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Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( for hp-ux PA-RISC (64-bit), Linux x86, and Solaris Operating Environment (SPARC 32-bit)

Part Number B13767-02
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5 New Features

This chapter contains information on various new features of Oracle Collaboration Suite and its components included in patch set Release 2 Patch Set 1 (

This chapter includes the following topics:

5.1 Enabling New Language Translations (Optional)

Oracle Collaboration Suite patch set Release 2 Patch Set 1 ( provides new language translations for Hungarian, Russian, Czech, and Romanian.

If you intend to use one or more of these languages, you must enable them according to the instructions in this section.

See Also:

Section 3.2.1, "Enabling Support for New Languages in Oracle Calendar" for enabling new language support in Oracle Calendar

To enable the new language translations:



Enabling the same language more than once in Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On will result in repository corruption. Select the language selection menu from the Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On login page to see which languages are enabled at the instance.

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    • Set the ORACLE_HOME

    • Set the PATH to include the following:

    • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the following:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH to the following for the hp-ux PA-RISC platform:

  2. Create a directory in the infrastructure, as follows:

    mkdir $ORACLE_HOME/sso/nlsres/ctl/language

    where language is one of the following language codes:

    • hu: Hungarian

    • ru: Russian

    • cs: Czech

    • ro: Romanian

  3. Copy the middle_tier_$ORACLE_HOME/portal/admin/plsql /nlsres/ctl/language file to the infrastructure_$ORACLE_HOME/sso/nlsres/ctl/language file.


    If using FTP, execute the transfer in binary mode.

  4. Enable Oracle9iAS Single Sign-On to support the new language by running the following command from the infrastructure (the following command is one continuous line):

    $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar langinst language 1 $ORACLE_HOME

Middle Tier


Enabling the same language more than once in Oracle9iAS Portal will result in repository corruption. Enable the language selection portlet to display enabled languages.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information

  1. Set the following environment variables:

    • Set the ORACLE_HOME

    • Set the PATH to include the following:

    • Set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the following:

    • Set the SHLIB_PATH to the following for the hp-ux PA-RISC platform:

  2. Enable Portal to support the new language by running the following command from the middle tier (the following command is one continuous line):

    $ORACLE_HOME/assistants/opca/ptlasst.csh -mode LANGUAGE -s portal -sp 
    portal_password -c -lang language -available 
    -silent -m portal -verbose

    where language is one of the following language codes:

    • hu: Hungarian

    • ru: Russian

    • cs: Czech

    • ro: Romanian

    and portal_password is the Oracle9iAS Portal schema password. It can be retrieved from Oracle Internet Directory with dn:

    cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext
 specifies the connect string to the infrastructure database. The format should be host_name:port:SID. Default port and SID are 1521 and iasdb respectively.

5.2 Support for Oracle Database 10g Release 1

With this patch set, Oracle Collaboration Suite now supports Oracle Database 10g. Full instructions for using Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Collaboration Suite are provided in Section 4.2, "Using Oracle Database 10g with Oracle Collaboration Suite".

5.3 New Features in Oracle Calendar

This section describes the new Oracle Calendar features and includes the following topics:

5.3.1 New Features in the Oracle Calendar Server

This release of the Oracle Calendar server includes the following new features:

  • Performance enhancements

    • Server side security enforcement

    • Improved event retrieval

    • Improved low-level event searching

    • Decreased CPU usage through tuning of low-level database access

    • Decreased CPU usage through tuning of Global Address List construction

  • Scalability enhancements

    • Increased the maximum number of contacts per node to between 600000 and 1 million depending on your setup

    • Serialization of synchronization context refreshes

  • Tighter integration with Oracle Internet Directory

    • Access to more user attributes

    • Better support for users who have multiple e-mail addresses in Oracle Internet Directory (3299418)

    • Increased deployment flexibility through support for non-persistent (on demand) Directory Access Server connections

  • Support for coexistence between a standalone calendar server connected to an iPlanet directory server and an Oracle Calendar server connected to an Oracle Internet Directory server and linked through Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning to an iPlanet directory server

  • Increased support for Oracle Connector for Outlook

    • Support for personal annotation of meeting details

    • Increased length of the country name and middle name attributes

    • Support for longer resource IDs

    • Support for longer resource names

    • Support for the following attributes in the user information dialog box:

      • Department

      • Display

      • Home (phone number)

      • Office

      • Address (office address)

      • City (office address)

      • State (office address)

      • Zip code (office address)

      • Pager (phone number)

      • Alias

      • Business 2 (phone number)

      • Home 2 (phone number)

      • Notes (phone number)

      • Assistant

      • Assistant (phone number)

      • Manager (organization)

  • Support for the capability to invite users by e-mail address or user ID

  • Support for the ability to restrict users from browsing the user directory when logging in (3266790)

  • Support for multi-threading in Linux installations

  • The initials attribute is now mapped to middle name by default

  • Web conferencing notifications can be disabled

  • New languages supported for notification and reminder e-mails: Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and Russian

  • Support for longer lists of Oracle Calendar Web client favorites

  • Several server parameters have been added and updated to support new features. For a detailed listing of the changes see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release Notes.

