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Oracle® Developer Suite Installation Guide
10g (9.0.4) for Windows, Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX
Part No. B10579-02
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3 Installation

Before you proceed with your installation, make sure you have reviewed and performed the preinstallation tasks described in Chapter 2, "Getting Started".

This chapter provides detailed installation steps and basic postinstallation tasks. The topics include:

3.1 Installing Oracle Developer Suite

For instructions on starting the installer, see Section 2.9.4, "Starting the Installer".


  • (For Windows only) If you encounter a Windows System Files error during installation, click OK to close the error dialog. Then follow the instructions in Section, "Windows System Files Installation".

  • The installer appears in the language specified in the current locale.

The installer first does automatic prerequisite checks. These run in a command line window which appears before the installer displays the Welcome screen. If a prerequisite check fails, the installer displays an error message and then stops. Section 2.9.2, "Installer Prerequisite Checks" describes the installer's automatic prerequisite checks.

Next, the installer displays the Welcome screen.

  1. Review the Welcome screen and click Next.

    The Welcome screen provides information about Oracle Universal Installer.

    The following function buttons appear on the Welcome screen and all installation screens that follow it:

    • Help: Click this to access detailed information about the functionality of each screen.

    • Installed Products: Click this to view currently installed products and deinstall products.

    • Back: Click this to return to the previous screen. This button is disabled on the Welcome screen.

    • Next: Click this to move to the next screen. This button may be disabled on some screens.

    • Install: Click this to begin installing the files


      This function button is disabled until you reach the Summary screen.

    • Cancel: Click this to quit the installation process and exit the installer.

    The Welcome screen has two additional buttons. They are:

    • Deinstall Products: Click this to deinstall individual products or all products.

    • About Oracle Universal Installer: Click this to view the version of the installer you are using.

    For more detailed information about the Installed Products and Deinstall Products options, see Section 4.1.1, "Deinstalling Using the Installer".

  2. If this is the first time you have installed an Oracle product on this computer, the installer creates the inventory directory for installation-related files (see Section 2.9.3, "The Installer Inventory Directory" for more information about this directory). The creation process differs between Windows, Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX:

    • Windows: The installer creates the directory system_default_drive\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory, where system_default_drive is the drive where you installed Windows, usually C.

    • Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: The Specify Inventory Directory screen appears. You must enter an existing directory as the location for the inventory directory. For example, you might use


      To navigate through the file system to select the inventory directory, use the Browse button.

      To continue the installation process, click OK.

  3. For Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX only: (First time installation) At the UNIX Group Name screen, enter a group name.

    The UNIX Group Name screen only appears when you run the installer for the first time on a computer. You use this screen to specify a group that has permission to read from and write to the inventory directory. For more information, refer to Section 2.8.6, "Creating Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Accounts and Groups".

    Unix Group Name: Enter the group name. This group should have read and write access to the inventory directory. The user that you are using to run the installer should be a member of this group.

    When you have finished, click Next to continue.

  4. For Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX only: The installer displays a screen that prompts you to run the shell script You must run this script with root privileges. You may need to execute the shell script by typing "./" before

    The screen lists the location of the shell script file. The script creates pointers to the components as the installer installs them in the computer so that they can be identified later in the installation procedure. The script creates the file /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc (/etc/oraInst.loc on Linux), which provides a pointer to your inventory directory.

    After you have run the script, return to this screen and click Continue to continue.

  5. At the Specify File Locations screen, verify the source and destination paths and enter or select an Oracle home name.

    The Specify File Locations screen lets you enter the full path for the source and destination locations for your installation.

    • Source: This is the full path to the products.jar file from which the product will be installed. The installer detects and uses the default values of the products.jar file of the installation program. Do not change the path.

    • Destination: This is the name and full path to the Oracle home where the product will be installed.

      You may use the default name and path provided or select another name. See Section 2.6.1, "Oracle Home Considerations" if you need more information.


      The Oracle home path must be a real, absolute path. It cannot contain environment variable names or spaces.

      Do not install Oracle Developer Suite into an existing:

      • Oracle9iDS Release 2 (9.0.2) home directory.

      • Oracle Internet Developer Suite home directory (former version of Oracle Developer Suite)

      • Oracle Database home directory (including Oracle8i and Oracle9i)

      For more information about Oracle homes, see Section 2.6, "Coexistence in One Oracle Home".

    • Browse: To navigate through the file system to find source and destination locations, use the Browse button.

    When you have finished entering the information, click Next to continue.

  6. If the computer you are installing on is part of a hardware cluster, the Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode screen may appear. Choose the option Single Node or Cold Failover Cluster Installation, which performs the installation on the current install node only (The Active Failover Cluster Installation option is not supported in this release).

  7. At the Select Installation Types screen, select the type of installation you want to perform and the product languages to install. The available install options are:

    • J2EE Development: Select this option to install Oracle9i JDeveloper and its subcomponents (Oracle Business Intelligence Beans, UIX, Bali, and XDK), and Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J). This option configures OC4J as the default listener for testing purposes.

    • Business Intelligence: (Windows only) Select this option to install Oracle Discoverer Administrator (including Oracle Discoverer Desktop), and Oracle Reports Developer. This option also installs OC4J and Oracle Application Server Reports Services, and configures OC4J as the default listener for testing purposes.


      Oracle BI Beans is a component of JDeveloper. To use Oracle BI Beans, install the J2EE Development option as well.

    • Rapid Application Development: (Windows only) Select this option to install Oracle Forms Developer, Oracle Designer, Oracle Software Configuration Manager, Oracle Reports Developer, and Oracle9i JDeveloper. This option also installs OC4J, Oracle Application Server Reports Services, and Oracle Application Server Forms Services, and configures OC4J as the default listener for testing purposes.

