.
2841542 Migration tool throws OutofMemoryException while migrating users.


  1. Edit the migrate.cmd/ script.

  2. Set the Minimum Heap (-Xms) to the Max available heap size.

  3. Edit the esmigration.config file in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/migration/config directory.

  4. Set oracle.mail.migration.num_of_threads to a lower value.

Table 4-3 Microsoft Exchange Plug-in Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2775294 After migration, contents of multi-part or signed messages are shown as a text attachment.
2775252 Messages with a MIME-type of multi-part or mixed that include multi-part or digest message parts are not migrated.
2760551 After migration, multi-part and parallel messages are broken
2516725 The Microsoft plug-in does not extract a shared folder from the Microsoft Exchange server if the shared folder does not have an owner, or if the default permission for that folder is not defined.


Verify that all folders have owners and the default permission defined before migrating them into the Oracle Email. (See bug number 2516792).

2558661 The Microsoft plug-in fails to extract messages with embedded OLE objects.

Table 4-4 Lotus Domino R5 Plug-in Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2632809 Unable to open some attachments using Netscape 4.x after MBOX based migration with NLS messages.


View using Netscape 7.0 or Outlook Express.

2558661 2827041 Embedded images and Notes Rich Text Format are not migrated from Lotus (for Interpersonal messages only).
2775294 2760551 Format information is lost for multi-part and parallel and multi-part and signed message types.
2991346 A few Traditional Chinese messages where the original character set is UTF-8 are not migrated properly.
2926772 During mailbox extraction, a "No Message File for Product=OES" message is logged.

Table 4-5 Novell GroupWise Plug-in Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2938463 Remainder note mail items are not extracted from the mailbox.
8469032 Creation Date is extracted instead of the Received Date
2950698 Multibyte attachment names are not correct after migration (for interpersonal message types).
2801219 The GroupWise plug-in does not extract Korean attachment names properly.
2794199 HTML body parts are not migrated properly for interpersonal message types

Table 4-6 Samsung Plug-in Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2950501 Messages composed using non-standard clients might have corrupted headers.
2921831 2921810 2921793 2921793 2921763 2921608 A few migrated messages are not properly displayed using Netscape 4.7x.


View the messages using Netscape 7.0 or Outlook Express.

2850889 Interserver messages after migration appear as extra attachments in Outlook Express.


Set INET_INLINE_FNAME_ALLOWED=FALSE in the general.cfg file in /var/opt/openmail/sys on the source Samsung Contact server before MBOX generation.

If FALSE, all the inline body parts do not have filename= in the Content-Disposition line even if a file name exists.


The following tables provide information about known server bugs.

Table 4-7 IMAP Server Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2990674 The IMAP sort command does not work correctly on wireless profile folders.

Table 4-8 List Server Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2977691 Messages sent to the parent of nested external distribution lists are not archived for the child external list.
2675017 Data returned by a PL/SQL function for a mail-merge tab is not translated into the character set of the e-mail into which the data is inserted.
2637279 If an alias is made a member of a mailing list and an e-mail with mail-merge tags is sent to such a list, then the mail-merge will be incorrect for the alias recipient. All other normal users are unaffected.

Table 4-9 NNTP Server Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2992003 The statistic is not being collected

The following statistics are not getting collected for the following NNTP Inbound and Outbound servers.

.ES_SPS.ctab.usedall = 0
.ES_SPS.socket.currload = 0
.um.admin.log.discard = 0


.es.nntp.out.threads = 0
.es.nntp.out.traffic.errors = 0
.es.nntp.out.traffic.rejects = 0
.um.admin.log.discard = 0
3023652 The outbound server core dumps when an NNTP peer does not respond with a 200 response code during the initial connection.
3028400 Message expiration for newsgroups and archived messages does not occur.
2988909 The anti-spam parameter Reject Connections from Host Domain(s) is not recognized by the NNTP Inbound server.
2991982 Articles containing a Distribution header value set for rejection are accepted. Only messages containing a Distribution header are affected.
2982508 The oespr utility does not allow multiple outbound peers for a group to be set. The peer name is replaced with the new value instead of appending the new value, so that a newsgroup can be fed to one peer only.

Table 4-10 Virus Scrubber Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
2990786 External filter names cannot contain spaces
2988901 The anti-virus pre-scan filter for the virus scrubber remains inactive when applied through the Oracle Webmail client administration pages.


  1. Navigate to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Unified Messaging page.

  2. Select Virus Scrubber then Default Settings.

  3. Enable the Pre-scan parameter.

Oracle Webmail

Table 4-11 lists the known bugs in Oracle Webmail.