  • The capability to limit the maximum number of attendees for a meeting has been added. The default limit is 5000.

5.3.2 New Features in the Oracle Calendar Administrator

In this release of the Oracle Calendar Administrator you can search for resources by category using the advanced search.

5.3.3 New Features in the Oracle Calendar Application System

This section includes the following topics:

New Features in the Oracle Calendar Web Client

This section lists new features of the Oracle Calendar Web client.

  • The Favorites list can now include more than 15 agendas, provided this is configured in the ocwc.conf and unison.ini files. See Section 3.2.4, "Increasing the Size of the Favorites List in the Oracle Calendar Web Client" for configuration instructions. (3138441)

  • The Web client now supports the following languages: Romanian, Russian, Hungarian and Czech. See Section 3.2.1, "Enabling Support for New Languages in Oracle Calendar" for configuration instructions. (3387489)

  • E-mail addresses can now be used to search for users. (3292710)

  • Pages have been optimized for faster performance. (3306569)

  • Opening remote users' agendas is now faster. (2984604, 3315169)

  • Supported default attachment types now include .zip, .bmp, and .png. See Section 3.2.2, "Reducing Page Size and Enabling Support for New Attachment Types in Oracle Calendar" for configuration instructions. (3140301)

  • Internet Explorer's Autocomplete feature is now disabled for text fields in Oracle Calendar; this is to increase security, particularly for users who share a computer. (3267536)

  • Various enhancements, such as a clearer subject line, have been implemented in Resource Approval e-mail messages. (3274584)

  • The Oracle Calendar portlet can now display meetings that last more than 24 hours. (3104320)

  • External users invited to meetings are now displayed in the attendees list. (3258432)

  • The time zone table under Preferences has been translated. (3125321)

  • The names of files attached to meetings are now displayed. (2634962)

  • The New Task page in Accessible mode is more clearly organized. (3402994)

New Features in Oracle Sync Server

This section lists new features of Oracle Sync Server.

The following devices have been certified for use with Oracle Sync Server:

  • Sony Ericsson P900 (with firmware R4A06)

  • Sony Ericsson T610/T616

  • Nokia 6600

  • Nokia 6820

  • Siemens M55

This release provides support for version of the Synthesis SyncML client used on the following devices with Oracle Sync Server:

  • PocketPC:

    • HP iPAQ 5550

    • Dell Axium

    • Siemens SX56

  • Palm:

    • Sony Clie TG50

    • Palm Tungsten W

    • Palm Tungsten T3

This release provides support for Blackberry devices used with Oracle Sync Server and Research In Motion's Consilient2 SyncML solution.

New Features in Oracle Calendar Web Services

This section lists new features of Oracle Calendar Web services.

  • Summaries: Through Web services, users can now query the Oracle Calendar server for the number of unconfirmed events, number of open tasks, or number of overdue tasks, based on a date range.

  • Searches: Through Web services, users can now search the Oracle Calendar server for events based on criteria such as location, title, start time and attendees.

5.3.4 New Features in Oracle Connector for Outlook

This section lists new features of Oracle Connector for Outlook.

  • Ability to add personal notes to an entry. The steps are as follows:

    1. Type the text in the Notes section of the entry.

    2. Save the entry.

    3. Your personal note is displayed in the Notes section. To view the entry organizer's original notes, click Organizer's Notes.

    4. If the entry owner modifies the original note, a bell icon will appear beside the Organizer's Note button. To view the organizer's modified note, click Organizer's Note. The bell icon will not be displayed after you view the modified note.


    This feature is only available for calendar entries created by other users. Users cannot add personal notes to entries they create.

  • Use of an extensible time zone table. To address issues encountered by users of older versions of Windows in certain time zones, the way time zones are handled was re-architectured. This re-architecture enables Oracle Connector for Outlook to dynamically adapt to time zone discrepancies between the Windows' time zone and the calendar server's time zone. (3207187, 3197015)

  • To provide quick access to other users' folders, a list of most recently opened other users' folders is available by selecting File, then selecting Open. This list is also available by using a keyboard shortcut.

  • Additional GAL user attributes displayed in the Properties dialog box

    • User attributes displayed are more representative of the fields available in Oracle Internet Directory

    • Certain attributes can be hidden through the use of server-side parameters


      Display of direct reports is not yet supported.

  • Significant decrease in e-mail notifications sent for Web conferences

    • E-mail notifications are only sent when a Web conference is created, the time is updated or if a new attendee is added

  • Selecting I am currently out of the office using the Out of Office Assistant defaults to the Reply only once to each sender option instead of the Reject sender's e-mail option

  • Support for Windows Server 2003

  • Support for ActiveSync to 3.7.1

  • Support for Czech, Russian and Romanian

5.3.5 New Features in the Oracle Calendar Desktop Clients

This section includes the following topics:

Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Windows

  • Ability to search for users based on their user IDs and e-mail addresses

  • Comma and tab-delimited exports include information from the Details field

  • Support for French

Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Macintosh

  • Ability to search for users based on their user IDs and e-mail addresses

  • Comma and tab-delimited exports include information from the Details field

Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Linux

  • Ability to search for users based on their user IDs and e-mail addresses

  • Comma and tab-delimited exports include information from the Details field

Oracle Calendar Desktop Client for Solaris

  • Ability to search for users based on their user IDs and e-mail addresses

  • Comma and tab-delimited exports include information from the Details field

5.3.6 New Features in the Oracle Calendar Sync Clients

This section includes the following topics:

Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Windows

  • Support for the Tungsten W

  • Support for French

Oracle Calendar Sync for Palm for Macintosh

  • Support for Mac OS 9.22 to 10.3

Oracle Calendar Sync for Pocket PC

  • Support for the HP IPAQ 5550 (2003) and Dell Axim 2003

  • Support for French

5.4 New and Updated Server Parameters for the Oracle Calendar Server

This section describes new and updated parameters for the Oracle Calendar server and contains the following topics.

5.4.1 New Parameters in the unison.ini File

Table 5-1 contains the new parameters that have been added to the unison.ini file.

Table 5-1 New parameters added to the unison.ini file

Section Parameter Description
[CLIENT] oc_minsendreceiverate Controlling the Rate of Oracle Connector for Outlook Refreshes

searchorder_user Specifying Client Application Search Methods
[CONFERENCING] baseurl_join Redirecting Web Conferencing URLs

disablenotification Disabling Web Conferencing Notification
[DAS] dir_connectmodel Specifying the Directory Server Connection Model
[ENG] dir_enableldappersonsearch Enabling Access to LDAP Directories

maxattendees Limiting the Number of Meeting Attendees

ocas_sessionexpiry Setting Time Limits for Oracle Calendar Application System Sessions
[LDAP] attr_alias Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alias

attr_assistant Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Assistant Name

attr_assistantphone Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Assistant Phone Number

attr_department Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Department

attr_displayname Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Display Name

attr_homephone2 Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alternate Home Phone Number

attr_managerdn Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Manager

attr_notes Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Notes

attr_officeaddress Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Street

attr_officecity Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: City

attr_officename Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Building

attr_officepostalcode Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Postal Code

attr_officestate Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: State

attr_pager Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Pager

attr_phone2 Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alternate Business Phone

Controlling the Rate of Oracle Connector for Outlook Refreshes

Parameter: oc_minsendreceiverate

Section: [CLIENT]

Description: Specifies the minimum number of minutes before the next automatic call to the server to check for new agenda entries. This is used by Oracle Connector for Outlook only.

Accepted values: Any positive integer

Default value: 15

Specifying Client Application Search Methods

Parameter: searchorder_user

Section: [CLIENT]

Description: Specifies to the client which search methods to use and in what order when trying to find a calendar user account.

Accepted values: A comma delimited list of search methods enclosed in curly braces. The currently recognized search methods are: X400, USERID, EMAIL.

Default values: At installation, if e-mail is mapped to user ID then the default value is set to {USERID, X400}. Otherwise there is no default set.

Redirecting Web Conferencing URLs

Parameter: baseurl_join


Description: Specifies the base URL to use to replace the base URL of the join URL provided by Web Conferencing when a meeting is created.

See Also:

[CONFERENCING]url in the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual

Accepted values: A base URL of the following format:

Protocol: HTTP or HTTPS
Hostname: hostname value (default = localhost)
Port: port value (HTTP default = 80, HTTPS default = 443)
If a path is supplied, it is ignored.

Default value: None

Disabling Web Conferencing Notification

Parameter: disablenotification


Description: Specifies whether or not Web Conferencing sends e-mail notifications of changes made to meetings by Calendar client applications. This parameter applies to Oracle Connector for Outlook only.

Accepted values:

TRUE (Disables notification)

FALSE (Enables notification)

Default value: FALSE

Specifying the Directory Server Connection Model

Parameter: dir_connectmodel

Section: [DAS]

Description: Specifies the directory server connection model. In the persistent connection model, the directory server connection is established at startup and terminated at shutdown. In the on-demand connection model, the directory server connection is established for a transaction that requires directory access and is terminated at the end of the transaction.

Accepted values:



Default value: persistent

Enabling Access to LDAP Directories

Parameter: dir_enableldappersonsearch

Section: [ENG]

Description: Enables or disables access to non-calendar users stored in an LDAP directory. To minimize the number of hits to the LDAP directory server in environments where all the LDAP users are provisioned for Oracle Calendar, set this parameter to FALSE.

Accepted values

TRUE (Enables access to the LDAP directory)

FALSE (Disables access to the LDAP directory)

Default value: TRUE

Limiting the Number of Meeting Attendees

Parameter: maxattendees

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the maximum number of attendees an event can have. This parameter does not apply to holidays, the unimvuser utility, or replication.

A value of 0 indicates that no limit should be enforced by the server.

Accepted values: Any positive integer or 0.

Default value: 5000

Setting Time Limits for Oracle Calendar Application System Sessions

Parameter: ocas_sessionexpiry

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, before the connection between Oracle Calendar Application System and Oracle Calendar server is terminated. The actual expiry is set within plus or minus 30% of this value. This implies that, with a default setting of 2160 minutes (36 hours), the actual expiry will be within 1 or 2 days of the connection being established. A value of 0 indicates that no limit should be enforced by the server.