    • Complete: Select this option to install all Oracle Developer Suite components. Not all components are available on Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX. See Table 2-3, "Operating Environments and Oracle Developer Suite Components" for the Oracle Developer Suite components that are installed on Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX.

    • Product Languages: To select the languages that Oracle Developer Suite will run in, click the Product Languages button to display the Language Selection screen. You can install multiple languages and then switch between languages by changing the NLS_LANG environment variable. At runtime, if translations are available for the language specified in NLS_LANG, the component will display in the specified language, otherwise the product will run in English.

      At the Language Selection screen, select the languages you want the installed product to run in. If you are running the installer in a locale that uses English, only English will be selected. If you are running the installer in a locale that uses another language, English and the locale's default language will be selected.

      The Language Selection screen lets you select multiple languages to be installed. Do the selection by shuttling languages from the Available Languages list to the Selected Languages list. To do this:

      • Select a language or languages from the Available Languages list. To select more than one language, select one language and then hold down the CTRL key and select additional languages. Note that selecting languages here does not affect the language of the installation program itself.

      • After making your selections, click the right arrow button to move the selected languages to the Selected Languages list.

      • To select all the languages, click the double right arrow button.

      • To deselect a language, click the language and click the left arrow button to move the selected language back to the Available Languages list. To deselect all the languages, click the double left arrow button.

      • When you have finished selecting languages, click OK to continue.

    When you have selected the type of installation you want to perform, and you have selected the product languages you want, click Next to continue.

  8. For all installation types except J2EE, the installer displays the Provide Outgoing Mail Server Information screen. This screen lets you enter a name for the outgoing mail server that Oracle Application Server Reports Services (Reports Services) uses to distribute reports and send job success notifications via e-mail.

    An example of a outgoing mail server name is

    If you do not wish to use this feature, leave the name blank.

    When you have finished, click Next to continue.

  9. HP-UX only: At the Choose JDK Home Directory screen, enter the full path to the HP Java 2 SDK 1.4.1 directory. Then click Next to continue.


    The HP-UX version of Oracle Developer Suite does not include a Java SDK. You must install the Java SDK yourself before you start an Oracle Developer Suite installation. For the HP Java SDK requirements, see Table 2-7, "HP-UX Operating Environment Software Requirements". For instructions on obtaining and installing the HP Java SDK, see Section 2.8.1, "General Checklist".

  10. Verify the information in the Summary screen and click Install to begin installing the files.

    The Summary screen lets you review the selections you have made before the actual installation starts. The Summary list includes the source and destination locations, installation type, product languages, space requirements, and the components to be installed.

    To make changes to any of the selections, click Back to return to the appropriate screen.


    Insufficient disk space is indicated in red under Space Requirements.

  11. The Install screen appears and the installer begins copying the required files for Oracle Developer Suite. Monitor the progress of the installation.

    The Install screen appears while the product is installing. Installation operations include executing actions such as file copy and linking, and execution decision points and calculations. At the Install screen, you can:

    • Monitor the installation process.

    • See the full path of the installation log. For more information about the installation log, see Section 2.9.3, "The Installer Inventory Directory".

    • Click Stop Installation... to discontinue the installation process. You can then choose to stop the installation of the entire product (default) or an individual component. Oracle recommends that you stop the entire product installation. If you choose to stop the installation of an individual component, associated components in the product may not function properly.

  12. The Configuration Assistants screen may appear while the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant is running. This assistant configures basic network components and creates the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files for you. The Oracle Net Configuration Assistant tool is started by the installer. Click Help on the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant Welcome screen if you need information on how to use the tool.

    Once you are finished with this screen, click Next to continue.


    The configuration assistant may run in silent mode, which means that its UI will not be visible while it is running. The UI may also appear only briefly before the assistant finishes. If the UI appears and the installation pauses, the assistant has encountered an error.

    At the Configuration Assistants screen, you can:

    • Monitor the configuration process.

    • Click Stop to quit a configuration tool.

    • View the configuration settings that have been made by a configuration tool. Click a configuration tool name to display the configuration details in the display window.

    • Click Retry to execute the configuration tool again, if the tool failed to complete the configuration successfully.

    For users of Windows assistive technologies: If you are using assistive technologies and you encounter a problem with the screen reader at this stage of the installation, follow these instructions:

    1. Press ALT-F4 to cancel the Net Configuration Assistant, then exit the installer. This does not affect the Oracle Developer Suite installation; it only stops the Net Configuration Assistant tool.

    2. Install Java Access Bridge 1.0.2 into the JRE 1.1.8 location on your computer. See Section 2.8.4, "Installing Java Access Bridge (Windows only)" for information on downloading and installing Java Access Bridge 1.0.2.

    3. Set the following environment variable if it has not been set:

      ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH=program_drive:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\ lib\access-bridge.jar;program_drive:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\ lib\jaccess.jar

      where program_drive is the drive that contains the directory Program Files.

    4. Restart your screen reader.

    5. Restart the Net Configuration Assistant tool on the Windows Start Menu as follows:

      Start > Programs > Oracle - oracle_home> Configuration and Migration Tools > Net Configuration Assistant

  13. If the installer is still displaying the Configuration Assistants screen, click Next to continue.

  14. After installing the product, the installer displays the End of Installation screen.

    To exit the installation program, click Exit. A message dialog appears, prompting you to confirm that you want to exit the installation program. Click Yes to exit; click No to continue with the installation program.

    After successfully installing the product, proceed to Section 3.2, "Postinstallation Tasks" for further instructions.

