User Limit Usage (%)


The LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS initialization parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent user sessions allowed simultaneously.

This metric checks whether the number of users logged on is reaching the license limit. If the percentage of the number of concurrent user sessions to the limit set in the LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS initialization parameter exceeds the values specified in the threshold arguments, then a warning or critical alert is generated. If LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS is not explicitly set to a value, the test does not trigger.

Note: This metric is most useful when session licensing is enabled. Refer to the Oracle Server Reference Manual for more information on LICENSE_MAX_SESSIONS and LICENSE_MAX_USERS.

Note: Unlike most metrics, which accept thresholds as real numbers, this metric can only accept an integer as a threshold.

Metric Summary

The rest of the information in this section is only valid for this metric when it appears in either the Enterprise Manager Grid Control or the Enterprise Manager Database Control (if applicable).

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected and compared against the default thresholds. The 'Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification' column indicates the consecutive number of times the comparison against thresholds should hold TRUE before an alert is generated.

Target Version

Evaluation and Collection Frequency

Upload Frequency


Default Warning Threshold

Default Critical Threshold

Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification

Alert Text


Every 15 Minutes

After Every Sample


Not Defined

Not Defined


%target% has reached %value%%% of the user limit.

Target Version

Server Evaluation Frequency

Collection Frequency

Upload Frequency


Default Warning Threshold

Default Critical Threshold

Consecutive Number of Occurrences Preceding Notification

Alert Text

10.1.0.x; 10.2.0.x; 11.1.0.x; 11.2.0.x

Every Minute

Not Defined

After Every Sample


Not Defined

Not Defined


Generated By Database Server

Data Source

SELECT 'user' name,
  100*DECODE(session_max, 0, 0, sessions_current/session_max) usage 
FROM v$license

User Action

This typically indicates that the license limit for the database has been reached. The user will need to acquire additional licenses, then increase LICENSE_MAX_ SESSIONS to reflect the new value.

Related Topics

About Alerts

About the Metric Detail Page

Editing Thresholds

Understanding Line Charts