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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
Release 2 ( for AIX-Based Systems

Part Number B12205-02
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9 Wireless

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with the OracleAS Wireless component of Oracle Collaboration Suite. Topics include:

9.1 Getting Started

This patch (the Wireless component release number of this patch is can be applied to either Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( or Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 ( The corresponding Wireless versions in those releases are and respectively.

For information on bugs fixed in this release, and other important information, see Oracle Collaboration Suite Readme Release 2 Patch Set 1 (

9.2 What's New?

This release of Wireless includes many new and enhanced features; here are some of the highlights:

9.2.1 Over the Air Provisioning (OTA)

OTA is a newly supported feature in this patch set. It can be enabled or disabled by configuring the file. By default, the feature is disabled.

Enable OTA and configure the required carrier and device information as follows:

  1. Use a text editor to modify the file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/wireless/server/classes/oracle/panama/core/admin directory. Set the value of useOTA to true.

  2. Modify the carriers.xml and devices.xml files located in the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/marconi/marconi-web/WEB-INF directory to configure the information for carriers and devices according to the examples contained in each xml file.

  3. Modify the default values for the following settings in the file:

    • bookmarks

    • MMSC

    • email

    • syncML

    • WAP


    The bookmarks setting has two default values: Google and Yahoo!. For OTA provisioning, you must change both the bookmarks setting name and the URL values to those for Oracle Collaboration Suite.

    If you want only one bookmark, you must comment out both the and bookmark.1.URL values (which are used for the Yahoo! bookmark).

    Online Help for the OTA feature is not included in this release; it will be included in the next release.

  4. Restart the middle tier to apply the changes.

9.2.2 Real Time Browser Access from Any Mobile Device

Oracle Wireless and Voice provides highly-optimized wireless access to collaboration information from any mobile device with browser capabilities. Here are some of the tasks employees can perform from a browser on a mobile device:

  • Access, reply, or forward their email and voicemail

  • View, modify, cancel, or change status of their appointments

  • Perform lookups in corporate directory or personal address book

  • Browse Oracle Files and select a file to fax

Collaboration Suite wireless applications are highly optimized for mobile browsers of varying capabilities and devices of different form factors allowing most effective and user-friendly experience. For example, the Mobile Inbox feature provides faster, personalized access to mail by allowing users to create a virtual inbox to receive only urgent mail, mail from the last 24 hours, only voicemails, only fax messages, or mail from selected senders.

9.2.3 Ubiquitous Voice Access

Employees can now retrieve and reply to Oracle Email, manage appointments, or call someone from their address book through voice from any phone. To get voice access to Oracle Collaboration Suite, employees call a Voice Gateway from the phone and interact with a spoken interface. The Oracle Collaboration Suite voice-enabled applications respond to both voice and touch tone commands, and run on any VoiceXML gateway (that works with Oracle) with speaker-independent speech recognition.

9.2.4 Instant Access Through Async from SMS or Email

In this release, employees can also access Oracle Collaboration Suite through Async from SMS, 2-way pager, or any e-mail client. Employees can send simple Async commands through SMS or e-mail to pull in their appointments for the day, to modify or cancel a meeting, to look up employee information in a corporate directory or personal address book, or browse a files catalog to select a file to fax or send by email.

For example, a user can send an Async command "cal" through SMS to pull in all appointments for the day, or "search joe harris" to look up Joe Harris in the corporate directory.

9.2.5 Multi-Channel Alerts and Notifications

Oracle Collaboration Suite keeps your employees notified—when they receive specific Email or voice-mail, when important events are added or updated in their calendar, when they are invited to a web conference, or as a reminder for important meetings and web conferences. A unique benefit to employees is the freedom to specify which channel they want to receive these notifications: SMS, MMS, Email, voice alert, 2-way pager, or Fax.

9.2.6 Presence Availability Management

Oracle Collaboration Suite availability management capabilities puts users in control by allowing them to create their own profiles that define where they are during the day and how they want to be notified at this location. Employee availability information is published through the corporate directory so that anyone with appropriate privileges can determine the best method to contact an employee at any given moment in time.

9.3 Oracle Hosted Voice Gateway

The included out-of-the-box applications and custom-built voice applications can immediately be accessed through voice devices after Oracle Collaboration Suite Wireless installation and configuration by using the Oracle hosted voice gateway. Visit for detailed instructions.

9.4 Known Limitations and Workarounds

This section lists Known Limitations to this release.