3.2 Postinstallation Tasks

The postinstallation tasks for Oracle Developer Suite are divided into the following parts:

3.2.1 General Checklist

Review the following general postinstallation checklist and perform the tasks that apply to your installation and environment. Updates

Once you have completed your installation, you should check for the latest certification and software updates on OracleMetalink ( OracleMetalink provides access to technical information and assistance from Oracle Support Services, including information about:

  • product availability

  • certification

  • product alerts

  • bug information

  • patches

  • technical solutions

  • service request logging

Oracle Technology Network ( also provides services and resources that developers can use to build, test, and deploy applications using Oracle products and industry-standard technologies. NLS

You may have to perform some postinstallation tasks to enable NLS support for the components you have installed. Component Languages

You can display an Oracle Developer Suite component's user interface in any language you selected during installation. To do this, you set the NLS_LANG environment variable.

NLS_LANG controls the language, territory dependent conventions, and character set used by the component. Until you change NLS_LANG to a different value, all Oracle Developer Suite components will use its settings.

NLS_LANG has three parts: language, territory, and character set. They are set with the format


For example, the value Japanese_Japan.JA16EUC sets NLS_LANG so that components run in Japanese, use Japanese cultural conventions, and use the EUC character set for data manipulation.

Refer to the Oracle Application Server 10g Globalization Guide (included in the Oracle Application Server Documentation Library) for more documentation about NLS_LANG. Additional Fonts

When you choose a set of product languages during installation, the installer automatically installs fonts so that the JDK can display the languages correctly. The fonts are installed in the directory oracle_home/jdk/jre/lib/fonts.

Later, you may need to display text in a language that you did not choose during installation. If you are using a Java-dependent component, such as Oracle9i JDeveloper, UIX, or Oracle Reports Developer, you will not have the font that Java needs. To fix this, you can install the font manually.

The following Table 3-1 describes the fonts that are included with Oracle Developer Suite.

Table 3-1 NLS Fonts included with Oracle Developer Suite

Filename Description
ALBANWTJ.TTF Albany WT Japanese font
ALBANWTK.TTF Albany WT Korean font
ALBANWTS.TTF Albany WT Simplified Chinese font
ALBANWTT.TTF Albany WT Traditional Chinese font
ALBANYWT.TTF Albany WT font for non-English languages other than Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.

To install a font, choose the appropriate font name from the table, then install it by performing the following steps:

  1. CD-ROM: Mount the Oracle Developer Suite CD-ROM labeled Disk 2. For instructions on how to mount the CD-ROM for your platform, see Section 2.9.4, "Starting the Installer".

    DVD: Mount the Oracle Developer Suite DVD labeled "Oracle Developer Suite and Documentation." For instructions on how to mount the DVD for your platform, see Section 2.9.4, "Starting the Installer".

  2. If the installer starts up, close it. You will not use it to install the fonts.

  3. CD-ROM: Navigate to the root directory of the CD-ROM, then navigate to the subdirectory /extras/fonts.

    DVD: Navigate to the root directory of the DVD, then navigate to the subdirectory /developer_suite/extras/fonts.

  4. Copy the font file to oracle_home/jdk/jre/lib/fonts. TNS Names

Depending on the installation type selected, the tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files may be installed in the oracle_home\network\admin directory (Windows) or oracle_home/network/admin directory (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX). You can update the files manually using a text editor, or use the configuration tool, Oracle Net Configuration Assistant. For more information about the configuration tool, refer to the manuals Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide or Net8 Administrator's Guide in the Oracle database documentation library. Port Numbers

The installer automatically assigns ports to Oracle Developer Suite components that require them. If the installer detects a port conflict while installing a component, it chooses an alternate port in the port number range allocated to the component. After installation, the installer creates a file that shows the port assignments it has made. You should review the port assignments to make sure that they are acceptable.

The port assignment file is called portlist.ini. It is located in the oracle_home\install directory (Windows) or oracle_home/install directory (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX). This file lists component entries as "port name = port value". For example:

Oracle Java Object Cache port = 7000 Oracle Intelligent Agent = 1748, 1754, 1808, 1809

Table 3-2 lists the default port numbers for each component, and the port number range that the installer uses if it detects a conflict:

Table 3-2 Port Numbers

Components Default Port Number Port Number Range
OC4J for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports testing
  • HTTP Listener: 8888
  • RMI: 23910

  • JMS: 9240




OC4J for JDeveloper testing
  • HTTP Listener: 8888

If you choose an installation type that installs both OC4J instances, then the installer sets port numbers that do not conflict with each other or with other port numbers. OC4J Instance for Oracle Developer Suite

  • To start and stop Oracle Developer Suite OC4J instances for Oracle Forms and Oracle Reports testing, do the following:

    • Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: use the scripts located in the oracle_home/j2ee/DevSuite directory:



    • Windows: use the scripts located in the oracle_home\j2ee\DevSuite directory:

      • startinst.bat

      • stopinst.bat

      or use the Start Menu to access the scripts, using one of the following:

      Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Forms Developer

      Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home> Reports Developer

      and then choosing

      • Start OC4J Instance to start an OC4J instance

      • Shutdown OC4J Instance to stop an OC4J instance Assistive Technologies (Windows only)

If you use assistive technologies such as screen readers to work with Java-based applications and applets, the Windows-based computer where you have installed Oracle Developer Suite must have Sun's Java Access Bridge installed in all the Java virtual machine locations on the computer.

The installer installs files for JDK/JRE 1.4.1 and JDK/JRE 1.1.18 on your computer, but only installs Java Access Bridge 1.0.3 files in the JDK/JRE 1.4.1 location.

For assistive technologies to work with Oracle Developer Suite components that have JDK/JRE 1.1.8 dependencies, you must install the production version of Java Access Bridge 1.0.2 in the JDK/JRE 1.1.8 location as well. See Section 2.8.4, "Installing Java Access Bridge (Windows only)" for instructions. Then use the steps below to make sure the Java Access Bridge files are set up properly.