Table 4-11 Oracle Webmail Known Bugs

Bug No. Description
3032404 Oracle Webmail does not display Arabic folder names properly.
3118921 3064349 3039842 3034705 302786 3027902 English appears in Oracle Webmail when reading some languages.
3118633 2435583 Sorting in Oracle Webmail is according to ASCII character set.
3118765 2958984 Oracle Webmail might have issues when dealing with certain character set encoding (KO18-U and HZ-GB-22312).
2468357 2468378 Oracle Webmail might have issues when dealing with UTF-7 encoded messages.
2478206 Oracle Email users cannot log into Oracle Webmail if the users have multibyte characters in their user IDs.
2759549 European characters are not displayed correctly.
3119310 The invite command does not work if it is executed after other list commands.


After logging in to Oracle Webmail, execute the invite command before executing any other list command. If you executed list commands before the invite command, log out of Oracle Webmail and log in again.

3041649 Runtime error occurs in French.


  1. Edit the following file:

  2. Change the following

    function validateFolder () {
    if (gotofolderform.folder.value == "") {
    alert ('<rawText 
    return (false);
    } else {
    return (true);


    function validateFolder () {
    if (gotofolderform.folder.value == "") {
    alert ("<rawText 
    return (false);
    } else {
    return (true);
  3. Restart OC4J_UM.

3027912 The message date does not display in the Message List view if the middle tier is installed in ZH locale (Simplified Chinese).
3093934 The Oracle Email portlet fails if OJMA encryption is set to True.
3101018 On Linux only.

Selecting a folder from the drop down list in the Message List page does not work.

3478904 Address lines are truncated prematurely in the Message List view.


The degree of truncation of addresses in the Message List view can be customized by the administrator of the product after installation.

To customize the number of characters displayed before truncation, the message_list.uix page (located in the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_UM/applications /UMClientApp/um_client/templates directory) can be modified by changing the following lines:

 <dataObject select="personal:20" data:source="from" />
 <dataObject select="address:20" data:source="from" />

The numbers following personal and address indicate how many characters to display before truncation occurs. In the preceding example, the first 20 characters are displayed, followed by an ellipsis (...). You can change the number of characters displayed by editing this number.

Note: if you make changes to this file you do not have to restart the OC4J_UM instance.

Documentation Errata

This section describes documentation issues in the following documentation:

Oracle Email Administrator's Guide

This section describes documentation issues in the Oracle Email Administrator's Guide.

Prevent Service Denial Attack Default Anti-Spam Parameters

The parameter values for Prevent Service Denial Attack are:

  • Spam Maximum Flood Count: The number of e-mail messages plus the number of connection requests from this host within a time interval that is considered to be flooding (Default value = 10000)

  • Spam Flood Interval: The time interval, in minutes, is used in conjunction with Spam Maximum Flood Count to determine whether a host is spamming (Default value = 10)

Table 9-5: List Server Parameters

The PL/SQL Timeout default value is 10 minutes.

Oracle Email Migration Tool Guide

This section describes documentation issues in the Oracle Email Migration Tool Guide.

References to Oracle Collaboration Suite Documentation

The Oracle Collaboration Suite Configuration Handbook has been renamed to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Quick Installation Guide.

For references to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Configuration and Planning Guide, see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2: Requirements Before Migration

  • Preparing for a Novell GroupWise Migration:

    Novell Client Version 4.81 or higher should be installed on the system where the Migration Tool is installed.

  • Choosing the Migration Option:

    Microsoft Exchange 5.0 and Microsoft Exchange 5.5 do not support Public Alias Migration from this Version.

  • Preparing for a Microsoft Exchange Migration:

    1. Create a profile.

    2. Check whether the Outlook Client is installed in Corporate or Work Group Mode.

    To check the mode in which the Outlook Client is installed:

    • Open Microsoft Outlook.

    • Click About Outlook under the Help option.

      • If it is in Corporate or Working group, change nothing.

      • If it is in Internet Mail Only Option, change the configuration from IMO to Corporate or Working Group Mode.

  • To change the configuration of Microsoft Outlook from IMO to Corporate or Work Group mode:

    1. Click Tools on the Microsoft Outlook menu bar.

    2. Select Options > Mail Format > Reconfigure.

    3. Follow the wizard and select Corporate or Working Mode.


      Explicitly install the Microsoft Outlook 2000 client in Corporate mode option if there are failures.

  • After installation:

    1. Click Start > Control Panel > Mail.

    2. Click Show profiles.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Enter the appropriate information.

    5. Check if the primary Windows NT account (used profile creation) has the Service Admin or Admin role on the Exchange Server system. If not, add the NT user to the service administration accounts list using the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program.