Client applications are not affected by this connection loss.

Accepted values: Any positive integer or 0.

Default value: 2160 (36 hours)

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Assistant Phone Number

Parameter: attr_assistantphone

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the ASSISTANT-PHONE attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alias

Parameter: attr_alias

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the ALIAS attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: uid

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Assistant Name

Parameter: attr_assistant

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the ASSISTANT attribute.

See Also:

[LDAP]attr_assistantphone in Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Assistant Phone Number

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Department

Parameter: attr_department

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the DEPARTMENT attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: departmentnumber

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Display Name

Parameter: attr_displayname

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the DISPLAYNAME attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value:

displayname (for Oracle Internet Directory)

" " (for LDAP directory servers)

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alternate Home Phone Number

Parameter: attr_homephone2

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the HOMEPHONE2 attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Manager

Parameter: attr_managerdn

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for a user's managerdn attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value:

manager (for Oracle Internet Directory)

" " (for LDAP directory servers)

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Notes

Parameter: attr_notes

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the notes attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Street

Parameter: attr_officeaddress

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OFFICE-ADDRESS attribute.

See Also:

[LDAP]attr_officecity in Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: City

[LDAP]attr_officepostalcode in Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Postal Code

[LDAP]attr_officestate in Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: State

[LDAP]attr_country in the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: street

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: City

Parameter: attr_officecity

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OFFICE-CITY attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: l (lowercase L)

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Building

Parameter: attr_officename

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OFFICE-BUILDING attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: physicalDeliveryOfficeName

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: Postal Code

Parameter: attr_officepostalcode

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OFFICE-POSTALCODE attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: postalcode

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Address: State

Parameter: attr_officestate

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OFFICE-STATE attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: st

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Pager

Parameter: attr_pager

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the PAGER attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: pager

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Alternate Business Phone

Parameter: attr_phone2

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the secondary business telephone number "PHONE2" attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

5.4.2 Updated Parameters in the unison.ini File

This section contains a list of updated parameters and their descriptions.

Table 5-2 Parameters updated in release

Section Parameter Description Changes made
[CWS] mailhdrtoname Enabling Name Display in E-Mail Headers
The description has been modified.

noreqsleep Setting CWS Waiting Time
The description has been modified.

noreqsleep_replication Setting CWS Waiting Time for Replication Requests
The description has been modified.

smsnotifymsgfile N/A This parameter has been obsoleted.
[DAS] dir_connection N/A This parameter has been obsoleted.
[DB] db_pages Specifying the Number of Pages for the Database Cache
The default value has been changed from 8 to 24.
[ENCRYPTION] default Specifying the Default Encryption Method
The default value has been changed from none to cs-light.
[ENG] allowresourceconflict Allowing Resource Conflicts
The description has been modified.

gal_refreshinterval Refreshing the Global Address List
The default value has been changed from 7200 to 21600.

itemextinfomaxsize Storing Web Client Preferences
This parameter is now published.

sss_cachesize Specifying the Size of the Server-Side Security Records Cache
The default value has been changed from 101 to maxsession * 100.

sss_cacheexpiredelay N/A This parameter has been renamed to sss_expiredelay.

sss_expiredelay Specifying the Expiry Delay for the Server-Side Security Records Cache
This parameter has been renamed from sss_cacheexpiredelay.
[LDAP] attr_address Specifying the LDAP Attribute for User Address
The description has been modified.

attr_employeeid Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Employee ID
The default value has been changed from None to +++.

attr_fax Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Fax Number
This parameter is now published.

attr_homephone Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Home Phone Number
This parameter is now published.

attr_initials Specifying the LDAP Attribute for User Initials
The default value has been changed from initials to middlename.

attr_jobtitle Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Job Title
This parameter is now published.

attr_orgunit1 Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Organizational Unit
This parameter is now published.

attr_phone Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Phone Number
This parameter is now published.

attr_timezone Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Time Zone
This parameter is now published.

usealtexclusionfilter N/A This parameter has been obsoleted.
LIMITS autocontrol Specifying the Minimum Interval for Checks for New Agenda Entries
There was an error in the documentation of this parameter.

resourceconflicts Allowing Resource Double-Booking
The description has been modified.

userlist_login Enabling Browsing at Login
The default value was changed from TRUE to FALSE.
UTL ca_maxsearchresult Limiting the Number of Search Results
The default value has been changed from 100 to 200.

Enabling Name Display in E-Mail Headers

Parameter: mailhdrtoname

Section: [CWS]

Description: Determines whether or not to include names along with addresses in the e-mail address fields ("From:", "To:" and "Reply-To") of the mail header. While addresses are constructed using ASCII characters (and hence present no display problem for mail readers), names may contain non-ASCII characters. In cases where the mail reader is unable to display the non-ASCII characters properly, remove the names from the address field altogether.

Accepted values:

TRUE (Include names)

FALSE (Do not include names)

Default value: TRUE

Setting CWS Waiting Time

Parameter: noreqsleep

Section: [CWS]

Description: Specifies the number of seconds the Corporate-Wide Services daemon/service waits (sleeps) when there is no work to do. This setting affects how often certain operations, such as server-side reminders and replication, are done. A low value may slow down the uniengd but reduces any delays in processing reminders and Web conferencing replication requests.

