ASM Cluster File System State


This metric shows the state of the ASM Cluster File Systems, whether it is MOUNTED or DISMOUNTED on a given host. In a cluster environment the ASM Cluster File System could be mounted only on specific hosts. If the ASM Cluster File System is MOUNTED on a given host, the metric also displays if it is AVAILABLE and the time since it is available. This is used to determine the following metrics: Mount Point, Mount State, Availability, and Available Time.

This metric generates a warning alert if the ASM Cluster File System is dismounted on a given host. The metric also generates a critical alert if the mounted ASM Cluster File System is not available on a host.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the threshold limit as required.

This metric is collected with the help of a SQL query which queries the V$ASM_FILESYSTEM, V$ASM_VOLUME, V$ASM_OFSVOLUMES views.