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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for PeopleSoft User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
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D Using PeopleSoft Integration Broker

This appendix describes how to configure and test PeopleSoft Integration Broker (release 8.4) and PeopleSoft Application Messaging (release 8.1) using a PeopleSoft-supplied File Output interface. In PeopleSoft release 8.1, the messaging architecture is called Application Messaging and includes Application Messaging Gateway. In release 8.4, the messaging architecture is called Integration Broker, which includes Integration Gateway. When discussing release-generic issues, this section uses release 8.4 terminology. When discussing release-specific issues, it uses release-specific terminology.


This section is not a substitute for PeopleSoft documentation. For more complete and up-to-date information on PeopleSoft Messaging and Integration Broker, see the PeopleSoft Online Library for your PeopleSoft system.

PeopleSoft Integration Broker

PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides a mechanism for communicating with the outside world using XML files. Communication can take place between different PeopleSoft applications or between PeopleSoft and third-party systems. To subscribe to data, third-party applications can accept and process XML messages posted by PeopleSoft using the available PeopleSoft connectors or by adding a custom built connector to the Integration Gateway. This topic primarily covers publishing outbound asynchronous messages from a PeopleSoft system to a third-party application using the delivered File Output connector. For information on outbound synchronous messages, see "Using Outbound Synchronous Messages".To send a message, you must properly configure various internal structures and processes. The following descriptions are generally release-generic. Detailed differences between releases 8.1 and 8.4 are discussed in other topics.

Most of the examples in this section use the LOCATION_SYNC message, which is a PeopleSoft Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) and is supplied with most PeopleSoft applications. If LOCATION_SYNC is not part of your package, you may use any supplied message.

Configuring Integration Broker in PeopleSoft 8.4

You can configure PeopleSoft 8.4 to send an asynchronous outbound message to the File Output connector.

To configure application messaging in PeopleSoft 8.4:

  1. Ensure that the message is active and is routed to the proper Message Channel.

  2. Configure the Message Channel.

  3. Configure the file to communicate with your PeopleSoft 8.4 application.

  4. Configure the Integration Gateway and File Output connector.

  5. Create and configure a new Gateway node.

    These tasks are described in detail in the following procedures.

Ensuring the Message Is Active and Is Routed Correctly

To ensure that the message is active and is routed to the proper Message Channel:

  1. Open Application Designer.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open, click Message, and then open the LOCATION_SYNC message.

    Fields included in the message
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84b.gif

  3. To view the fields that are included in the Message, highlight LOCATION_TBL.

  4. Right-click LOCATION_TBL and select Properties.

    The Message Properties dialog box is displayed.

    Message Properties dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84c.gif

  5. Select the Use tab.

  6. Ensure the Active check box is selected.

    The message is routed to the Message Channel, ENTERPRISE_SETUP, and the default message version is VERSION_1 (messages can have multiple versions).

  7. Click OK and then save the message.

    You have finished ensuring that the message is active and is routed correctly.

Configuring the File

To configure the file:

  1. Open the file using the editor of your choice.

  2. Find the section of the file that specifies the JOLT connect string setting for the default application server. This is usually near line 75, and looks similar to the following:

    ## JOLT connect string setting for optional Default Application Server. Do NOT specify a NODENAME.
    # Example:
  3. Uncomment (or copy and uncomment) the four lines that specify the connection.

  4. Enter the appropriate information.

    In the following example, the tools release is 8.40.09:


    The PeopleSoft tools release must be precise to the last decimal.


With release 8.42, the password must be stored in an encrypted format. PeopleSoft provides a script called PSCipher.bat ( on UNIX) to accomplish encryption. Typically, this script is located in the path of the file. Follow the instructions supplied by PeopleSoft to run this script.

You have finished configuring the file.

Configuring the Integration Gateway and the File Output Connector

To configure the Integration Gateway and the File Output Connector:

  1. In a Web browser, open your PeopleSoft 8.4 application in 4-tier mode.

  2. In the Menu pane, expand PeopleTools, Integration Broker, and then click Gateways.

  3. Open the LOCAL Gateway ID and enter the following Gateway URL:


    Where hostname is the name of your PeopleSoft Web Server.