If no replication requests remain in the CWS replication queue, the number of seconds to wait before checking for new replication requests will be the greater of noreqsleep and noreqsleep_replication.

Accepted values: A positive integer

Default value: 15

Setting CWS Waiting Time for Replication Requests

Parameter: noreqsleep_replication

Section: [CWS]

Description: Specifies the number of seconds the Corporate-Wide Services daemon/service waits (sleeps) when there are no replication requests in the queue. This setting affects how often certain operations, such as remote user replication, are done. A low value may slow down the uniengd but reduces any delays in processing reminders and Web conferencing replication requests.

If no replication requests remain in the CWS replication queue, the number of seconds to wait before checking for new replication requests will be the greater of noreqsleep and noreqsleep_replication.

Accepted values: A positive integer

Default value: 15

Specifying the Number of Pages for the Database Cache

Parameter: db_pages

Section: [DB]

Description: Specifies the number of pages for the database cache. The greater the value, the greater the amount of memory used and the better the performance. As the number increases beyond a certain point, the returns on performance enhancement diminish.

Accepted values: A positive integer

Default value: 24

Specifying the Default Encryption Method

Parameter: default


Description: Specifies the default encryption method the calendar server uses for clients.

Accepted values: Any method in the list specified by the [ENCRYPTION] supported parameter.

Default value: cs-light

Allowing Resource Conflicts

Parameter: allowresourceconflict

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies whether the server allows double-booking of resources. This parameter should always be set with the same value as the [LIMITS] resourceconflicts parameter.

If this parameter is set to FALSE, each resource either allows or disallows conflicts based on its ALLOW-CONFLICT attribute. If the ALLOW-CONFLICT attribute is set to FALSE, no conflict will be allowed.

If this parameter is set to TRUE, the server allows all resources to be double-booked. In this case, the ALLOW-CONFLICT resource attribute is ignored.

See Also:

[LIMITS] resourceconflicts in Allowing Resource Double-Booking

Accepted values:

TRUE (Allow double-bookings)

FALSE (Do not allow double-bookings)

Default value : FALSE

Refreshing the Global Address List

Parameter: gal_refreshinterval

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the time interval in seconds between each refresh of the Global Address List (GAL). Searches for entries in the GAL are a drain on performance and frequently done. To improve performance, the search results are cached and reused by the server.

To make sure that the cache is updated, the CWS periodically (see [CWS] galsyncinterval) sends requests to the server to update the result set. The result set is only rebuilt if it was invalidated (if, for example, a new node was added to the network) or if the current revision is older than the value of the parameter gal_refreshinterval. The parameter [CWS] galsyncinterval is used to configure the interval between each refresh.

Accepted values: A positive integer

Default value: 21600 (6 hours)

Storing Web Client Preferences

Parameter: itemextinfomaxsize

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the maximum length of the itemextinfo attribute used by the Web client to store calendar account preferences.

Accepted values: A positive integer larger than 1500

Default value: None

Specifying the Size of the Server-Side Security Records Cache

Parameter: sss_cachesize

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the number of read access record entries in the cache. The server uses these records to determine whether a user has the right to read calendar data he does not own. This cache is used to speed up reading the security access records by the server for handling the server-side security. There is one cache per user session.

Accepted values:

0 (Disables the cache)

A positive integer less than 1000003

Default value: maxsession * 100

Specifying the Expiry Delay for the Server-Side Security Records Cache

Parameter: sss_expiredelay

Section: [ENG]

Description: Specifies the number of seconds an entry is kept in the cache before it expires.

Accepted values: A positive integer

Default value: 900

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for User Address

Parameter: attr_address

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the calendar user address attribute LOC.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value:

postalAddress (for Oracle Calendar standalone)

homePostalAddress (for Oracle Collaboration Suite)

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Employee ID

Parameter: attr_employeeid

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the "EMPL-ID" attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: employeenumber

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Fax Number

Parameter: attr_fax

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the FAX attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: facsimileTelephoneNumber

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Home Phone Number

Parameter: attr_homephone

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the HOMEPHONE attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for User Initials

Parameter: attr_initials

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the initials "I" attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: middlename

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Job Title

Parameter: attr_jobtitle

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the job title "jt" attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Organizational Unit

Parameter: attr_orgunit1

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the OU1 attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: ou

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Business Phone Number

Parameter: attr_phone

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the business telephone number "PHONE" attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: phone

Specifying the LDAP Attribute for Time Zone

Parameter: attr_timezone

Section: [LDAP]

Description: Specifies the attribute name that the LDAP directory server uses for the time zone attribute.

Accepted values: Any attribute name defined in the LDAP directory server schema. If "" is used, this attribute will not be read nor written.

Default value: None

Specifying the Minimum Interval for Checks for New Agenda Entries

Parameter: autocontrol

Section: [LIMITS]

Description: Specifies the minimum number of minutes that a user can set as the interval between agenda refresh calls to the server (that is, between each check for new agenda entries).

