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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Oracle Database and Database-Related Metric Reference Manual
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B25986-01
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1 Automatic Storage Management

The Automatic Storage Management (ASM) metrics provide description, collection statistics, data source, and user action information for each metric

1.1 Alert Log

This metric signifies that the ASM target being monitored has generated errors to the ALERT log file since the last sample time. The ALERT log file is a special trace file containing a chronological log of messages and errors.

Critical Alerts are generated for different type of failure, for example, when archiver hung, data block corrupted and Media failure are found in the alert log with the following error code (ORA-00257, 16038, 01157,01578,27048). The metric shows the user the line number and time when the error occurred.

Warning alerts are also generated when Session Terminated Error Stack (ORA- 00603) are present in the alert log. Many other critical alerts also occur when the Ora-15130 (Disk Group is being dismounted), Ora-15050 (Disk contains errors) and Ora-15051 (File contains errors) are present in alert log.

You can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error you want to collect under a different head. Also, you can modify the warning and critical alert values.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the threshold limit as per your requirements.

1.1.1 Alert Log Error Stack

This metric contains the information about different ORA- errors present in the alert log file. It ignores error patterns like ORA-0*(54|1142|1146) present in the alert log file and generate a warning alert when ORA-0*600x, ORA-07445, ORA-04 [0-9][0-9][0-9])[^0-9] errors are present.

Edit the metric threshold and change the value of the ORA- error to generate the warning and critical alert for a different set of ORA- errors.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent. The alert log file is scanned for the ORA- errors ignoring the patterns like ORA-0*(54|1142|1146).

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.1.2 Alert Log Error Stack Trace File Name

This metric provides information about the trace file name in which ORA- errors are present. It provides the detail of the trace file name and the line at which the error has occurred.

Data Source

The data comes from the Alert Log files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent.

1.1.3 Alert Log Name

This metric provides the information about the alert log file in which ORA- errors are present. It displays the file name and the line at which the error has occurred.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.1.4 Archive Hung Error Stack

This metric contains the information about different ORA- errors, which indicate the presence of Archive Hung in the alert log files. The errors ORA-00257 and ORA-16038 in the alert log indicates an archive-hung problem. This also generates a critical alert when these problems are found in alert logs.

You can edit the metric threshold and change the value of the error you want to collect under a different head. Also, the warning and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent. Alert log file is scanned for the ORA-00257 and ORA-16038 error.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.1.5 Data Block Corruption Error Stack

This metric contains the information about different ORA- errors, which indicate the presence of Data Block Corruption errors in the alert log files. The errors ORA- 01157, ORA-01578, and ORA-27048 in the alert log indicates Data Block Corruption problems. This also generates a critical alert when these problems are found in alert logs.

You can edit the metric threshold and change the value of the error you want to collect under a different head. Also, the warning and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent. Alert log file is scanned for the ORA- 01157, ORA-01578, and ORA-27048 error.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.1.6 Media Failure Error Stack

This metric contains the information about different ORA- errors, which indicate the presence of Media Failure Errors in the alert log files. The errors ORA- 15130,ORA-15049, ORA-15050 and ORA-15051 in the alert log indicates Media Failure Error problems. This generates a critical alert when these problems are found in alert logs.

You can edit the metric threshold and change the value of the error you want to collect under a different head. Also the warning and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent. Alert log file is scanned for the ORA- 15130,ORA-15049, ORA-15050and ORA-15051 error.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.1.7 Session Terminated Error Stack

This metric contains the information about different ORA- errors, which indicate the presence of Session Terminated problems in the alert log files. The ORA- 00603 error in the alert log indicates Session Terminated problems. This also generates a warning alert when these problems are found in alert logs.

You can edit the metric threshold and change the value of the error you want to collect under a different head. Also, the warning and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

The data comes from Alert Log Files. It is collected using the perl script $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent. The alert log file is scanned for the ORA- 00603 error.

User Action

Examine the ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.2 Alert Log Content

This metric shows the content of alert log file in detail.

1.2.1 Content

The metric contains the alert log file content.

