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Oracle® Application Server Adapter for Siebel User's Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2)
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5 BPEL Process Manager Integration Examples

This chapter contains examples of service and event integration with Siebel.

The scenarios shown in this chapter require the following prerequisites.


See Also:

Oracle Application Server Adapters Installation Guide

The examples in this chapter present the configuration steps necessary for demonstrating service and event integration with Siebel. Prior to using this material, you must be familiar with the following:

See Also:

Oracle BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide

Adapter integration with Oracle BPEL Process Manager is a two-step process:

  1. Design Time: OracleAS Adapter for Siebel is configured in Application Explorer for services and events, as described in Chapter 2, "Configuring Oracle Application Server Adapter for Siebel". Integration logic is modeled using JDeveloper.

  2. Runtime: After you deploy the BPEL process you designed in JDeveloper, you can test your service configuration or see newly received events in the BPEL Console.

Creating an Integration Object (IO) Node for Siebel

The following example describes how to add an IO node for Siebel.

Creating an Integration Object Node

  1. Start Application Explorer.

  2. Expand the Adapters node.

    Disconnected Siebel node
    Description of the illustration siebel_target.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Expand the Siebel node.

      The defined Siebel targets are displayed under the adapter node.

    2. Click the target name, for example, siebel, under the Siebel node.

    The Connection dialog box displays the values you entered.

  3. Verify your connection parameters. Provide the required password.

  4. Right-click the target name and select Connect.

    The x icon disappears, indicating that the node is connected.

    select Siebel node
    Description of the illustration siebel_objects.gif

  5. Expand the Integration Object node and select Sample Account.

  6. Right-click the Sample Account node and select Add IO Node.

    The following dialog box is displayed.

    Add IO Node
    Description of the illustration add_io_node.gif

  7. Enter a node name, for example SampleAccount in the Node name field and a path to the Sample Account XDR file in the Schema location field.

    Please note:

    • For Siebel 7.5 or later: Generate XSD schemas directly from Siebel tools. You use the XSD schemas when you create Web services in Application Explorer. After you generate an XSD schema through Siebel tools, use it to create an IO node and a Web service.

    • For Siebel 7.0: You cannot generate XSD schemas directly from Siebel tools; only XDR schemas can be created. Before you create a Web service, you must first generate an XSD schema from the XDR schema using Application Explorer.

  8. If the XSD schema has already been generated, select XSD Schema. If you are using Siebel-generated XDR schemas, do not select the XSD schema option.

  9. Select a protocol from the Protocol list.

  10. Click Continue.

Siebel Service Integration

This topic illustrates Siebel service integration. It describes design-time and runtime configuration.

Design-Time Configuration

Before you design a process for Siebel service integration, you must create an outbound J2CA service (WSDL) using Application Explorer.

Creating a Request-Response J2CA Service in Application Explorer

To generate WSDL in Application Explorer:

  1. Start Application Explorer and connect to a defined Siebel target or create a new target.

    See Connecting to a Defined Target for more information.

  2. Expand the Siebel target to which you are connected.

  3. Expand Business Object, Account, Account. Navigate to queryWithView and right-click the object.

    The following menu is displayed.

    WSDL Generation
    Description of the illustration wlae_exportwsdl.gif

  4. Select Create Outbound JCA Service (Request/Response).

    The Export WSDL dialog box is displayed.

    Export WSDL dialog box
    Description of the illustration export_wsdl.gif

  5. Accept the default name and location for the file.

    The .wsdl file extension is added automatically.

  6. Click OK.

Creating a BPEL PM Server Connection

Before you design a BPEL process, you must create a connection to your BPEL Server using JDeveloper. To create a server connection:

  1. Open JDeveloper.

  2. To display the connections, click the Connections tab at the bottom of the upper left pane in JDeveloper.

    The following menu is displayed.

    Connections pane in JDeveloper
    Description of the illustration bpel_30.gif

  3. Right-click BPEL Process Manager Server and select New BPEL Process Manager Connection.

    The Create BPEL Process Manager Connection - Welcome dialog box is displayed.

  4. Click Next.

    The Create BPEL Process Manager Connection dialog box is displayed.

    Connection dialog box 1 of 3
    Description of the illustration bpel_32.gif

  5. Specify a unique name for your BPEL Server connection and click Next.

  6. Specify a valid host name and port number for the BPEL PM Server you wish to connect to.

  7. Click Finish.

    Your newly created server connection is displayed in the Connections tab under the BPEL Process Manager Server node.