To verify that Java Access Bridge files are installed:

These instructions assume that you have downloaded the Java Access Bridge 1.0.2 zip file, extracted the contents of the zip file into a temporary directory named accessbridge_home, and installed Java Access Bridge 1.0.2. (See Section 2.8.4, "Installing Java Access Bridge (Windows only)" for more information.)

  1. Ensure that the .jar files access-bridge.jar and jaccess.jar are added to the folder Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\lib.

  2. Ensure that two .DLL files, JavaAccessBridge.dll and WindowsAccessBridge.dll, are added to the folder Winnt\System32. This ensures that the files are in the system path.

  3. Ensure that the .jar files, access-bridge.jar and jaccess-1_3.jar, are added to the folder oracle_home\jdk\jre\lib\ext. If necessary, copy them from accessbridge_home\installer\installerFiles.

  4. Ensure that two .DLL files, JavaAccessBridge.dll and WindowsAccessBridge.dll, are added to the folder oracle_home\jdk\jre\lib\ext. If necessary, copy them from accessbridge_home\installer\installerFiles.

  5. Ensure that the PATH environment variable has been updated to include the directory where the .DLL files are installed, oracle_home\jdk\jre\lib\ext.

  6. Ensure that the ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH environment variable has been updated to include the directory where the Access Bridge files are installed for JRE 1.1.8:

    ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH=program_drive:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\lib\ access-bridge.jar;program_drive:\Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.1.8\lib\ jaccess.jar

    where program_drive is the drive that contains the directory Program Files.

  7. Ensure that the file is in the folders oracle_home\jdk\jre\lib and Program Files\Oracle\jre\1.3.1\lib.

    If necessary, copy the file from accessbridge_home\installer\installerFiles.

  8. Ensure that the file includes the following line:

3.2.2 Completing Component-specific Postinstallation Tasks

Review the component-specific postinstallation checklist and perform any required tasks. Oracle9i JDeveloper

To effectively use JDeveloper, follow the instructions in this section. For information about supported deployment environments, see Section B.1, "Oracle9i JDeveloper". Migrating User Settings from Previous Releases

You can migrate user settings from the production release of JDeveloper (9.0.2) to JDeveloper (9.0.4). To learn how to do this, see Section A.2.1, "Migrating JDeveloper User Settings from Release 9.0.2 to Release 9.0.4".

Oracle does not support direct migration from Oracle JDeveloper version 3.2.3 to 9.0.4. Enabling JDeveloper Extensions

Before you can use an extension in JDeveloper, you first need to download it from OTN. The following extensions are available:

  • JUnit

  • WebDAV

  • iSQL*Plus

To automatically download and install an extension:

  1. Start JDeveloper.

  2. From the main menu, select Help > Check for Updates... This menu option lists extensions that you don't have and newer versions of ones you have.

  3. Select and install the extensions you want.

To manually download an extension:

  1. Go to the OTN page for JDeveloper (9.0.4) extensions,

  2. Select an extension.

  3. Follow the instructions to download the zip file.

To manually install an extension:

  1. Shutdown any instances of JDeveloper that are currently running on your computer.

  2. Verify if there are additional installation instructions in the extension archive.

  3. Unzip the downloaded zip file into the directory oracle_home\jdev\lib\ext.

  4. Restart JDeveloper. After you restart, you will be able to use the extension.

For more information about JDeveloper extensions, see the JDeveloper online help. Enabling Source Code Control (Windows only)

A connection to an Oracle Software Configuration Manager (Oracle SCM) repository is required to perform source code control using Oracle SCM from JDeveloper. The repository resides within an Oracle database and must be precreated. Install the Rapid Application Development or Complete option, then use the Repository Administration Utility in Oracle SCM to create the repository in the database. For instructions on creating the repository, see the Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide, which is available from the Start menu of the Oracle SCM client. Font Problems on Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX Computers

If you see an error similar to:

Font specified in not found [--symbol-medium-r-normal--*-%d-*-*-p-*-adobe-fontspecific]

when starting JDeveloper on a Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX computer, your JDK isn't set up to use the listed font. JDeveloper, by default, uses the information in the file included with each JDK. If this file refers to fonts that are not available on your computer, you will see the error or one like it. To fix this, you either need to install a new font, or change your file. For information on installing new fonts on your computer, contact your vendor. For information on updating the file, see your JDK vendor's documentation or Sun's Font Overview documentation at Hosting Documentation

If you have set the IDE option to use hosted documentation, JDeveloper is pre-configured to use documentation hosted on OTN. The URL to the documentation set on OTN is

Please note that when you start the hosted help system for the first time, it may take several minutes to initialize.

In addition to this site, you can set up your own host for serving hosted documentation. You may want to do this if you are behind a firewall, or you find network access times slow, or if you want to add information to the JDeveloper documentation. If you want to extend the JDeveloper documentation, refer to the Oracle Help for Java (OHJ) documentation, which is included with JDeveloper.

To host JDeveloper documentation:

  • Uncompress the jar files located in oracle_home/jdev/doc/ohj onto your web server. If you have the base install, you will have to download the documentation from OTN. Each jar should be uncompressed into its own directory.

  • Modify the file jdeveloper.hs file to point to the correct URL for each of the subhelpsets on your server. Look at the file jdeveloper-hosted-example.xml in oracle_home/jdev/doc/ohj/jdeveloper.jar for an example of how to configure this file.

Once you have done that, your users will have to set their copy of JDeveloper to use your new server. To do this:

  1. From the JDeveloper main menu, select Tools > Preferences.

  2. Navigate to Documentation.

  3. Select the Use Hosted Documentation radio button.

  4. Provide the URL to the jdeveloper.hs file on your server. This URL should include the port number, even if you are using the default port (80). Using JDeveloper in a Terminal Server/Multiuser Environment

You can install JDeveloper in Microsoft Terminal Server or Citrix WinFrame environment, allowing many clients to access one installation of JDeveloper. In all cases, users can save their projects locally.