Data Source

The Alert Log file is shown with the help of the perl script, $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/scripts/ where $ORACLE_HOME refers to the home of the Oracle Management Agent.

1.3 Alert Log Error Status

This metric displays the number of times an Alert has been generated for the Alert log metric. It provides information about the current status of different errors present in the alert log file.

This Metric is part of 10g Release 2 and generates a warning alert with any occurrence of ORA- Error [excluding ORA-0*(54|1142|1146)]. It also generates a Warning alert when it detects an Archiver Hung Error, Data Block Corruption Error, Media Failure Error and Session Terminated Error.

This metric is collected with the help Alert Log Metric, and the time interval for collection 5 Minutes. You can change the threshold limit count for the Warning alert and critical alert as required.

1.3.1 Archiver Hung Alert Log Error Status

This metric signifies the number of times the Archiver Hung error (ORA-00257 and ORA-16038) has been generated in the Alert log metric. It gives user an idea about the current status of Archiver Hung error present in the alert log file. This also generates a warning alert when this count is greater than zero.

User can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error he/she wants to collect under different head. Also the warning alert and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

Calculated based on the Archive Hung Error Stack Metric rollup.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.3.2 Data Block Corruption Alert Log Error Status

This metric signifies the number of times the Data Block Corruption error (ORA- 01157, ORA-01578, and ORA-27048) has been generated in the Alert log metric. It gives user an idea about the current status of Data Block Corruption error present in the alert log file. This also generates a warning alert when this count is greater than zero.

User can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error he/she wants to collect under different head. Also the warning alert and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

Calculated based on the Data Block Corruption Error Stack Metric rollup.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.3.3 Generic Alert Log Error Status

This metric signifies the number of times the Generic Alert error (ORA-0*600x, ORA-07445, ORA-04 [0-9][0-9][0-9])[^0-9]) has been generated in the Alert log metric. It gives user an idea about the current status of Generic Alert (ORA-) error present in the alert log file. This also generates a warning alert when this count is greater than zero.

User can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error he/she wants to collect under different head. Also the warning alert and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

Calculated based on the Generic Alert Error Stack Metric rollup.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.3.4 Media Failure Alert Log Error Status

This metric signifies the number of times the Media Failure Alert error (ORA- 15130,ORA-15049, ORA-15050and ORA-15051) has been generated in the Alert log metric. It gives user an idea about the current status of Media Failure Alert (ORA-) error present in the alert log file. This also generates a warning alert when this count is greater than zero.

User can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error he/she wants to collect under different head. Also the warning alert and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

Calculated based on the Media Failure Alert Error Stack Metric rollup.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.3.5 Session Terminated Alert Log Error Status

This metric signifies the number of times the Session Terminated Alert error (ORA- 00603) has been generated in the Alert log metric. It gives user an idea about the current status of Session Terminated Alert (ORA-) error present in the alert log file. This also generates a warning alert when this count is greater than zero.

User can edit the metric threshold and change the value of error he/she wants to collect under different head. Also the warning alert and critical alert values can be modified or set.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 5 minutes.

Data Source

Calculated based on the Session Terminated Alert Error Stack Metric rollup.

User Action

Examine ALERT log for additional information. Note: This event does not automatically clear since there is no automatic way of determining when the problem has been resolved. Hence, you need to manually clear the event once the problem is fixed.

1.4 Cluster Disk Group Performance

This metric shows the Cluster Disk Group performance parameters for all the Disk Group present in a Cluster. This metric is used to collect information like Total I/O read/write request for the disk, total IO time for read/write requests for the Disk Group and total number of bytes read/written to the Cluster Disk Group. It also shows the Response of the Disk Group for Read, Write and IO.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

1.4.1 I/O per second

This metric shows the Disks I/O performance per second in terms of Total I/O read/write requests for all the disks, which are part of Cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Write per second for a disk is calculated. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average I/O Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.4.2 IO Throughput

This metric shows the IO Throughput detail of a disk in a cluster. This gives an indication of the disk I/O performance in terms of read and write.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Writes are calculated and then it is divided by total read/write time to give IO Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average I/O Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.4.3 Read Response Time

This metric shows the Read-Write response time detail for a Disk Group in an asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O requests for the disks included in Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read-write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to get the Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and Average is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Response Time for an instance.