  1. Click Refresh.

    A message appears stating the outcome of the refresh process.

    Message stating the outcome of the refresh process
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84g.gif

  2. Click OK and scroll down to click Save.

    You must click Save before continuing.

  3. Click the Properties link for the FILEOUTPUT Connector ID.

    The Properties window for the FILEOUTPUT Connector is displayed.

  4. Accept or overwrite the default values.

    In the following figure, the FilePath PROPERTY from the c:\temp default was changed to d:\ps\cache.

    FilePath property
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84h.gif

  5. To return to the Gateway window, click OK.

  6. Scroll down and click Save.

    You have finished configuring the Integration Gateway and the File Output Connector.

Creating and Configuring a New Gateway Node

To create and configure a new Gateway Node:

  1. In the Menu pane, expand PeopleTools, Integration Broker, and then, click Node Definitions.

  2. Select the Add a New Value tab.

  3. In the Node Name field, enter a node name.

    It is recommended that you name your first (trial) message node EXTERNAL. After successfully configuring and sending messages using this node, you can create additional message nodes with names appropriate for your application.

  4. Click Add.

    The Node Info tab becomes available.

    Node Info tab
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84j.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. In the Description field, enter an appropriate description.

    2. From the Node Type list, select EXTERNAL.

    3. From the Routing Type list, select Implicit.

  5. Select the Connectors tab.

    The Connectors tab becomes available.

    Connectors tab
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84k.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Specify LOCAL for the Gateway ID.

    2. Specify FILEOUTPUT for the Connector ID.

    3. Accept or overwrite the default Gateway property values.

  6. Click Save.

  7. To specify the transactions to route messages to your node, select the Transactions tab and click Add Transaction.

    The Node Transactions pane is displayed.

    Node Transactions pane
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84l.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. From the Transaction Type list, select Outbound Asynchronous.

    2. In the Request Message field, specify LOCATION_SYNC.

    3. In the Request Message Version field, specify VERSION_1.

      In the Request Message Version field, specify VERSION_1.

  8. Click Add.

    The Transaction Detail pane is displayed.

    Transaction Detail pane
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84m.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Verify that the Routing Type is Implicit.

    2. Click Save, then click the Return to Transaction List link.

    3. To ensure that your data entry is not lost, click Save again.

You have finished creating and configuring the new Gateway Node.

See "Viewing the PeopleCode for a Message" for more information.

Configuring Application Messaging in PeopleSoft Release 8.1

You can configure PeopleSoft 8.1 to send an asynchronous outbound message to the Simple File Handler.To configure application messaging in PeopleSoft 8.1:

  1. Create and configure a new Message Node.

  2. Ensure the message is active and is routed to the proper Message Channel.

  3. Configure the Message Channel.

  4. Configure the Simple File Handler in the Gateway.

    These tasks are described in detail in the following procedures.

Creating and Configuring a New Message Node

To create and configure a new message node:

  1. Select New from the File menu and click Message Node.

    A Message Node window is displayed.

    Message Node window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81b.gif

  2. Right-click anywhere inside the white space and select Insert Location.

    The Location URL box is displayed.

    Location URL box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81c.gif

  3. Enter the following URL for the PeopleSoft Application Gateway (handler directory):


    Where hostname is the host name of your PeopleSoft Web server and port is the socket on which the server is listening. The characters you enter after hostname are case-sensitive.

  1. Click OK.

  1. Display the Message Node Properties dialog box.

    Message Node Properties dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81d.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Use tab.

    2. In the text boxes, enter the PeopleTools and Application Version numbers.

    3. Click OK.

  1. Display the Save As dialog box.

    Save as dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81e.gif

  2. To save the Message Node, click OK.

    It is recommended that you name your first (trial) message node EXTERNAL. After successfully configuring and sending messages using this node, you can create additional message nodes with names appropriate for your application.If you intend to migrate this message node to a different PeopleSoft environment (for example, from Test to QA), you can create a PeopleSoft project and insert the Message Node into the project.You have finished creating and configuring the message node.