When you install and configure JDeveloper for a multiuser environment, you need to consider usage and resources, such as number of users and power of the server, so that you can provide the best performance.

Installing JDeveloper on a Citrix WinFrame Server or a Microsoft Terminal Server

You need to have administrative privileges to install JDeveloper.

  • To install JDeveloper on a Citrix or Microsoft Server:

    • Install JDeveloper by selecting the J2EE Development installation type as described earlier.

    • Define the user home directory environment variable (see below).

Configuring User Home Directories in a Multiuser Environment

(The following information is written for Windows, but the logic applies to Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX as well.)

Before you start JDeveloper in a terminal server environment, you must define the user home environment variable, and set its value for each user, so that JDeveloper can correctly identify individual user home directories. If the variable is not defined and set, JDeveloper uses the oracle_home\jdev as the home directory for all users. Using this directory for all users may cause unstable behavior in JDeveloper.

  • To define the name of the user home environment variable:

    1. Open the file oracle_home\jdev\bin\jdev.conf in a text editor. Use an editor that recognizes Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX end-of-line characters, such as WordPad.

    2. Find the entry:

      SetUserHomeVariable JDEV_USER_DIR

      This is the default variable that JDeveloper will look for at startup. As the terminal server's administrator, you may change the name of this variable to follow your computer's naming conventions.

    3. Save the file. If you are using WordPad, it will warn you that it is about to save the file in text-only format. You can ignore this warning.

  • To set the environment variable:


    Every user of JDeveloper on a multiuser computer must follow this procedure.

    1. From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel, then System.

    2. Select the Environment tab.

    3. Add JDEV_USER_DIR, or the name you chose in the previous procedure, as a user-level environment variable.

    4. Set its value to your home directory (e.g., N:\users\jdoe) and click OK.

    5. To check your variable setting, open a command shell and enter


      You should see output similar to the following:


    6. Launch JDeveloper.

      JDeveloper will ask if you would like your user home directory to be created. Select Yes.

    7. From the Help menu, choose About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

Configuring Terminal Server Clients for Running JDeveloper

These topics assume that you have already installed a Citrix WinFrame or Microsoft Terminal Server client locally and that JDeveloper has been installed and configured by the System Administrator.

  • To configure a terminal server client for JDeveloper:

    1. Verify that the color resolution of the terminal server client has been set to a minimum of 256 colors. This minimum resolution is required by the JDK.

    2. Log on to your terminal server.

    3. Verify that the user home environment variable has been defined: Ask your System Administrator for the naming convention that is used on your computer. The default variable is JDEV_USER_DIR.

    4. Set the user home environment variable:

      • From the Windows Start menu, choose Control Panel, then System.

      • Click the Environment tab.

      • Add the variable to your User Variables and click OK. For example, you can define JDEV_USER_DIR as the variable containing the path to the user's home directory.

      • To check the correct variable settings, open a command shell and enter:


        You should see output similar to the following:


    5. Launch JDeveloper.

    6. JDeveloper will ask if you would like your user home directory to be created. Select Yes.

    7. From the Help menu, choose About to verify that the value of ide.user.dir is set to your user home directory.

If you run JDeveloper in a multiuser environment and you see the error

The system DLL ole32.dll was relocated in memory. The application will not run properly. The relocation occurred because the DLL Dynamically Allocated Memory occupied an address range reserved for Windows NT system DLLs. The vendor supplying the DLL should be contacted for a new DLL.

you need to update the oracle_home\jdev\bin\jdev.conf file by adding the line:

AddVMOption -Xheapbase10000000

Use an editor, such as WordPad, that recognizes Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX end-of-line characters. You may have to change the number if you still get the error when starting JDeveloper. When you save the file, WordPad will warn you that it is about to save the file in text-only format. Disregard this warning.

You also need to set option with the same value in the project settings. To do this, from the Project menu, choose Default Project Settings, expand the Runner node, select Java options, and change the option.

To make this setting available to all users, exit JDeveloper, log on as an administrator and then copy the file



userhome\system\DefaultWorkspace\Project1.jpr Using OC4J in non-embedded mode with JDeveloper

The J2EE Development installation includes a fully functioning version of Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J). If you use JDeveloper to test your applications, you are using the embedded version of OC4J, and you do not have to make any modifications to your configuration. If you would like to use the same configuration for your server, you can use the version included with JDeveloper.

To configure the OC4J server for non-embedded mode:

  1. At the command line, in oracle_home/j2ee/home run the command

    java -jar oc4j.jar -install

    The server will auto-unpack several jars. You will then be prompted to enter an admin password.

  2. Enter a password and press Enter. Confirm the password by typing it again and press Enter.

    Write down the password. You need this password to administer and stop the OC4J server.

The OC4J server is now installed and configured. You can now start the server.


The administrative username is now admin, and the administrative password is the password you just entered. Use this username and password to administer and stop the server.

To start the OC4J server for use in non-embedded mode:

  • For Windows: In the directory oracle_home/j2ee/home, run the command:

    java -jar oc4j.jar admin password

    where password is the administrative password you created previously.

    Several jar files are auto-deployed and the server displays the following line:

    Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
  • For Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: Navigate to the directory oracle_home/jdev/bin:

    • To start the server, run start_oc4j:


    • To stop the server, run tstop_oc4j:

      oracle_home/jdev/bin/stop_oc4j admin password

For password, use the administrative password you created previously.

For more information on fine tuning the OC4J server, see the OC4J documentation in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library.


The server must be running when you deploy projects to it.