1.4.4 Read Throughput

This metric shows the Read Throughput detail of a disk group mounted in an asm instance. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes read from the disk group with proportion to the total IO time for read requests for this disk group in an instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes read from disk is divided by total IO time for read requests for the disk to get the Read Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and average is calculated for all the disks of a disk group to get Read Throughput of a Disk Group in an instance.

1.4.5 Reads per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O read requests per second for the disk group. This Metric shows the read performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O read requests for this disk data gives the Reads Detail. This data is aggregated and sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Reads Per Second.

1.4.6 Response Time

This metric shows the Read-Write response time detail of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O requests for all the disks included in the Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read-write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to get the Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated and Average is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Response Time.

1.4.7 Write Response Time

This metric shows the Write response time detail for a Disk Group in an asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O write requests for the disks included in a Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O write requests to get the Write Response Time of a Disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and Average is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Write Response Time for an instance.

1.4.8 Write Throughput

This metric shows the Write Throughput detail of a Disk Group in an asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes Written to the disk group with proportion to the total IO time for write requests for this disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes write from disk is divided by total IO time for write requests for the disk to get the Write Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and Average is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Write Throughput for an instance.

1.4.9 Writes per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O write requests per second for a Disk Group in an asm Instance. This Metric shows the write performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O write requests for this disk gives the writes per second detail for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and Sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Write per Second for an instance.

1.5 Cluster Disk Performance

This metric shows the Cluster Disk performance parameters for all the Disks. This metric is used to collect information like Total I/O read/write request for the disks, failed read/write IOs for the disks, total IO time for read/write requests for the disks and total number of bytes read/written to the disks. It also shows the Response of the disks for Read, Write and IO Throughput.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

1.5.1 I/O per second

This metric shows the Disks I/O performance per second in terms of Total I/O read/write requests for all the disks, which are part of Cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Write per second for a disk is calculated. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average I/O Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.5.2 IO Throughput

This metric shows the IO Throughput detail of a disk in a cluster. This gives an indication of the disk I/O performance in terms of read and write.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Writes are calculated and then it is divided by total read/write time to give IO Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average I/O Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.5.3 Read Response Time

This metric shows the Read response time detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication of a Disk Response time in terms of Total I/O read requests for this Disk in a cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O read requests to get the Read Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average Read Response Time for a disk in cluster.

1.5.4 Read Throughput

This metric shows the Read Throughput detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication of the Total Number of bytes read from the disk with proportion to the total IO time for read requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. Data Source

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes read from disk is divided by total IO time for read requests for the disk to get the Read Throughput detail of a Disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average Read Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.5.5 Read Write Errors

This metric shows the detail of total number of failed read/write IOs of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication for the Total Number of failed attempt of read and write for the disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of failed read/write IOs for the disk is added to get the Read Write Errors of a Disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the sum of Read Write error for the disks present in a cluster.

1.5.6 Reads per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O read requests per second for the disk group. This Metric shows the read performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O read requests for this disk data gives the Reads Detail. This data is aggregated and sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Reads Per Second.

1.5.7 Response Time

This metric displays the Read-Write response time details of disks present in a cluster. This provides an indication of the disk response time in terms of Total I/O requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of the Instance Disk Performance Metric, which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views, Total I/O time for read-write requests of a disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to calculate the Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to calculate the Average disk response time in a cluster.

1.5.8 Write Response Time

This metric shows the write response time detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication for the disk Response time in terms of Total I/O write requests for the disk in a cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Metric Summary

The following table shows how often the metric's value is collected.

Target Version Collection Frequency
All Versions Every 15 Minutes
All Versions Every 5 Minutes

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O write requests to get the Write Response Time of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the Average of disk write response time in a cluster.