9.4.1 Wireless SMS Notification Issue

A problem has been reported regarding Wireless SMS Notification (bug #3314271). If you are experiencing this problem, you must apply a one-off patch available from MetaLink (ARU number is 5790915).

9.4.2 Contact Rule Switcher Portlet Failure

The Contact Rule Switcher Portlet fails when the Web Client and Wireless middle tiers are installed on different machines. There are two ways to fix this problem:

  • Install both the Web Client and Wireless on the same middle tier.


  • save the file as and correctly configure the entries for Wireless.

9.4.3 Increase Wireless Email Timeout Parameter

To avoid intermittent login failures due to timeout errors, increase the value of the timeout parameter. To increase the timeout value, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Wireless Webtool.

  2. Go to Content Manager.

  3. Go to Mail.

  4. Go to Service Input Parameters.

  5. Change the timeout value from 2000 to 10000.

  6. Restart OC4J_Wireless.

9.4.4 Multiple Copies of Messages Generated

As reported in bug #3174307, upgrading (or patching) your Oracle Collaboration Suite R1 instance may cause the following symptoms to occur for some users:

  • After upgrade, users may no longer see the old rules they have set on the Wireless & Voice setting for receiving notifications (that is, voicemails, urgent messages, messages from certain people, and so on), but these rules may still be in effect. Since they are no longer shown in the list in the interface, there is no way to modify or remove these old rules.

  • Users may start receiving multiple copies of notifications after upgrade. Duplicate notifications can occur if after the Oracle Collaboration Suite instance upgrade, users create new sets of rules which are the same as their old rules (which are no longer shown). In this case, the system ends up with two sets of rules being effective for users, resulting in multiple notifications received by users.

To fix this issue, users that experience this problem should visit the Wireless & Voice Setting page on the Oracle Collaboration Suite homepage (once) after upgrading (patching). Visiting the Wireless & Voice page will automatically turn off and remove the old set of rules belonging to the user.

9.4.5 Return-to-Portal URL Configuration

If you plan to have your users access the Oracle Wireless & Voice setup wizard directly, without going through the Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal home page first, you must explicitly specify where users should navigate once they have completed the Oracle Wireless & Voice wizard. By default, if you access the wizard from Portal, you are returned to the Portal home page. If you do not access the wizard from Portal, you must specify the return-to URL of your choice in the Oracle_Home/webclient/classes/oracle/collabsuite/webclient/resources/ file.

For example: portal= default value is set to:portal=http://portal_host:portal_port/pls/portal/PORTAL.wwsec_app_priv.login

9.4.6 Wireless Calendar

In this release, users cannot create new Wireless Calendar entries through the voice interface.

9.4.7 Wireless Files

Multibyte usernames are not supported in this release.

9.4.8 Wireless Status Displayed as Down

Oracle Enterprise Manager displays all of the processes that can be managed for a middle tier machine. When accessing the EM page and clicking on a middle tier machine, Wireless will show a red down arrow. The reason for this is that the Wireless Server has not been started. To start the Wireless Server, point your browser to:@ http://machine_name:port/ptg/rm. This will automatically start the Wireless Server.

9.4.9 Multibyte Characters and Wireless Notifications

You can receive a wireless notification for a message received by Oracle Email. If either the subject or the sender's ID in the original message contains multibyte characters, then these multibyte characters are not displayed correctly in the notification.

9.4.10 Registering Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Web Tool and Wireless Customization Fails

If both the infrastructure and middle tiers are installed on the same machine, and the Enterprise Manager daemon running on that computer is referring to the infrastructure home, then the Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Webtool and Register Oracle Portal Provider for Wireless Customization from the Wireless site will throw java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError errors.In the orion-web.xml file of the infrastructure installation, pdkjava.jar and ptlshare.jar should refer the middle tier installation location.For example, if the infrastructure is installed in:/private/ias20_infra/and the middle tier is installed in:/private/ias20_midtier/then the following entries in the Enterprise Manager daemon orion-web.xml: <classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/><classpath path="/private/ias20_infra/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>should be replaced with: <classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/pdkjava.jar"/><classpath path="/private/ias20_midtier/portal/jlib/ptlshare.jar"/>Restart the opmn process for the changes to take effect.

9.4.11 Generic Single Sign-On Errors if Using Microsoft Internet Explorer

There is a generic error that affects some Oracle9iAS components, including Oracle Wireless. This error occurs when you use Microsoft Internet Explorer to access the Webtool on a machine that has both infrastructure and a middle tier installed on it. You may encounter the following errors:

  • When you log onto the Webtool by entering the username and password and clicking the Login button, an SSO warning (error) appears. Click the Refresh button on your browser to continue.