Using the included server will have no impact on using JDeveloper for testing and running your projects. Using Assistive Technologies with JDeveloper (Windows only)

First, follow the steps in Section, "Assistive Technologies (Windows only)" to make sure the Java Access Bridge files have been installed properly. Then use the following instructions to make sure JDeveloper works with Java Access Bridge:

  1. Ensure that three DLL files: JavaAccessBridge.dll, JAWTAccessBridge.dll, and WindowsAccessBridge.dll are added to the Winnt\System32 directory, as they must be in the system path in order to work with JDeveloper. If necessary, copy them from accessbridge_home\installer\installerFiles to the directory.

  2. Modify the file jdev.conf located in the folder oracle_home\jdev\bin to uncomment the AddVMOption line as shown in the following example:

    # Prepend patches to the bootclasspath. Currently, rtpatch.jar contains a
    # patch that fixes the javax.swing.JTree accessibility problems.
    # Uncomment the line below if you need to run JDeveloper under JAWS.
    AddVMOption -Xbootclasspath/p:../../jdk/jre/lib/patches/rtpatch.jar
  3. It is also necessary to use Hotspot instead of OJVM to run JDeveloper. To do this, set the SetJavaVM line in the jdev.conf file as follows:

    SetJavaVM hotspot

  4. Start your screen reader.

  5. Start JDeveloper.

The previous steps assume you are running Windows and using a Windows-based screen reader. A console window that contains error information (if any) will open first and then the main JDeveloper window will appear, once JDeveloper has started. Oracle Business Intelligence Beans

Complete the following postinstallation tasks that are appropriate for your site. Database Considerations

Note that the preparation steps in JDeveloper affect the entire JDeveloper environment, including the embedded OC4J instance. Preparing an Oracle9i Release 2 Database for Use with BI Beans

To run against Oracle9i Release 2, complete the following tasks:

  1. If you have not already done so, install the Enterprise Edition of the Oracle9i database, Release 2. For instructions, download the Oracle9i installation guide for the appropriate platform from Oracle Technology Network (

    Important: When you install the database client, do not install it into the Oracle Application Server home or the Oracle Developer Suite home.

  2. If you have not already done so, on the same server download and install the appropriate Oracle9i patch sets from OracleMetaLink ( To locate the patch sets to download, log onto OracleMetaLink and click Patches, then search for the appropriate patch set numbers, as described below.

    BI Beans supports some, but not all, of the database patch sets. Each new patch set includes improvements to OLAP functionality. Therefore, if possible, you should install the latest patch set. For the current matrix of supported patch sets, refer to the BI Beans product area on Oracle Technology Network ( As of this writing, the following patch sets are supported. Choose the appropriate platform, then download and install the patch set.

    • 2761332 -- the Oracle9i patch set

    • 3095277 and 3084634 -- the Oracle9i patch set and an additional patch set required for OLAP (you must install both)

  3. Configure the database, following the configuration settings shown in Best Practices for Tabular Cube Aggregation and Query Operations. To access this document, download patch set 2529822. You must follow these configuration settings exactly to ensure that BI Beans works correctly and performs well. This document is updated as needed, so you should download a new version whenever you download a new patch set.

  4. Define the appropriate OLAP metadata, as described in the Oracle9i OLAP Release 2 - User's Guide. This book is available on Oracle Technology Network ( You can also refer to the Help system for the OLAP management tool of Oracle Enterprise Manager, which is the tool that you use to create the metadata. If you do not define appropriate metadata, then you will not be able to create OLAP queries.

  5. For any existing BI Designers, you must either update the application settings to specify the new OLAP data source (as described in the Help topic "Updating BI Beans Application Settings") or create a new BI Designer (as described in the Help topic "Creating a BI Designer Object"). Additional Tasks

In addition to preparing the database, perform the following tasks, as appropriate for your site:

  • To upgrade an existing application that runs against Oracle9i Release 1, first complete the installation process for Release 2 as described in Section, "Preparing an Oracle9i Release 2 Database for Use with BI Beans", then complete the migration steps, as described in Section A.3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Beans".

  • By default, JDeveloper expects the JDK to be in the ..\..\jdk directory (Windows) or in the /usr/java/jdk1.4 directory (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX). If your JDK is not in the default location, then you must edit oracle_home/jdev/bin/jdev.conf to change the setting of the SetJavaHome option.

  • Oracle Developer Suite ships with the Oracle9i Release 1 JDBC drivers, but Oracle BI Beans requires the Release 2 drivers. Therefore, you must upgrade the JDBC driver files. This is necessary even if you upgraded to the Release 2 drivers in Oracle BI Beans 9.0.3. To upgrade, follow these steps:

    1. Start JDeveloper.

    2. Attempt to access any BI Beans object. A message appears, asking if you want to upgrade.

    3. Click Yes. The upgrade is performed automatically. The files are copied from the oracle_home/bibeans/jdbc/lib_92 directory to the oracle_home/jdev/lib/patches directory.

    4. Restart JDeveloper for the upgrade to take effect.


      • This change affects all your projects. However, you must also change the settings for each project, as described in Section A.3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Beans".

      • If you want to restore the original drivers, simply delete classes12.jar, classes12dms.jar, and nls_charset12.jar from the oracle_home/jdev/lib/patches directory.

  • During design with JDeveloper, your analyses are saved in your project. However, if you or your end-users want to be able to share analyses and objects with other developers and end-users, then you must install and configure the BI Beans Catalog, as described in the Help topic "Installing and Configuring the BI Beans Catalog."

  • To test your applications, you must install your chosen deployment environment. For more information, see Section B.1.3, "Oracle Business Intelligence Beans", under "Deployment Requirements".