    Connections pane in JDeveloper
    Description of the illustration bpel_34.gif

Creating a BPEL Project for a Synchronous BPEL Process

To create a BPEL Project for a synchronous BPEL process:

  1. At the bottom of the upper left pane, click the Applications tab and select a workspace for your project.

    Workspaces list in JDeveloper
    Description of the illustration bpel_35.gif

  2. Right-click the workspace and select New Project.

    The New Gallery window is displayed.

    New Gallery dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_1.gif

  3. From the Items list, select BPEL Process Project and click OK.

    The BPEL Process Project dialog box is displayed.

    BPEL Process Project dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_2a.gif

  4. Perform the following steps:

    1. Specify a name for the BPEL process.

      The Namespace field is updated automatically.

    2. From the Template list, select Synchronous BPEL Process.

  5. Click OK.

Designing the BPEL Process for the queryWithView Outbound Service

To design the BPEL Process:

  1. From the Process Activities pane on the right, drag and drop a PartnerLink to the visual editor.

    The Create Partner Link dialog box is displayed.

    Create Partner Link dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_4.gif

  2. Click the WSIL browser icon (second icon from the left preceding the WSDL File field).

    The WSDL Chooser dialog box is displayed.

    WSDL Chooser dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_5.gif

  3. Expand your new server connection, then expand adapters, and then applications.

    The WSDL tree is displayed.

    WSDL tree
    Description of the illustration bpel_6a.gif

  4. Select queryWithView_invoke.wsdl and click OK.

    The WSDL File field in the Create Partner Link dialog box displays the name and location of the selected WSDL file. The Partner Link Type field specifies the PartnerLink defined in the WSDL file.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Leave the My Role field unspecified. The role of the PartnerLink is null, as it will be synchronously invoked from the BPEL process.

    2. From the Partner Role list, select the default value queryWithViewRole. This is the role of the BPEL process.

  5. Click OK.

    The new PartnerLink appears in the visual editor.

  6. Select Save from the File menu.

  7. From the Process Activities pane on the right, drag an Invoke activity to the visual editor and place it between the Receive activity (receiveInput) and the Reply activity (replyOutput).

    The Invoke process activity is shown in the following diagram view.

    Diagram view showing Invoke process activity
    Description of the illustration bpel_42.gif

  8. Drag the blue arrow from Invoke_1 and connect it to the Siebel PartnerLink.

    The Edit Invoke dialog box is displayed.

    Edit Invoke dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_43.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Click the first icon to the right of the Input Variable field, then click OK in the Create Variable window that is displayed.

    2. Repeat the previous step to create a default variable for Output Variable.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Drag an Assign process activity and drop it between the receiveInput Receive activity and Invoke_1 Invoke activity.

    The following image shows the new Assign activity in JDeveloper visual editor.

    JDeveloper diagram view - new process activities
    Description of the illustration bpel_44.gif

  11. Double-click the Assign activity icon.

    The Assign dialog box is displayed.

    Assign dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_14.gif

  12. In the Copy Rules tab, click Create.

    The Create Copy Rule dialog box is displayed. Perform the following steps:

    1. In the From pane, expand Variables, then inputVariable, and then highlight payload.

    2. In the To pane, expand Variables, then Invoke_1_queryWithView_InputVariable, and then highlight input_queryWithView.

    Your Create Copy Rule dialog box should look as follows:

    Create Copy Rule dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_10a.gif

  13. To close the Create Copy Rule dialog box and the Assign dialog box, click OK.

  14. From the Process Activities pane on the right, drag another Assign activity to the visual editor and place it between the Invoke activity (Invoke_1) and the Reply activity (replyOutput).

  15. Double-click the Assign activity icon and click Create.

  16. In the Create Copy Rule dialog box, map Invoke_1_queryWithView_OutputVariable, output_queryWithView to outputVariable, payload.

    Verify that you have mapped all variables as follows:

    Create Copy Rule dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_10b.gif

  17. Click OK, then click OK again.

  18. Select Save from the File menu.

You have completed the design of your BPEL process.

Deploying the BPEL Process for the queryWithView Outbound Service

JDeveloper deploys BPEL processes directly to Oracle BPEL Console.

To deploy your BPEL process in JDeveloper:

  1. Right-click your process flow in the Applications - Navigator pane.

  2. Select Deploy, then Your BPEL PM Server connection, and then Deploy to default domain.

    The Password Prompt dialog box is displayed.

  3. Enter your BPEL Process Manager password in the Password Prompt dialog box.

    The deployment process starts automatically after you enter the correct password.

  4. Observe the Messages log at the bottom of the window.

    The Messages log displays the deployment status. In this example, it shows a successful deployment message for the process.