  • From the Oracle Wireless User Manager, clicking the Create button causes an SSO warning (error) to appear. You must click the Back button in Microsoft Internet Explorer to proceed (clicking the Refresh button will not enable you to continue as it does in the previous situation above).

9.4.12 Oracle Wireless Process Status Unavailable for Multiple ORACLE_HOMEs with External Repository

When installing both middle and infrastructure tiers on the same machine and changing the Wireless schema from the Enterprise Manager console to point to a schema other than the one available as part of the infrastructure installation, the Wireless process status changes are not displayed on the Enterprise Manager console. This problem occurs on all platforms. To workaround for this problem: from the ORACLE_HOME of the middle tier for which the schema has been changed, copy the following fragment from the file:<middle tier ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xmland paste it over (overwrite) the corresponding entry in the infrastructure ORACLE_HOME file:<infrastructure ORACLE_HOME>/config/iasschema.xml <SchemaConfigData> <ComponentName>Wireless</ComponentName> <BaseName>WIRELESS</BaseName> <Override>true</Override> <SchemaName>the new schema name</SchemaName> <DBConnect>the new DB connect string</DBConnect> <Password>the new DB password (encrypted)</Password> </SchemaConfigData> Restart Enterprise Manager after this is done.

9.4.13 Multibyte Usernames in Jabber Not Supported

Jabber, the backend used with Instant Messaging, does not support multibyte usernames, and therefore the Instant Messaging module also does not support multibyte usernames.

9.5 Using Wireless and Voice

This section contains access and use information that will help you more easily use Wireless and Voice.

9.5.1 Access Information

Two Quick Reference Cards are available to help users with ASK/SMS and Voice Access. They are available on Oracle Technology Network at the following locations:

  • ASK/SMS Access—

  • Voice Access—

9.5.2 ASK Commands to Access Collaboration Suite from SMS, Email, or 2-way Pager

The following commands are available for accessing Oracle Collaboration Suite components. Calendar

To view your appointments:cal [day|week] [date]Examples:To list today's appointments:calTo list appointments for August 21 of this year:cal day 8/21To list appointments for the week of August 21, 2003:cal week 8/21/2003:

To make an appointment:

cal new title date start-time duration [location] [notes]

date in "MM/dd/yyyy" format - year can be omitted e.g. 6/29

start-time in "hh:mma" format - e.g. 1:30pm, 9:20am

duration in minutes - e.g. 90

Example:cal new test 9/24 1:00pm 90 HQ "bring lunch" Address Book

The Find searches on phone numbers, names (partial string search) or division. Note that a Directory lookup will only be performed if the contact is not found in the personal Address Book.To find contacts in your personal address book or corporate directory:find string


string is a comma-separated list of names, such as: John,Jack,Smith)

  • You may specify either first or last name.

  • Search is case-insensitive.

Example:find John,Jack,Smith Mail

The following commands are supported for Oracle Email:send—returns help messagesend help—returns help messagesend recipients documents|text:text—sends documents or text messages to a list of recipientsExamples:

send jacob "text:This is a test message."

send /private/documents/roadmap30.ppt Fax

The following fax commands are supported:fax /helpfax -helpfax -hfax recipient_fax_number "text:fax message"Examples:fax 16505067222 "text:hello world"fax recipient_fax_number fileURL[,filePathInFilesOnline]fax 16505067222 16505067222,/private/john/mydoc/test.html,/private/john/mydoc/FunSpec.html Directory

To find contacts in your corporate directory:search string


string is a comma-separated list of names (first or last); someone's global ID with no extension, email address, or phone number. Short Messaging

Use the sm command to send short messaging over any channel. Supported channels are:sm <channel> <recipient> <subject> <message>Examples:sm voice 16505551212 Meeting Let's meet at 2:00pm—Sent as voice email "Simple Subject" This is my message—Sent as an sms 5551212 Meeting Let's meet at 2:00pm—Sent as an SMS message. sm fax 16505067000 "Urgent Meeting" This is important—Sent as fax. Instant Messaging

Supported channels are voice, email, sms and fax. Subjects containing multiple words must be quoted.Usage: im command [param1 param2 param3 ... paramN]Example: im send my friend "Hi, how are you doing?"Enclose (in double quotes) parameters containing spaces.Available Commands:

  • help—shows the list of available im commands.

  • connect—connects the user to the im service.

  • disconnect—disconnects the user from the im service.

  • groups—retrieves the user's groups.

  • addgroup 'name'—adds a group to the user's groups.