Ensuring the Message Is Active and Is Routed Correctly

To ensure that the message is active and is routed to the proper message channel:

  1. Open Application Designer.

  2. On the File menu, point to Open, click Message, and open the LOCATION_SYNC message.

    LOCATION_TBL field
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81g.gif

  3. To view the fields that are included in the message, highlight LOCATION_TBL.

  4. Right-click LOCATION_TBL and select Properties.

    The Message Properties dialog box is displayed.

    Message Properties dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81h.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Use tab.

    2. Ensure the Status check box is selected, which indicates that the message is active.

    3. From the Message Channel list, select ENTERPRISE_SETUP.

    4. From the Default Version list, select VERSION_1 (messages can have multiple versions).

  1. Click OK.

  2. Save the message.

Configuring the Message Channel

To configure the message channel:

  1. From the File menu, choose Open and click Message Channel.

  2. To open the ENTERPRISE_SETUP Message Channel, select ENTERPRISE_SETUP.

  3. Right-click ENTERPRISE_SETUP and select Properties.

    The Message Channel Properties dialog box is displayed.

    Message Channel properties dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b84e.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the Use tab.

    2. Ensure that the Message Channel status is set to Run.

    3. Click OK.

  4. From the left pane, select the Routing Rules tab.

    The pane is blank.

Routing Rules pane
Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81k.gif

  1. Right-click the pane and select Insert Message Node.

    The Insert Message Node dialog box is displayed.

    Insert Message Node dialog box
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81l.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Select the message node that you created in "Creating and Configuring a New Message Node", for example, EXTERNAL.

    2. Click Insert.

  1. Click Cancel.

    Information appears on the Routing Rules tab.

    Routing Rules tab
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81m.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Right-click the message node and point to Routing Direction.

    2. From the Routing Direction menus, select Publish To.

  1. Save the Message Channel, and if you require it, place it in your project.

You have finished configuring the Message Channel.

Configuring the Simple File Handler in the Gateway

To configure the Simple File Handler in the Gateway:

  1. In a Web browser, launch the PeopleSoft 8.1 configuration servlet interface (also known as the server gateway) by entering the following URL:


    Where hostname is the name of the application server that hosts PeopleSoft and port is the port number on which the application server is listening.

    The Handler Directory window is displayed.

    Handler Directory window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81n.gif

  1. Click Add Handler.

    The Add Handler window is displayed.

    Add Handler window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81o.gif

  2. Enter the full name of the Simple File Handler class, psft.pt8.filehandler.SimpleFileHandler.


    The name is case-sensitive.

  3. Click Save.

    The Handler Directory window is displayed.

    Handle Directory window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81p.gif

  4. To load the handler, click Load.

    After the handler loads, "Loaded successfully" appears in the Status column.

  5. Click Configure.

    The Simple File Handler Directory window is displayed.

    Simple File Handler Directory window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81q.gif

  6. Click Add a file handler node.

    The Add File Handler window is displayed.

    Add File Handler window
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81r.gif

  7. In the Node Name field, enter the name of the message node that you created in "Creating and Configuring a New Message Node", for example, EXTERNAL.

Viewing the PeopleCode for a Message

Messages are initiated by the PeopleCode that is attached to a record. Usually, this record is one of the records associated with the message itself.

  1. Open Application Designer.

    Application Designer
    Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81s.gif

  2. On the Record Fields tab, select the LOCATION_TBL record.

  3. Select the PeopleCode display option.

  4. Select the Save Post Change (SPo) box for the LOCATION field.

The following window displays the PeopleCode that initiates a LOCATION_SYNC message.

Description of the illustration bea_pstu_b81t.gif

For more information about PeopleCode, consult your PeopleSoft Online Library.

You have finished viewing the PeopleCode for a message. You can now test Integration Broker (in PeopleSoft 8.4) or Application Messaging (in PeopleSoft 8.1).

Testing the Integration Broker

To test the Integration Broker by generating a message, you can navigate to the Location Transaction window and add, update, or delete a location entry in your application. Depending on your application, the way you navigate varies.