    Messages log
    Description of the illustration bpel_45.gif

    If deployment was not successful, click the Compiler tab to view all error and warning messages generated during the deployment process.

Runtime Configuration

To invoke the queryWithView process from Oracle BPEL Console:

  1. Start Oracle BPEL Console by entering the following URL in a browser:

  2. Select a domain and provide a valid password.

    The Oracle BPEL Console main page is displayed.

  3. Click the BPEL Processes tab.

    The BPEL Processes tab is displayed.

    BPEL Processes tab
    Description of the illustration bpel_46.gif

  4. Click the Siebel_Account process link.

  5. Click the Initiate tab.

    The Initiate tab enables you to test your BPEL process.

    Oracle BPEL Console Initiate window
    Description of the illustration bpel_20.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. From the Initiating a test instance list, select XML Source.

    2. Enter the following code in the text area provided for XML input:

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Siebel  location="S/BO/Account/Account/queryWithView" view="AllView">
  6. Click Post XML Message.

    The response received from the Siebel system is displayed in the Initiate window.

Initiate tab
Description of the illustration bpel_47.gif

Siebel Event Integration

This topic illustrates Siebel event integration. It describes design-time and runtime configuration.

Design-Time Configuration

Creating a Channel

You must create a separate channel for every inbound J2CA service and select that channel when you generate WSDL for inbound interaction using Application Explorer.


If two or more events share the same channel, event messages may not be delivered to the right BPEL process.

To create a channel:

  1. In the left pane, click Events.

  2. Expand the Siebel node.

    The ports and channels nodes appear in the left pane.

    Add channel
    Description of the illustration add_channel.gif

  3. Right-click Channels and select Add Channel.

    The Add Channel dialog box is displayed.

    Add Channel dialog box
    Description of the illustration add_channel2.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Enter a name for the channel, for example, SiebelEvent.

    2. Enter a brief description.

    3. From the Protocol list, select HTTP Listener, MQ Series Listener, or File Listener.

  4. Click Next.

    The Basic dialog box is displayed.

    Basic dialog box
    Description of the illustration basic_channel.gif

  5. Enter a port number in the Listener port field.

  6. Leave the default synchronization type.

  7. Click OK.

    The channel appears under the channels node in the left pane. An X over the icon indicates that the channel is currently disconnected.

    channel added
    Description of the illustration channel_added.gif


    Do not start the channel, as it is managed by BPEL PM Server. If you start the channel for testing and debugging purposes, stop it before runtime.

Generating WSDL for Event Notification

After you create a channel and verify that it is not started, you must generate WSDL for the event using Application Explorer.

You must be connected to a Siebel target under the Adapters node in Application Explorer. See "Establishing a Connection (Target) for Siebel" for detailed information on how to define and connect to a target.

After you connect to a Siebel target, generate WSDL for the event as follows:

  1. Expand the Integration Object node under the target and scroll down to SampleAccount.

  2. Right-click SampleAccount.

  3. Select Create Inbound JCA Service (Event).

    The Export WSDL dialog box is displayed.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. In the WSDL File Name field, specify a name and location of the WSDL file.

    2. In the Channel field, select the channel you created for this inbound service.

      Important: You must create a separate channel for every inbound service. Verify that the channel is stopped before runtime.

    3. If you are using the optional port feature, you must select a port from the Port list. See "J2CA Filtering Port Option for Integration with BPEL Process Manager" for more information.

      If you are not using event ports for schema validation, skip this step. In this case, the default value of no port is selected automatically.

  4. Click OK.

Creating a BPEL PM Server Connection

Before you design a BPEL process, you must create a connection to your BPEL Server using JDeveloper. See "Creating a BPEL PM Server Connection" for details on how to create the connection.

Designing the BPEL Process for the Inbound Service

To design a BPEL process for inbound interaction:

  1. Click the Applications tab and select a workspace for your project.

    Applications pane in JDeveloper
    Description of the illustration bpel_35.gif

  2. Right-click the workspace and select New Project.

    The New Gallery dialog box is displayed.

    New Gallery dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_1.gif

  3. From the Items list, select BPEL Process Project and click OK.

    The BPEL Process Project dialog box is displayed.

    BPEL Process Project dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_22a.gif

  4. Perform the following steps:

    1. Specify a name for the process, for example, Siebel_Event.

      The Namespace field is updated automatically.

    2. From the Template list, select Empty BPEL Process.

    3. Click OK.

  5. From the Process Activities pane on the right, drag and drop a PartnerLink to the visual editor.

    The Create Partner Link dialog box is displayed.

    Create PartnerLink dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_4.gif

  6. Click the WSIL browser icon (second icon from the left preceding the WSDL File field).

    The WSDL Chooser dialog box is displayed.