1.5.9 Write Throughput

This metric shows the Write Throughput detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes Written to a disk with proportion to the total IO time for write requests for the disk in a cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes write from disk is divided by total IO time for write requests for the disk to get the Write Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average of write throughput detail of a disk in a cluster.

1.5.10 Writes per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O write requests per second for the disk group. This Metric shows the write performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O write requests for this disk gives the writes per second detail for a disk. This data is aggregated and Sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Write per Second.

1.6 Database Disk Group Usage

This metric shows the detail of the Disk Group space used by a database. With the help of this metric one can know the space used in a disk group by different database instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval for 15 Minutes.

1.6.1 Total Bytes

This metric shows the Total Bytes of the Disk Group space used by a database. With the help of this metric one can know the space used in a disk group by different database instance.

Data Source

We get the space used by a file using V$OSM_FILE and then it is joined with V$ASM_ALIAS, V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10gR1 and V$ASM_ALIAS, V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2 to get the Disk Group space used by a database instance.

1.7 Disk Group Usage

This metric shows the space used by all the Disk Groups having state as �MOUNTED�. This metric is used to collect information about the disk usage and is used to show the trend of Disk Group space usage in Application. This is used to determine the Free MB, Total MB, Total Safely Usable MB, Type, Safely Usable File MB, Used % and Used % of Safely Usable of a Disk Group for 10g Release 2 and Free MB, Total MB, Type and Used % for 10g Release 1

This metric generates a warning alert if the Disk Group is 75% used and a Critical warning if 90 % used. The thresholds for the Disk Group Usage alert should not be fixed at 75% and 90%, since the value depends on the redundancy. In version 10g Release 2, the metric uses the USABLE_FILE_MB of v$asm_diskgroup_stat to indicate usable mirrored free space. This column displays the amount of free space that can be safely utilized taking mirroring into account, and yet is able to restore redundancy after disk failure.

EM issues alerts for the following:

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the threshold limit as required.

Data Source

This metric is collected with the help of sql query which queries the V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10g Release 1 and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10g Release 2.

1.7.1 Free MB

This metric shows the unused capacity of the disk group in mega bytes. It gives an indication of the free space available in a disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the column FREE_MB in the view V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10gR1 and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

1.7.2 Total MB

This metric shows the Total capacity of the disk group in mega bytes. It gives an indication of the size or the space used by the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the column TOTAL_MB in the view V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10gR1 and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

1.7.3 Total Safely Usable MB

This metric shows the Total Safely Usable MB capacity of the disk group based on the type of the Disk Group. This column indicates the amount of free space that can be "safely" utilized taking mirroring into account, and yet is able to restore redundancy after disk failure.

This metric is only available in 10gR2.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected with help of view V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT.

Total Safely Usable MB =total_mb - required_mirror_free_mb)/redundancy_factor

Where total_mb and required_mirror_free_mb will come from the view column and redundancy factor is 1 for External Redundancy Disk Group, 2 for Normal Redundancy Disk Group and 3 for High Redundancy Disk Group.

1.7.4 Type

This metric shows the Redundancy Type of the Disk Group. It can be one of the three values External, Normal and High. This property determines the restore redundancy after disk failure.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the column TYPE in the view V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10gR1 and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

1.7.5 Usable Free MB

The Usable free space of a Disk Group depends on the redundancy so in 10gR2 it uses the USABLE_FILE_MB of v$asm_diskgroup_stat to indicate usable mirrored free space. This column indicates the amount of free space that can be "safely" utilized taking mirroring into account, and yet is able to restore redundancy after disk failure. This column is used to determine the Usable Free MB of a Disk group.

This metric is only present in 10gR2.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the column USABLE_FILE_MB in view V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

1.7.6 Used %

This metric shows the percentage of space used by a disk group. It generates a warning alert if the Disk Group is 75% used and a Critical warning if 90 % used. The threshold limit can be changed to generate alerts at different values.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the view V$ASM_DISKGROUP for 10gR1 and V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

Used % = (total_mb-free_mb)/total_mb)*100

User Action

New disks can be added in a disk group to avoid the alerts. Go to the Disk Group general page and click on Add to add a new disk to a disk group.