  • BI Beans Catalog: If you plan to use the Oracle JDBC Thick (OCI) driver to connect to the BI Beans Catalog at design time, then you must edit the jdev.conf file, as described in the JDeveloper Help topic "Reference: Connection Requirements for Oracle's Type 2 JDBC Drivers (OCI)." The jdev.conf file is in the oracle_home/jdev/bin directory. You must also ensure that the version of the Release 2 client files matches that of the JDBC driver file. That is, when you follow the instructions in the Help topic, you must reference an Oracle home that contains the Release 2 client files.

  • For information about how to upgrade manually, consult the release notes. Oracle Reports Developer

  • To enable Oracle Application Server Portal integration, see Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library.

  • If you plan to create reports of multidimensional data from Oracle Express Server, review the instructions for configuring the Express data source in the Oracle Reports Builder online help. Search for the topic "Configuring the Express Data Source." Oracle Reports Developer release notes also contain important information about preparing connections to the Oracle Express Server.


    Note: The Oracle Reports connection to Oracle Express Server is not supported on HP-UX and Linux.

  • To start and stop Reports Services, see Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library.

  • You can change the outgoing e-mail server in the Reports Server configuration file, reports_server_name.conf, located in the oracle_home\reports\conf directory (Windows) or oracle_home/reports/conf directory (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX).

  • Any reports that use the Merant JDBC drivers supplied with Oracle Application Server must be deployed with Oracle Application Server only. If you wish to deploy reports with JDBC queries against another application server, you must license the Merant drivers or use other JDBC drivers for development and deployment.

    To use the Merant JDBC drivers supplied with Oracle Application Server, install the J2EE and Web Cache install option of Oracle Application Server into the Oracle home where you installed Oracle Developer Suite. Then modify the oracle_home\reports\conf\jdbcpds.conf file (Windows) or oracle_home/reports/conf/jdbcpds.conf file (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX) to specify the driver information of the Merant JDBC drivers.

    The driver information is typically the driver name, connect string format, and the driver class.

    For example, an entry for the Merant driver for Sybase would look like:

         <driver name = "sybase-merant"
                 sourceDatabase = "sybase"               subProtocol = "merant:sybase"              connectString = "jdbc:subProtocol://databaseName"              class ="com.merant.datadirect.jdbc.sybase.SybaseDriver">     </driver>


    name is any unique name by which you want to refer to a specific JDBC driver you use in Oracle Reports Developer.

    sourceDatabase is the name of the database you want to access.

    subProtocol is a driver-specific name that you can find in the driver documentation. For example, for the Merant driver to the Sybase database, subProtocol is merant:sybase and for sql-server database it is sqlserver.

    connectString is the format of the connect string of the driver.

    In the example,

    jdbc:subProtocol://databaseName specifies the format.

    class is the main Java class file name of the driver. This value is specific to each driver; you can find it in the driver documentation. For example, the driver class name for the Merant driver to the Sybase database is com.merant.datadirect.jdbc.sybase.SybaseDriver and, for sql-server database, it is com.merant.datadirect.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver.

For more information, see the chapter "Configuring and using JDBC PDS " of the Oracle Application Server Reports Services Publishing Reports to the Web manual in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library. More guidelines on configuring the custom drivers are given in the oracle_home\reports\conf\jdbcpds.conf file (Windows) or oracle_home/reports/conf/jdbcpds.conf file (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX). You can also refer to the section "JDBC PDS" in the Oracle Reports Developer online help.

For Windows only: If you installed the Business Intelligence option, and you want to perform source code control with Oracle Software Configuration Manager from Oracle Reports Developer, install either the Rapid Application Development or Complete option. Oracle Discoverer Administrator

  • If you have an earlier version of Discoverer Administrator (formerly Discoverer Administration Edition) on your computer, you need to upgrade the End User Layer before you can use Oracle Discoverer Administrator to perform administration tasks (unless you have version or later, in which case no EUL upgrade is required). See Chapter 23 "Upgrading from earlier versions of Discoverer" of the Oracle Discoverer Administrator Administration Guide in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library. Oracle Forms Developer

  • Before you can work with Stored Java objects in Oracle Forms Developer 10g version 9.0.4 (Oracle Forms), you must install the necessary Java classes and PL/SQL package to the Oracle9i database. Follow these steps to install the Java Object support in Oracle Forms Developer:

    1. Locate the installation scripts in the oracle_home\dbs directory (Windows) or oracle_home>/dbs directory (Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX). You will need the following files to install Java Object support:






    2. Run SQL*Plus from the same directory where the scripts are located.

    3. Log in as SYSTEM.

    If the installation is correct, then you will see the ORA_DE_REFLECTION package (derefls.plb and dereflb.plb) under the schema SYSTEM.

  • See Oracle Application Server Forms Services: Deployment Guide in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library for information about deploying Oracle Forms Developer applications to the Web using Oracle Application Server.

  • See Oracle Forms Developer and Forms Services: Migrating Forms Applications from Forms6i in the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library for information that developers, system administrators, and DBAs need to know in order to migrate Oracle Forms Developer applications from Forms6i to Oracle Forms Developer 10g.

  • See the Oracle Forms Developer online help for the steps you need to take to configure source control management and the debugger, if you plan to use these features.

  • For online help updates (JAR file downloads), go to Oracle Technology Network at

  • To configure a database for TranslationHub, use the Schema Manager. For information on using the Schema Manager, see the TranslationHub online help. Oracle Software Configuration Manager (Oracle SCM)

  • Follow the instructions for installing, upgrading, or migrating a repository in the Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide, which is available from the Start menu of the Oracle SCM client. Also see Section A.7, "Oracle Software Configuration Manager".

  • Upgrade your client before you upgrade or install your server side repository. You will avoid having to upgrade the repository twice. To upgrade, go to OracleMetaLink (, navigate to product "Designer" release "Designer/Repository 9i", download the latest 9.0.4 patchset, and install it to your Oracle home.

