Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Package oracle.panama.messaging.transport

Interface Summary
CarrierFinder The carrier finder interface.
Driver The driver interface.
DriverBase The base driver interface.
DriverController The transport driver controller interface.
DriverFinder The driver finder interface.
FailOverHook The fail-over hook interface.
GeneralHook The general hook interface.
Listener The listener interface.
MessageListener The message listener interface.
MessagingController This interface represents the entry point to the Transport messaging API.
Messenger This is the main interface for messaging APIs.
StatusListener The status listener interface.
TransientHook The transient hook interface.
XDriver The extended driver interface.


Class Summary
Address The address contains information of a destination device.
CDMASmartMsg Smart message for CDMA network.
Destination The destination contains all information of a destination device.
DeviceInfo The device info contains all information of a device.
DriverInfo The driver info contains all required information about a driver.
EndPoint The end point class contains both an address and its delivery type, which can uniquely identify an end point.
GSMSmartMsg Smart message for GSM network.
Parameter The parameter class is used to specify the parameters a driver takes.
Profile The profile contains information of a sending request.
ReceivingBillingContext Billing context for incoming messages.
Report This class is used by a driver to report sending result to Transport.
SenderInfo The information about the sender.
SendingBillingContext Billing context for outgoing messages.
SimpleBean The simple bean.
SmartMsgEncoder Smart message encoder.
Status A status is some information about a message sent.
TransportLocator The class is the entry point of the transport API.


Exception Summary
DriverException The driver exception.
TransportException The transport exception.


Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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