1.7.7 Used % of Safely Usable

This metric shows the percentage of Safely Usable Space used by a disk group. Usable free space of a Disk Group depends on the redundancy. In 10gR2 it uses the USABLE_FILE_MB of v$asm_diskgroup_stat to indicate usable mirrored free space. This column displays the amount of free space that can be safely utilized taking mirroring into account and restores redundancy after disk failure. This column is used to determine the "Used % of Safely Usable" for a Disk group.

This metric generates a warning alert if the Disk Group is using 90% of the Safely usable space and Critical warning for 100%. The threshold limit can be changed to generate an alert at different values.

This Metric is only available for 10gR2.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

This metric is collected from the view V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT for 10gR2.

Used % of Safely Usable = 100 - (usable_file_mb/usable_total_mb)*100

Where usable_total_mb = total_mb - required_mirror_free_mb)/redundancy_factor

total_mb and required_mirror_free_mb is derived from the view column and redundancy factor is 1 for External Redundancy Disk Group, 2 for Normal Redundancy Disk Group, and 3 for High Redundancy Disk Group.

User Action

New disks can be added in a disk group to avoid the alerts. Go to the Disk Group general page and click on add button to add a new disk to a disk group.

1.8 Disk Path

This metric shows the Disk Name and Disk path of all the Disks. This gets collected at a time interval of 12 Hours.

This metric is collected with the help of views V$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and V$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2.

1.9 Disk Status

This metric provides disk mode status (offline and online). A Critical warning alert is generated if any of the disks are offline.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the time limit and threshold limit as required.

1.9.1 Disk Mode Status

This metric displays disk mode status (offline and online). A Critical warning alert is generated if any of the disks go offline.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the threshold limit.

Data Source

This metric is collected with the help view column mode status from GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR 1 and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2.

User Action

Try to bring the disk online. Currently EM application doesn't support this feature.

1.10 Instance Disk Group Performance

This metric indicates the performance of the Disk Groups present in an asm instance. This metric shows the Disk Group performance parameters for all the Disk Group Mounted on an asm Instance. This metric is used to collect information like Total I/O read/write request for the disk, total IO time for read/write requests for the Disk Group and total number of bytes read/written to the Disk Group. It also shows the Response of the Disk Group for Read, Write and IO Throughput.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

1.10.1 I/O per second

This metric shows the Disk Group I/O performance per second in terms of Total I/O read/write requests for an asm Instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Write per second for a disk is calculated. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID to get the sum of I/O per second for a Disk Group in an Instance.

1.10.2 IO Throughput

This metric shows the IO Throughput detail of a disk group mounted on an asm. This gives an indication for the Disk Group I/O performance in terms of read and write.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Writes are calculated and then it is divided by total read/write time to give IO Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID to get the average of I/O Throughput for a Disk Group in an instance.

1.10.3 Read Response Time

This metric shows the Read response time detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication of a Disk Response time in terms of Total I/O read requests for this Disk in a cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O read requests to get the Read Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average Read Response Time for a disk in cluster.

1.10.4 Read Throughput

This metric shows the Read Throughput detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication of the Total Number of bytes read from the disk with proportion to the total IO time for read requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes read from disk is divided by total IO time for read requests for the disk to get the Read Throughput detail of a Disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average Read Throughput for a disk in cluster.

1.10.5 Reads per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O read requests per second for a Disk Group in an asm instance. This Metric shows the read performance of all the disks included in the disk group of an instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O read requests for this disk data gives the Reads Detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and sum is calculated to get the Reads per second for a Disk Group in an instance.

1.10.6 Response Time

This metric shows the Read-Write response time detail of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O requests for all the disks included in the Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read-write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to get the Response Time for a disk. This data is aggregated and Average is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Response Time.

1.10.7 Write Response Time

This metric shows the write response time detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication for the disk Response time in terms of Total I/O write requests for the disk in a cluster.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O write requests to get the Write Response Time of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the Average of disk write response time in a cluster.