  • If you want to use non-English data, you need to set up Oracle Software Configuration Manager with a non-English character set. See the Oracle Application Server 10g Globalization Guide in the Oracle Application Server Documentation Library) for instructions. Oracle Designer

  • You must install JInitiator on your client to run an Oracle Forms form generated with Oracle Designer. To install JInitiator, navigate to the directory oracle_home\jinit, then run the program jinit.exe. The Oracle Designer release notes describe additional steps that you need to take in order to run generated Oracle Forms forms.

  • Upgrade your client before you upgrade or install your server side repository. You will avoid having to upgrade the repository twice. To upgrade, go to OracleMetaLink (, navigate to product "Designer" release "Designer/Repository 9i", download the latest 9.0.4 patchset, and install it to your Oracle home.

  • Follow the instructions for installing a new repository, or upgrading or migrating an existing one, in the Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide, which is available from the Start menu of the Oracle SCM client. For upgrading or migrating an existing repository, see also Section A.8, "Oracle Designer".

3.2.3 Starting a Component

Before you start an Oracle Developer Suite component, make sure you have completed the general and component-specific postinstallation steps described in previous sections. Also, if you are upgrading from a previous version of a component, make sure you perform the necessary upgrade steps. Each component's upgrade procedure is documented in Appendix A, "Upgrade Notes".

Once you have completed a component's postinstallation and upgrade steps you can start the component, as follows: Oracle9i JDeveloper and Oracle Business Intelligence Beans

Windows: To start JDeveloper, run the program oracle_home\jdev\bin\jdevw.exe. To see a console window that displays diagnostic information, run the program oracle_home\jdev\bin\jdev.exe.

Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: To start JDeveloper, run the program oracle_home/jdev/bin/jdev.

Oracle Business Intelligence Beans is available as part of JDeveloper. Oracle Reports Developer

Windows: To start Reports Builder, from the Taskbar choose Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Oracle Reports Developer > Reports Builder.

Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: To start Oracle Reports Developer, navigate to the oracle_home/bin directory, then run Oracle Discoverer

Oracle Developer Suite contains two Oracle Discoverer components, Oracle Discoverer Administrator, and Oracle Discoverer Desktop. Oracle Discoverer Administrator

Windows Only: To start Oracle Discoverer Administrator, follow these steps:

  1. From the Taskbar, choose

    Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Discoverer Administrator to display the Connect to Oracle Discoverer Administrator dialog.

  2. Enter the username of the database user with which you want to start Discoverer Administrator in the Username field

  3. Enter the password of the database user with which you want to start Discoverer in the Password field.

  4. Specify the database to connect to in the Connect field, using the following guidelines:

    • If you are logging onto your default Oracle database, do not enter anything in the Connect field.

    • If you are logging onto a different Oracle database, specify the name of the database (if you not sure which name to use, contact your database administrator.)

  5. Click the Connect button to start Discoverer Administrator and connect to the database. Oracle Discoverer Desktop

Windows Only: To start Oracle Discoverer Desktop, follow these steps:

Note: Before you can create a new workbook or open an existing workbook in Oracle Discoverer Desktop, an End User Layer must already exist (i.e. created using Oracle Discoverer Administrator)

  1. From the Taskbar, choose Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Discoverer Desktop to display the Connect to Oracle Discoverer Desktop dialog.

  2. Enter the username of the database user with which you want to start Discoverer Desktop in the Username field

  3. Enter the password of the database user with which you want to start Discoverer in the Password field.

  4. Specify the database to connect to in the Connect field, using the following guidelines:

    • if you are logging onto your default Oracle database, do not enter anything in the Connect field

    • if you are logging onto a different Oracle database, specify the name of the database (if you not sure which name to use, contact your database administrator)

  5. Click the Connect button to start Discoverer Desktop and connect to the database. Oracle Forms Developer

Windows: To start Forms Builder, choose Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Oracle Forms Developer > Forms Builder.

Linux, Solaris, and HP-UX: To start Oracle Forms Builder, navigate to your oracle_home/bin directory, then run Oracle Software Configuration Manager (Oracle SCM)

Windows Only: To start Oracle Software Configuration Manager, from the Taskbar choose Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Software Configuration Manager. Then select one of the menu options, which are described in the following table:

Option Description
Accessible Help Opens the SCM online help system in Oracle Help for Java format for accessibility
Command Line Tool Reference Guide Accesses documentation for the Command Line Tool
Configuration Management Overview Opens a software configuration management overview document
Online Help Accesses the online help for SCM
Oracle SCM Repository Installation Guide Opens the installation guide for the SCM server-side repository
Release Notes Accesses the SCM release notes
Repository Administration Utility Starts the tool used for repository installation, migration, and upgrade
Repository Command Line Tool Starts the tool that provides a command-line interface to the repository
Repository Object Navigator Starts the tool used for repository maintenance
Use as Source Control for Forms and Reports Refer to the SCM documentation for instructions about using this option. Oracle Designer

Windows Only: To start Oracle Designer, choose Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Designer > Oracle Designer.

3.2.4 Additional Documentation

All components have online help that is installed with the product. Some components provide additional documentation that is available on the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library CD-ROM or, for the DVD, from the subdirectory /doc_library. For information on viewing and installing the Oracle Developer Suite Documentation Library, see Appendix C, "Installing the Documentation Library".

For release notes and further component-specific information on postinstallation and configuration tasks, refer to the release notes and the component-specific administration or configuration guide in the documentation library.

For Windows users, you can access release notes and Getting Started information from the Start Menu as follows:

  • Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Release Notes

  • Start > Programs > Oracle Developer Suite - oracle_home > Documentation > Getting Started

You can also point your browser to the file


For documentation updates, white papers, or other collateral, please visit the Oracle Technology Network at