  • delgroup 'name'—removes the group specified from the user's groups.

  • mvgroup 'oldname' 'newname'—renames the group specified by 'oldname' to 'newname'.

  • online 'name'—shows the list of online friends in the group specified by 'name'.

  • offline 'name'—shows the list of offline friends in the group specified by 'name'.

  • add 'friend' 'group' [Yahoo|MSN]— adds a friend to the group specified - remote Yahoo or MSN friends can be specified.

  • del 'friend' 'group'—removes a friend from the group specified.

  • mv 'friend' 'oldgroup' 'newgroup'—moves a friend from 'oldgroup' to 'newgroup'.

  • statuses—shows the list of the main status groups.

  • statuses 'statusgroup'—shows the list of statuses within a group of statuses.

  • status 'statusID'—Sets the user's current status to the status specified.

  • msgs—shows all the unread messages on the server for the user.

  • arch—shows all the archived messages on the server for the user.

  • msg 'msgID'—shows the message specified by 'msgID'.

  • send 'friend' 'text'—sends a message to the 'friend' specified with the 'text' specified.

  • psts—shows the list of the user's preset messages.

  • addpst 'text'—adds a message to the user's preset messages.

  • delpst 'presetID'—removes the preset message specified from the user's preset messages.

  • sendpst 'friend' 'presetID'—sends a message to the 'friend' specified with the preset message specified.

  • account 'username' 'password' [Yahoo|MSN]—updates the local, Yahoo or MSN account information.

  • autologin on|off—sets the auto-login option for the local account to on or off. Files

To browse the contents of a given directory:files [<directory>]Example:files /PrivateIf left empty, the home directory is assumed.

9.6 Documentation Errata

The following documentation items have changed since the last release.

9.6.1 Calendar Server

This paragraph replaces the information in Section 4.3 of Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide concerning valid values. In Oracle Collaboration Suite mode, enter the name and port of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Calendar server. Separate both these entries with a colon (:). To determine the port for Calendar server access, go to http://mid-tier:port. Click the Ports tab. In the table listing the ports, look for Oracle Calendar server. The port for the Oracle Calendar server can also be found by running the following command on the Oracle Calendar middle tier:$ORACLE_HOME/ocal/bin/profilget -s ENG -k port

9.6.2 Wireless Configuration Assistant Display

Perform this workaround on the infrastructure database before beginning the Wireless middle tier installation.

Bug 3232042 is caused by Wireless not determining the version of the Wireless schema and data. The workaround for this problem is to set the Wireless version prior to running the Wireless Configuration Assistant. This is done by executing the Wireless version number PL/SQL procedures in the infrastructure database. Follow these steps:

  1. Obtain the Wireless password.

    Since these procedures are part of the Wireless schema, you must first obtain the Wireless password from OID. This can be accomplished as follows:

    • Start the OID management tool.

    • Select your OID server (for example,, port 389)

    • Login as orcladmin/welcome1.

    • Follow this path to get the Wireless password:

      Entry Management-> cn=OracleContext-> cn=Products-> cn=IAS-> cn=IAS Infrastructure-> orclReferenceName=ias..-> orclResourceName=WIRELESS

    • Click the resource, and you will see the password attribute.

  2. Fix the infrastructure database.

    To set the versions correctly, connect to the infrastructure database as user WIRELESS and execute the following commands:

    exec PTG_UPGRADE_PKG.add_schema_version('');

    exec PTG_UPGRADE_PKG.add_data_version('');

9.6.3 Configuring Oracle Wireless to Enable Messaging

In the Enabling Messaging section of Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide, Oracle hosted service is introduced and described.

You may use the messenger service hosted by Oracle for evaluating the messaging and notifications capabilities of the Oracle9iAS Wireless. The Wireless instance is, upon installation, equipped to use this hosted instance without any additional configuration. However, after the evaluation period, customers must set up their own messaging infrastructure.

9.6.4 Online Help Display

Online help pages are empty when accessed from the Customization Portal.

To fix this issue, install the patch available on Oracle MetaLink (; the MetaLink (ARU) number is: 4908103.

9.6.5 Nuance Voice Web Service Gateway

The mention of Nuance software in the Release 2 Wireless Administrator's Guide is obsolete. To use this functionality, Oracle Corporation recommends the Hosted Voice Gateway service:

9.6.6 Speechgenie Gateway

The Voicegenie voice gateway is no longer supported nor being sold by Voicegenie Inc. Voicegenie Inc. is now selling and supporting the Speechgenie voice gateway.