If this value is less than [ENG]maxsessions/60, the value of [ENG]maxsessions/60 takes precedence, to a maximum value of 45. For example, if autocontrol = 15 and [ENG]maxsessions = 1200, no refresh occurs before 20 (i.e. 1200/60) minutes has elapsed.

See Also:

[ENG]maxsessions, [CLIENT]minrefreshrate in the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual

Accepted values: Any positive integer up to the value of (216-1)

Default value: 15

Allowing Resource Double-Booking

Parameter: resourceconflicts

Section: [LIMITS]

Description: Specifies whether the client allows users to double-book resources. In release 5.4 and older where resource conflicts is a server wide setting, this parameter should always be set with the same value as the [ENG] allowresourceconflict parameter. This applies to the Oracle Calendar Desktop clients and the Oracle Calendar Web client.

If a per-resource conflict option is required and older clients are in use, set this parameter to TRUE so that the clients allow the double-booking but the server blocks it if the resource does not allow conflicts. This allows for per-resource configuration, however, the older clients may not gracefully handle the errors returned by the server enforcement.

See Also:

[ENG] allowresourceconflict in Allowing Resource Conflicts

Accepted values:

TRUE (Allow double-bookings)

FALSE (Do not allow double-bookings)

Default value: TRUE

Enabling Browsing at Login

Parameter: userlist_login

Section: [LIMITS]

Description: Specifies whether or not to show a list of matching users when more than one fits the specified sign-in credentials.

Accepted values:

TRUE (Displays the list of matching users)

FALSE (Do not display the list)

Default value: FALSE

Limiting the Number of Search Results

Parameter: ca_maxsearchresult

Section: [UTL]

Description: Specifies the maximum number of entries (users, resources and event calendars) that the LDAP directory will return to the Calendar Administrator that made a search request. This parameter applies only to the Calendar Administrator.

This parameter can be set to a higher value than the [LIMITS] maxsearchresult parameter because much fewer users will be using the Calendar Administrator.

See Also:

[LIMITS] maxsearchresult in the Oracle Calendar Reference Manual

Accepted values: Any positive integer up to the value of (232-1)

Default value: 200 (List only 200 entries at a time)

5.4.3 Updated UNIX Environment Variables

The accepted value of the UNIX environment variable CTSIS_IPC_PATH was updated. This variable specifies the path where the Calendar IPC will be created in UNIX. The accepted value for this variable is a valid path with a maximum length of 50 characters. There default value is /tmp.

5.5 New Features in Oracle Email

This section includes the following topics:

Oracle Webmail Spell Checker

A spell checker has been added to the Oracle Webmail client. The spell checker offers standard spell checking features for composing new e-mail messages, and is available on the e-mail message composition page. It currently supports spell checking for the following languages:

New Shared Folder Listing Behavior

New Oracle Email Migration Tool Features

The Oracle Email Migration Tool is certified to run with Microsoft Exchange 2000 server and the Microsoft Outlook 2000 client.


When using the Microsoft Exchange 2000 plug-in, ensure that the name of the Exchange MAPI profile provided in the plug-in configuration file (esmigration.config) is the same as the username of the mailbox with Active Directory and Exchange server administration permissions that is entered in the Migration Wizard screens. For example, if the e-mail address of the administrator is, the MAPI profile used for migration must be named admin.

5.6 New Features in Oracle Files

The following new features for Oracle Files are included in this patch set:

Enhancements to User Lookup

The User Lookup feature has been enhanced to allow searching for users by User ID, First Name, Last Name, or Email Address. Previously, only searching by User ID was allowed.

Enable/Disable Workspace Creation Feature

New for this release, the Subscriber Administrator can enable or disable workspace creation for the users in their Subscriber. If workspace creation is enabled, users in the Subscriber can create their own workspaces. If workspace creation is disabled, users in the Subscriber cannot create their own workspaces, and only the Subscriber Administrator can create workspaces. Users may, however, still request to join existing listed workspaces.

See Also:

"Default Workspace Creation Settings" in the Oracle Files Subscriber Administrator help for information about how to use this feature

OmniPortlet Support

New for this release, Oracle Files provides support for and integration with the OmniPortlet, a feature of Oracle Application Server Portal (OracleAS Portal).

The following sections provide instructions on how to set up Oracle Files for the OmniPortlet:

Installing Oracle Application Server Portal Developer Kit (OracleAS PDK)

You can install OracleAS PDK on the Oracle Files middle tier computer, or on another computer. For information about system requirements, see the OracleAS PDK Release Notes, available from

To install and configure OracleAS PDK, follow these steps:

  1. Create a directory (for example, OracleAS_PDK) where you want to install OracleAS PDK.

  2. From a Web browser, access

  3. Download OracleAS PDK Release to the directory you created in Step 1, by choosing the Download pre-configured standalone OC4J with PDK install option from the PDK Downloads page.

  4. Unzip the downloaded files to install the Oracle Application Server Portal Developer Kit.

    See Also: for information about obtaining the UnZip utility

  5. Download and install JDK 1.4.1 on this computer, if it is not there already. OracleAS PDK requires JDK 1.4.1.

  6. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to JDK 1.4.1.