The following example illustrates a Financials 8.4 application where a new location with a SetID of SHARE and a Location Code of TEST001 was added.

Example of a Financials 8.4 application
Description of the illustration bea_pstu_testa.gif

The following figure shows a portion of the XML output.

XML output
Description of the illustration bea_pstu_testb.gif


The name of the file is PSFT_EP.LOCATION_SYNC.69.xml, which is the concatenation of PSFT_EP (the local Publishing Node), the name of the message, and the number of the Publication ID.

If you cannot send a message successfully, PeopleSoft provides a set of tools for monitoring the progress of your messages. In release 8.1, you use a tool called the Application Messaging Monitor. In release 8.4, you use the Monitor Menu in the Integration Broker.

For a complete description on how to isolate and resolve problems with your messaging environment, consult your PeopleSoft Online Library. If you are still unable to send your XML file, the PeopleSoft Customer Connection can help solve your problem.

Using Outbound Synchronous Messages

Starting with PeopleTools 8.4, you can send outbound synchronous messages. From a high-level point of view, the primary difference between outbound synchronous and asynchronous is that with outbound asynchronous, the transaction is completed whether or not the message is actually sent or received.

For synchronous outbound messages:

OracleAS Adapter for PeopleSoft can work with PeopleSoft outbound synchronous messages. Outbound synchronous messages involve additional configuration steps, both within PeopleSoft and in Oracle Application Server. This topic briefly describes the configuration requirements within PeopleSoft.


The instructions in this topic build upon the instructions for outbound asynchronous messages. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with outbound asynchronous messaging before attempting outbound synchronous. See "Configuring Integration Broker in PeopleSoft 8.4" for more information on outbound asynchronous messages.

Ensure that both outbound and inbound messages are created and active. PeopleSoft provides template examples called IB_INST_VER_SYNC_MSG and IB_INST_VER_RESP_MSG. F. See "Ensuring the Message Is Active and Is Routed Correctly" for information on examining these messages.

Configuring Outbound Synchronous Messages

You can use an existing node, or you can create a new node to configure outbound synchronous messages. See "Creating and Configuring a New Gateway Node" for information on creating and configuring a node. In either case, you must set up your outbound synchronous transaction.

The following example uses a node and transaction delivered by PeopleSoft. However, this example is for illustrative purposes only and does not actually work as delivered without additional steps. As of Financials release 8.42, there are no preconfigured outbound synchronous transactions that you can use for testing purposes.

Configuring an Outbound Synchronous Message

To configure an outbound synchronous message:

  1. Navigate to the Node Definitions page and open the PT_LOCAL node.

  2. Click the Transactions tab.

    The Transactions pane is displayed.

    Transactions pane
    Description of the illustration ixte104_outsynch01.gif

    One outbound synchronous message, IB_INST_VER_SYNC_MSG, appears in the Transaction Type list.

  3. Click the Edit link in the IB_INST_VER_SYNC_MSG row.

    The following pane is displayed.

    Message tab
    Description of the illustration ixte104_outsynch02.gif

  4. Click the Messages tab.

Both request and response messages appear. The target system must ensure that the response message follows the format of the request message. As the target system is your Oracle Application Server, you must transform the XML that is sent and returned from your final destination.


You must use the PeopleSoft-supplied HTTP target connector when you are working with synchronous outbound messages. You cannot use the TCPIP84TARGET connector for outbound synchronous messages.

Viewing the PeopleCode for a Synchronous Message

The sample PeopleCode in the following example is for a synchronous outbound message. It differs from asynchronous outbound in that it must handle a response message.

Viewing the PeopleCode for a Financials Synchronous Outbound Message

The following sample code is supplied with the Financials application and is associated with the two messages IB_INST_VER_SYNC_MSG and IB_INST_VER_RESP_MSG.

To view the code, perform the following steps:

  1. From Application Designer, open the PSINST_VER record.

  2. Select the PeopleCode display option.

  3. Select the Field Change (FCh) box for the IB_SEND_SOS_BTN field.

The following window is displayed.

Field Change (FCh) box
Description of the illustration ixte104_outsynch03.gif