1.10.8 Write Throughput

This metric shows the Write Throughput detail of disks present in a cluster. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes Written to a disk with proportion to the total IO time for write requests for the disk in a cluster. This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes write from disk is divided by total IO time for write requests for the disk to get the Write Throughput detail of a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Disk Name to get the average of write throughput detail of a disk in a cluster.

1.10.9 Writes per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O write requests per second for a Disk Group in an asm Instance. This Metric shows the write performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O write requests for this disk gives the writes per second detail for a disk. This data is aggregated with the help of Disk Group Name and Instance ID and Sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk group to get Disk Group Write per Second for an instance.

1.11 Instance Disk Performance

This metric shows the disk performance parameters for all the disks of Mounted Disk Groups. This metric is used to collect information such as Total I/O read/write requests for the disk, failed read/write IOs for the disk, total IO time for read/write requests for the disk, and total number of bytes read/written to the disk.

This metric generates a critical alert if the disk has any read/write errors.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. You can change the threshold limit as required for the Read/Write Errors to generate warning alerts or critical alerts.

1.11.1 IO Throughput

This metric shows the Disk IO Throughput detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk I/O performance in terms of read and write.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Writes are calculated and then it is divided by total read/write time to give IO Throughput detail.

1.11.2 IOPS

This metric shows the Disk IO detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk I/O performance in terms of total read and writes on the disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk read and Write is calculated.

1.11.3 Read Response Time

This metric shows the Disk Read response time detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk Response time in terms of Total I/O read requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O read requests to get the Read Response Time.

1.11.4 Read Throughput

This metric shows the Disk Read Throughput detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication of the Total Number of bytes read from the disk with proportion to the total IO time for read requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes read from disk is divided by total IO time for read requests for the disk to get the Read Throughput detail.

1.11.5 Read Write Errors

This metric shows the detail of the total number of failed read/write IOs for the disk. This provides information about the Total Number of failed attempts of reads and writes for the disk.

This metric generates a critical alert if the disk has any read/write errors. You can change the threshold limit as required for the Read/Write Errors to generate warning alerts or critical alerts.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views, the Total number of failed read/write IOs for the disk is added to calculate the Read Write Errors Detail.

User Action

Investigate the issues behind read/write errors.

1.11.6 Reads

This metric shows the detail of total I/O read requests for the disk. This Metric shows the read performance of the disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O read requests for this disk data gives the Reads Detail.

1.11.7 Response Time

This metric shows the Disk Read-Write response time detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk Response time in terms of Total I/O requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read-write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to get the Response Time.

1.11.8 Write Response Time

This metric shows the Disk Write response time detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Disk Response time in terms of Total I/O write requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O write requests to get the Write Response Time.

1.11.9 Write Throughput

This metric shows the Disk Write Throughput detail of the disks, which are part of Mounted Disk Groups. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes Written from the disk with proportion to the total IO time for write requests for this disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes write from disk is divided by total IO time for write requests for the disk to get the Write Throughput detail.

1.11.10 Writes

This metric shows the detail of total I/O write requests for the disk. This Metric shows the write performance of the disk.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O write requests for this disk data gives the writes Detail.

1.12 Offline Disk Count

This metric provides the count of the disk with mode status offline.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes. User can change the time limit and threshold limit.

1.12.1 Offline Disk Count

This metric provides the count of the disk with mode status offline. A Critical alert is generated if the offline disk count changes or any of the disks go offline. This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

You can change the time limit and threshold limit as required.

Data Source

This metric is collected with the help of Disk Status Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2.

User Action

Try to bring the disk online. Currently EM application doesn't support this Administration feature so it needs to be done manually.

1.13 Response

This metric shows the status of the ASM instance. It shows Instance Up/Down Status. The check is performed every five minutes and returns the status of the connection as successful or it displays the ORA error for connection failure. This generates a critical alert if the ASM instance is down.

1.13.1 Status

This metric shows the status of the ASM instance. It displays the Instance Up/Down Status. This check is performed every five minutes and returns the status of the connection as successful or it displays the ORA error for connection failure. This generates a critical alert if the ASM instance is down.