    WSDL Chooser dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_5.gif

  7. Expand your BPEL Server connection, then expand adapters, and then applications.

    The WSDL Chooser dialog box is displayed.

    WSDL Chooser
    Description of the illustration bpel_6.gif

  8. Select SampleAccount.wsdl and click OK.

    The Create Partner Link dialog box is displayed.

    New completed Partner Link
    Description of the illustration bpel_24a.gif

    The WSDL File field displays the name and location of the selected WSDL file. The Partner Link Type field specifies the PartnerLink defined in the WSDL file.

    Perform the following steps:

    1. From the My Role list, select the default value TestRole.

    2. Leave the Partner Role field unspecified.

  9. Click Apply, and then OK.

    The new Siebel_PL PartnerLink appears in the visual editor.

    New PartnerLink appears in visual editor
    Description of the illustration bpel_25a.gif

  10. From the Process Activities pane on the right, drag a Receive activity to the visual editor and place it in the designated placeholder labeled Drop Activity Here.

  11. Connect the Receive activity to the Siebel_PL PartnerLink.

    The Edit Receive dialog box is displayed.

    Edit Receive dialog box
    Description of the illustration bpel_26a.gif

    Perform the following steps:

    1. Specify a name for the Receive Activity, for example, Receive_SampleAcct.

    2. Click the first icon to the right of the Variable field, then click OK in the Create Variable dialog box that is displayed.

    3. Verify that the Create Instance check box is selected.

  12. Click Apply.

    The Edit Receive dialog box should no longer display any warnings or errors.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Select Save from the File menu.

    The completed inbound BPEL process looks as follows:

    Completed BPEL process shown in diagram view
    Description of the illustration bpel_48.gif

Deploying the BPEL Process for the Inbound Service

Perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click your process flow in the Applications - Navigator pane.

  2. Select Deploy, then Your BPEL PM Server connection, and then Deploy to default domain.

  3. When prompted, enter your BPEL Process Manager password and click OK.

    The deployment process starts automatically after you enter the correct password.

  4. Observe the Messages tab at the bottom of the JDeveloper screen.

    The following image shows successful deployment.

    BPEL process: successful deployment (inbound)
    Description of the illustration bpel_49.gif

Runtime Configuration

The following topic describes how to trigger an event in Siebel and verify event integration using OracleAS Adapter for Siebel.

Triggering a Siebel Event to Test Event Runtime Integration

To trigger an event in Siebel:

  1. Start the Siebel Call Center by entering the following URL in a browser:

    Mapping Parameters
    Description of the illustration select_sitemap.gif

  2. Click View and select Site Map from the list.

    The Site Map view is displayed.

    Site Map View
    Description of the illustration view_sitemap.gif

  3. Click Siebel Workflow Administration.

    The Siebel Workflow Administration page is displayed.

    Siebel Workflow Administration
    Description of the illustration workflow_processes.gif

  4. Click Workflow Processes.

    The Workflow Processes page is displayed.

    Workflow Processes
    Description of the illustration workflow_processes2.gif

  5. Click Query to search for the Workflow needed to trigger a Siebel event.

    Workflow Processes
    Description of the illustration workflow_processes3.gif

  6. Enter a Siebel workflow name and click Search.

    Workflow Processes
    Description of the illustration workflow_processes4.gif

  7. Select the workflow.

    Process Designer tab
    Description of the illustration process_designer.gif

  8. Click the Process Designer tab and double-click the Send Siebel Quote Data HTTP workflow element.

    The Input Arguments tab is displayed.

    Input Arguments tab
    Description of the illustration input_arguments.gif

  9. Enter the IP address and port for the HTTPRequestURLTemplate input argument.

  10. Click Return To Designer.

    Return to Designer
    Description of the illustration returnto_designer.gif

  11. Click the Process Simulator tab.

    Process Designer tab
    Description of the illustration process_simulator.gif

    The Simulator tab is displayed.

    Simulator tab
    Description of the illustration simulator_tab.gif

  12. Click Start then Continue to complete the Siebel event triggering process.

Verifying the Results

To verify your results:

  1. Log in to Oracle BPEL Console at

  2. Enter the password for your BPEL domain.

    The default password is bpel.

  3. Click the Instances tab.

    Recently received runtime events are displayed in the Instances tab.

    Instances tab
    Description of the illustration bpel_36.gif

  4. Click the Siebel instance, then click Audit to see the event message.

    The message received from the Siebel system is displayed in the Audit tab.

    Oracle BPEL Console: the newly received event message
    Description of the illustration bpel_37.gif