    6. Stop and start the Exchange services to make permissions given take effect.

    7. Check if the Exchange Administrator program is installed on the system.

Chapter 3: Migration Tasks

  • If a forward slash (/) is present in a folder name, the Oracle Email Migration Tool replaces it with an underscore (_) and prefixes the folder with Renamed_.

    For example, if the original folder is named Sales/March, the name becomes Renamed_Sales_March.

  • To install the Oracle Email Migration Tool:

    $ORACLE_HOME can be any directory on the system from which the Oracle Email Migration Tool runs. It does not have to be an Oracle installation directory.

    Create a oes/migration directory under the set ORACLE_HOME.

  • Migrating Distribution Lists

    Distribution lists are created only as SMTP distribution lists on Oracle. These can be converted to list server lists using the Oracle Webmail client administration pages.

    See Also:

    Oracle Email Administrator's Guide for more information about SMTP distribution lists and list server lists.

Appendix C

Userlistgen generates the users.xml file for IMAP-based migration where the passwords are protected. This file is used by the Migration Tool for loading users.

  1. Run (for Solaris) and userlistgen.cmd (for Windows) from $ORACLE_HOME/oes/migration/bin.


    The Oracle Email Migration Tool reads the following parameters from Standard input. To terminate, press Enter twice.

    sourceimapuserid=test1 sourceimappasswd=welcome1 targetimapuserid=test1
    targetimapuserpasswd=welcome1 quota=50 sourceimapuserid=.....

    When this is complete, copy the users.xml to the required directory from where the Oracle Email Migration Tool reads.

    ./ file=<name>

    The Oracle Email Migration Tool reads the file (in the users.xml format supported by the Oracle Email Migration Tool) and the output file is generated in the same directory with the passwords in the users.xml file protected.

    The following is an input file example:

    user sourceimapuserid="test1" sourceimappasswd="welcome1"
    targetimappasswd="welcome1" quota="10" /

Oracle Email Application Developer's Guide

This section describes documentation issues in the Oracle Email Application Developer's Guide.

Chapter 2: Java API Reference

The following sections provide information about the Java API Reference documentation.

Directory Management API: Directory Components

Before a caller can access any of the directory components, the caller must authenticate with the LDAP directory using the oracle.mail.OESContext class. When authenticated, the instance of oracle.mail.OESContext representing a trusted session must be passed to all of the directory APIs. There are two ways of authenticating: in the middle tier Oracle home directory and by providing the user credentials.

Authentication in the Middle Tier Oracle Home

In this authentication model, the application must be deployed on a middle tier host.

You must modify the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/jazn/jazn-data.xml file as follows, where $ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle home path in the middle tier host:

  1. Back up the original $ORACLE_HOME/oes/jazn/jazn-data.xml file.

  2. Open $ORACLE_HOME/oes/jazn/jazn-data.xml.

  3. Go to the end of the file.

  4. Before the </jazn-policy> tag, add the following lines.



%JARFILE_NAME% is the absolute path of the application .jar file.

An example of authenticating as an application with the debug option turned off is as follows:

OESContext oesctx = new OESContext(DirectoryConstants.DS_CALLERTYPE_APP, false);
//Authenticate to the directory 
oesctx.authenticate(null, oracle_home); //oracle_home is the oracle home path on 
the middle tier host

Authentication Providing Super User Credentials

In this authentication model, the application must provide Oracle Internet Directory super user credentials (credential of cn=orcladmin or cn=umadmin,cn=EmailServerContainer,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext)

An example of authenticating as an application passing super user credentials with the debug option turned off is as follows:

OESContext oesctx = new OESContext(DirectoryConstants.DS_CALLERTYPE_APP, false); 
//Authenticate to the directory 
oesctx.authenticate(username, password, ldaphost, ldapport); //username - super 
user dn, password - super
user password, ldaphost - OID host name, ldapport - OID port number

Directory Management Code Examples

To run these examples, the CLASSPATH environment variable needs to include the following:

jndi.jar, ldap.jar,  providerutil.jar,, $ORACLE_
HOME/jlib/repository.jar,  $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/esldap.jar, $ORACLE_
HOME/jlib/escommon.jar, $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/ojmisc.jar, $ORACLE_

You must edit the jazn-data.xml file, located in the $ORACLE_HOME/oes/jazn directory, as described in the previous section.

Oracle Email Java API Reference

This section describes documentation issues in the Oracle Email Java API Reference

Oracle Folder Add ACI Method

OracleFolder addACI method supports the following ACI in Oracle Collaboration Suite, Release 2:

a - administer: Enables ACIs to be set and deleted on folders that are owned by other users.