Data Source

You can establish a connection to the ASM instance with instance properties, and if the connection succeeds then the status is shown as Up, otherwise is displays as Down. It may also display as Down if there is an error in Metric collection.

User Action

Perform one of the following:

  1. Check that the configuration property saved for the ASM instance is correct.

  2. If it displays as Down, the ASM instance is down. Try to reestablish the connection using the startup/shutdown feature using the Enterprise Manager application. Alternately, you can restart the application manually.

1.14 Single Instance Disk Group Performance

This metric shows the Single Instance Disk Group performance parameters for all the Disk Group Mounted on the Instance. This metric is used to collect information like Total I/O read/write request for the disk, failed read/write IOs for the Disk Group, total IO time for read/write requests for the Disk Group and total number of bytes read/written to the Disk Group. It also shows the Response of the Single Instance Disk Group for Read, Write and IO Throughput.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

1.14.1 I/O per second

This metric shows the Single Instance Disk Group I/O performance per second in terms of Total I/O read/write requests for a Disk Group in an Instance.

This metric shows the Single Instance Disk Group I/O performance per second in terms of Total I/O read/write requests for a Disk Group in an Instance.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Write per second for a disk is calculated. This data is filtered based on Instance ID and the data for all the disks are combined together to get the Disk Group I/O per Second for a Disk Group in an Instance.

1.14.2 IO Throughput

This metric shows the IO Throughput detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group I/O performances in terms of read and write for the Instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total Disk Read/Writes are calculated and then it is divided by total read/write time to give IO Throughput detail of the disks. This data is filtered based on instance ID and average is calculated for the disks of a Disk group to get the IO Throughput of a Single Instance Disk group.

1.14.3 Read Response Time

This metric shows the Read response time detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O read requests for this Instance Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O read requests to get the Read Response Time of a disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and average is taken for all the disks of a Disk Group to get the Read Response Time for a Single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.4 Read Throughput

This metric shows the Read Throughput detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes read from the disk group with proportion to the total IO time for read requests for this disk group in an instance.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total number of bytes read from disk is divided by total IO time for read requests for the disk to get the Read Throughput detail of a disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and average for all the disks of a Disk Group is calculated to get the Read Throughput a Single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.5 Reads per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O read requests per second for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This Metric shows the read performance of a disk group in an instance

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total I/O read requests for this disk data gives the Reads Detail of a disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and sum is calculated for all the disks of a Disk Group to get the Reads per second of a single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.6 Response Time

This metric shows the Read-Write response time detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O requests for the disks included in Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for read-write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O requests to get the Response Time for a disk. This data is filtered with the help of instance ID and average is calculated for all the disks of a disk group to get the Response Time of a single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.7 Write Response Time

This metric shows the Write response time detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Disk Group Response time in terms of Total I/O write requests for the disks in a Disk Group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these views Total IO time for write requests of disk is divided with the Total I/O write requests to get the Write Response Time of a Disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and average is calculated for all the disks of a disk group to get the Write Response Time for a Single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.8 Write Throughput

This metric shows the Write Throughput detail for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This gives an indication for the Total Number of bytes Written to the disk group with proportion to the total IO time for write requests for this disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these tables Total number of bytes write from disk is divided by total IO time for write requests for the disk to get the Write Throughput detail of a disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and average is calculated for the disks of a disk group to get the Write Throughput detail of a single Instance Disk Group.

1.14.9 Writes per second

This metric shows the detail of total I/O write requests per second for all the Disk Group Mounted on the asm Instance. This Metric shows the write performance of the disk group.

This metric is collected at a time interval of 15 minutes.

Data Source

It is calculated with the help of Instance Disk Performance Metric which in turn collects data from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP and GV$ASM_DISK for 10gR1 and GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT and GV$ASM_DISK_STAT for 10gR2. From these tables Total I/O write requests for this disk gives the writes per second detail for a disk. This data is filtered with the help of Instance ID and sum is calculated for all the disks of a disk group to get the Writes per second for a single instance disk Group.