  7. Add the JAVA_HOME/bin directory to the PATH environment variable.

Deploying the Files Searchlet

This section describes how to deploy the Files Searchlet. In the following instructions, oc4j_home refers to unzipped_directory/j2ee/home; for example, OracleAS_PDK/j2ee/home.

To deploy the Files Searchlet:

  1. Create a directory called FilesSearchlet under the following directory:

  2. Copy the file files_searchlet.rar into the FilesSearchlet directory you just created. The files_searchlet.rar file is located on the Oracle Files middle-tier computer in the following directory:

  3. Navigate to the oc4j_home/config directory and open the file oc4j-connectors.xml for editing.

  4. Add a <connector> tag for the Files Searchlet by adding the following lines to the <OC4J-connectors> section:

    <connector name="FilesSearchlet" path="files_searchlet.rar">

    The relevant portion of the edited file should look like the following:

    <connector name="FilesSearchlet" path="files_searchlet.rar">
  5. Save the file.

  6. Start the OC4J instance using the startup script located in unzipped_directory/bin; for example, OracleAS_PDK/bin:

    cd unzipped_directory/bin
    chmod 755 *.sh
    ./ &

    The files_searchlet.rar file is expanded under the directory oc4j_home/connectors/FilesSearchlet.

Configuring the Files Searchlet

This section describes how to configure the Files Searchlet. In the following instructions, oc4j_home refers to unzipped_directory/j2ee/home; for example, OracleAS_PDK/j2ee/home.

To configure the Files Searchlet:

  1. Open the oc4j-ra.xml file for editing.

  2. Specify the JNDI name for the Files Searchlet by setting the location in the <connector-factory> tag, as follows:

    <connector-factory location="eis/FilesSearchlet" connector-name="Files 
    Search Adapter">
  3. Set the value for the Search Web Service URL, as follows:

    <config-property name="webServiceURL" value="http://files_host_

    For example:

    <config-property name="webServiceURL" value="http://myhost.mycompany.
  4. Create a Search Web Service user, password, and realm, as follows:

    <config-property name="SearchUser" value="user_name"/>
    <config-property name="SearchUserPassword" value="password"/>
    <config-property name="SearchUserRealm" value="files"/>

    You must provide a value for password. Do not specify an empty string.

    Note the values you provided for user_name and password. You will need these values when you follow the instructions for configuring the Search Web Service user in "Configuring and Verifying the Search Web Service User".

  5. Save the file.

  6. To verify that files is the correct value for the realm, use a Web browser to access the Search Web Service URL:


    For example:

    If the Files Searchlet is configured correctly, the realm value displayed in the basic authentication dialog box should be files. Cancel the authentication dialog after verifying the realm.

  7. Shut down and restart the OC4J instance using the shutdown and startup scripts located unzipped_directory/bin; for example, OracleAS_PDK/bin:

    cd unzipped_directory/bin
    ./ &


    Due to a known issue in OracleAS PDK, it generates an error message when stopped. Disregard the error message and continue with the configuration process.

Registering the Files Searchlet in the OmniPortlet Framework

This section describes how to register the Files Searchlet in the OmniPortlet framework. In the following instructions, oc4j_home refers to unzipped_directory/j2ee/home; for example, OracleAS_PDK/j2ee /home.

To register the Files Searchlet:

  1. Create a directory called Files under the following directory:

    oc4j_home/applications/portalTools/omniPortlet/WEB-INF/plugins /datasources
  2. Navigate to the new folder.

  3. Create a Datasource Descriptor file (datasource.xml) with the following content:


    If you cut and paste the text directly from this document, remove the extra carriage return and any extra spaces between and .SearchDataSourceDefinition. Otherwise, the Datasource Descriptor file will not work.

    <datasource class="oracle.webdb.reformlet.api.plugin.DefaultDataSource">
    <metadata class="
  4. Shut down and restart the OC4J instance using the shutdown and startup scripts located unzipped_directory/bin; for example, OracleAS_PDK/bin:

    cd unzipped_directory/bin
    ./ &

Configuring and Verifying the Search Web Service User

The Search Web Service requires that a Search Web Service user be defined in OC4J. The Search Web Service user is used only to control access to the Search Web Service and is separate from other Oracle Files users.

The Files Searchlet needs to be configured with the Search Web Service user name and password in order to access the Search Web Service.

To configure the Search Web Service user:

  1. Using a Web browser, access the Oracle Enterprise Manager Web site at http://host_name:port, where host_name is the name of the Oracle Files middle-tier computer. The port is typically 1810.

  2. Enter the authentication information in the pop-up window. The user name is typically ias_admin.

  3. Click the name of the application server instance where Oracle Files is running. The Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) home page appears.

  4. Click the name of the Oracle Files OC4J instance (OC4J_iFS_files).

  5. Click the files link in the Application list.

  6. Click the Security link in the Security section.

  7. Click Add User.

  8. Provide information for the Search Web Service user. Make sure to use the same user name and password you provided in the oc4j-ra.xml file in "Configuring the Files Searchlet".

