Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

Package oracle.panama.rt

Interface Summary
FileParameter The FileParameter class represents file parameters
ManagedContext This interface represents the ManagedContext objects in PTG Runtime.
ProcessingContextParameterNames Defines the constants for ProcessingContext parameter names.
Request This interface represents the request objects in Runtime.
RequestParameterNames Defines the constants for URL parameter names used by the system run-time and core models.
Response This interface represents the response objects in Runtime.
ServiceContext This interface represents the ServiceContext objects in PTG Runtime.
Session This interface represents the session objects in Runtime.


Class Summary
AttributeCategory This AttributeCategory represents the Parameters, Runtime, or Contexts categories of the attributes in the Request.
BrandContext Brand context setter apis
RequestFactory This RequestFactory produces new request objects that can be executed.
ReservedParameterNames Defines the constants for all reserved parameter names.
ResultType This ResultType represents the different types of result the ServiceContext can store.
SessionHolder A serializable holder of the runtime session that can be placed in the HttpSession of the OC4J containers performing session replication.


Exception Summary
UnauthorizedOperationException This UnauthorizedOperationException is raised if logged-in user does not have sufficient privilege to perform the operation.


Oracle Application Server Wireless Java API Reference

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