  9. Click OK on the Add User page.

  10. In the Security Roles section, select the SearchServerRole.

  11. Click Map Role to Principals.

  12. In the Map Role to User section, select the new user you just added and click Apply.

  13. Click OK on the Confirmation page.

  14. Return to the Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) home page.

  15. Select OC4J_iFS_files and click Restart.

  16. To make sure that the user was configured properly, access the Search Web Service URL using a Web browser:


    For example:
  17. In the login dialog, enter the Search Web Service user name and password.

    If the Search Web Service user has been configured properly, the SearchServer responds with the following:

    SearchServer Web Service
    Sorry, I don't speak via HTTP GET - you have to use HTTP POST to talk to 
    Servlet Path: /SearchServer
    QueryString Info: null

Registering and Configuring the OmniPortlet

You must register and configure the OmniPortlet in OracleAS Portal. The registration steps may vary slightly, depending on which version of OracleAS Portal you are using.


The version of Portal that was shipped with Oracle Collaboration Suite Release 2 is known as Oracle9iAS Portal.

To register the OmniPortlet:

  1. Using a Web browser, access OracleAS Portal at http://host_name:port/pls/portal, where host_name is the name of the middle-tier computer where OracleAS Portal resides.

  2. Click Login. The Single Sign-On page appears.

  3. Provide the credentials of an OracleAS Portal user with administrative permissions and click Login.

  4. Click the Builder icon.

  5. In the Providers portlet, click Register a Portlet Provider. The Registration Wizard appears.

    By default, the Providers portlet should appear on this page. If it is not visible, choose Customize, then click the Add Portlets icon in order to add the portlet. The Providers portlet can be found under the Administration Portlets link.

    In the Providers portlet, click Register a Portlet Provider. The Registration Wizard appears.

  6. On the Register Provider page, enter the following values and click Next.

    • Name: OmniPortlet

    • Display Name: OmniPortlet Provider

    • Timeout: 200 seconds

    • Timeout Message: OmniPortlet provider timed out.

    • Implementation Style: Web

  7. On the Define Connection page, provide the following values and click Next.

    • URL: http://server_name:port/portalTools/omniPortlet/providers/omniPortlet

      Where server_name is the name of the machine where OracleAS PDK is installed. The value for port is typically 8888.

    • Select The user has the same identity in the Web providers application as in the Single Sign-On identity

    • Under User/Session Information, select User

    • For Login Frequency, select Never

    • If no proxy is required to contact the Provider Adapter, select No for Require Proxy

    You can leave the other options blank.

  8. On the Control Access page, add any users or groups to whom you want to give access.

    This option may not appear, depending on which version of OracleAS Portal you are using. By default, only the user who registered the provider is authorized to see the provider and its portlets. After you register the portlet, navigate to the provider within the Portlet Repository to update provider privileges.

  9. Click Finish.

After you have registered the OmniPortlet, you must configure it by choosing search criteria and deciding which fields to display.

To configure the OmniPortlet:

  1. Create a page in OracleAS Portal. To do this, click Create Page from the OracleAS Portal home page and follow the Wizard instructions.

  2. From your new page, click the Add Portlet icon and navigate to the OmniPortlet you registered. Then, select the portlet and click OK.

  3. Click Define. The Type page appears.

  4. Select Files and click Next.

  5. On the Source page, click Next.

  6. On the Filter page, provide search criteria for the OmniPortlet.

  7. On the View page, click Next.

  8. On the Layout page, enter the fields you want the OmniPortlet to return.


    If you select Size as one of the columns, the search will only return documents. Folders will not be returned.

  9. Click Finish.

Be aware of the following two issues when using the OmniPortlet:

5.7 New Features in Oracle Voicemail & Fax

The following new features have been added to Oracle Voicemail & Fax:

Oracle Voicemail & Fax Playback Controls

The following default playback controls have been added to Oracle Voicemail & Fax, accessible using the telephone keypad while listening to voice mail messages:

Additional Language Support

Support for the following languages has been added to Oracle Voicemail & Fax:


5.8 New Features in Oracle Web Conferencing

The following new features for Oracle Web Conferencing are included in this release:

Web Conferencing Application

Web Conferencing Console

Oracle Web Conferencing System Services

Oracle Web Conferencing Integration Services

5.9 New Features in Oracle9iAS Wireless

Over the Air Device Provisioning (OTA)

OTA is a newly supported feature in this patch set. It can be enabled or disabled by editing the file. By default, the feature is disabled.

Enable OTA and configure the required carrier and device information, as follows:

  1. Use a text editor to modify the file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/wireless/server/classes/oracle/panama/core /admin directory. Set the value of useOTA to true.

  2. Modify the carriers.xml and devices.xml files located in the $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/marconi /marconi-web/WEB-INF directory to configure the information for carriers and devices according to the examples contained in each xml file.

  3. Modify the default values for the following settings in the file:



    The bookmarks setting has two default values: Google and Yahoo!. For OTA provisioning, you must change both the bookmarks setting name and URL values to those for Oracle Collaboration Suite.

    If you want only one bookmark, you must comment out both the and bookmark.1.URL values (which are used for the Yahoo! bookmark).

    Online Help for the OTA feature is not included in this release; it will be included in the next release.

  4. Restart the middle tier to apply the changes.