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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide for Software and Server Provisioning and Patching
10g Release 5 (

Part Number E14500-04
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12 Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources

Oracle Service Bus is an enterprise-class service bus that connects, manages, and mediates interactions between heterogeneous services. Oracle Service Bus accelerates service configuration, integration, and deployment, thus simplifying management of shared services across the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). For information about discovering and monitoring Oracle Service Bus, see the Enterprise Manager Getting Started with Management Pack for SOA Guide available at:

The resources of Oracle Service Bus can be organized into individual projects. Projects are non-hierarchical, disjointed, top-level grouping constructs. All resources (such as business services, proxy services, WS-Policies, WSDLs, schemas, XQuery transformations, JARs, and so on) reside in exactly one non-overlapping project. Resources can be created directly under a project or be further organized into folders. Folders may be created inside projects or inside other folders, and the folders are similar to directories in a file system, with the project level being the root directory.

While Enterprise Manager Grid Control allows you to discover and monitor these Oracle Service Bus targets, it also provides Deployment Procedures that help you provision Oracle Service Bus resources.

This chapter explains how you can provision Oracle Service Bus resources. In particular, this chapter covers the following:

Getting Started

This section helps you get started with this chapter by providing an overview of the steps involved in provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources. Consider this section to be a documentation map to understand the sequence of actions you must perform to successfully provision Oracle Service Bus resources. Click the reference links provided against the steps to reach the relevant sections that provide more information.

Table 12-1 Getting Started with Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources

Step Description Reference Links
Step 1

Understanding the Deployment Procedure

Understand the Deployment Procedure that is offered by Enterprise Manager Grid Control for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources. Know how the Deployment Procedure functions, what use cases it covers, and so on.

To learn about the Deployment Procedure, see Deployment Procedure.

Step 2

Knowing About The Supported Releases

Know what releases of Oracle Service Bus can be provisioned by the Deployment Procedure.

To learn about the releases supported by the Deployment Procedure, see Supported Releases.

Step 3

Selecting the Use Case

This chapter covers a few use cases for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources. Select the use case that best matches your requirement.

Step 4

Understanding the Deployment Phases

The Deployment Procedure consists of a series of interview screens that take you through the different deployment phases and capture the required information. Understand the different phases involved and know what information is captured in each phase.

  • To learn about the deployment phases involved in provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources from the an Oracle Service Bus domain, see Deployment Phases.

  • To learn about the deployment phases involved in provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources from the Software Library, see Deployment Phases.

Step 5

Meeting the Prerequisites

Before you run any Deployment Procedure, you must meet the prerequisites, such as setting up of the provisioning environment, applying mandatory patches, setting up of Oracle Software Library.

  • To learn about the prerequisites for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources from the an Oracle Service Bus domain, see Prerequisites.

  • To learn the prerequisites for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources from the Software Library, see Prerequisites.

Step 6

Running the Deployment Procedure

Run the Deployment Procedure to successfully provision Oracle Service Bus resources.

  • To provision Oracle Service Bus resources from the an Oracle Service Bus domain, follow the steps explained in Provisioning Procedure.

  • To provision Oracle Service Bus resources from the Software Library, follow the steps explained in Provisioning Procedure.

Deployment Procedure

Enterprise Manager Grid Control offers the following Deployment Procedure for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources:

Supported Releases

Using this Deployment Procedure, you can provision the resources for Oracle Service Bus 2.6, 2.6.1, 3.0, and 10gR3 (3.1).

Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources from Oracle Service Bus Domain

This section describes how you can provision Oracle Service Bus resources directly from an Oracle Service Bus domain.

In particular, this section covers the following:

Deployment Phases

The following describes the different phases involved in this Deployment Procedure:

Table 12-2 Deployment Phases Involved in Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources from Oracle Service Bus Domain

Phase Description
Select Source

Select Source

Allows you to select an Oracle Service Bus domain from where the resources can be exported.

Select Projects

Select Projects

Allows you to select the projects you want to export, and optionally enable security options and save the project to the Software Library.

Select Target

Select Target

Allows you to select the Oracle Service Bus domain where you want to deploy the selected resources, optionally select the settings you want to retain if you have done some customization to the resources, and specify a customization file that can be used to modify the environment settings.



Allows you to specify the credentials of the source and target Oracle Service Bus domains, and the credentials of the hosts where the Management Agents are running.



Allows you to schedule the Deployment Procedure to run immediately or later.



Allows you to review the details you have provided for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources.


Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the following prerequisites:

Prerequisites for Designers

Prerequisites for Operators

  • Ensure that you do NOT use an NIS-based operating system user.

  • Ensure that you use an operating system user that has the privileges to run the Deployment Procedure and its commands on the target hosts. If you do not have the privileges to do so, that is, if you are using a locked account, then request your administrator (a designer) to either customize the Deployment Procedure to run it as another user or ignore the steps that require special privileges. For information about customization, see Chapter 23, "Customizing Steps to Run as Another User".

Provisioning Procedure

To provision Oracle Service Bus resources from a source Oracle Service Bus domain, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, click the Deployments tab.

  2. On the Deployments page, in the Deployment Procedure Manager section, click Deployment Procedures.

  3. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedures subtab, from the table, select Oracle Service Bus Resource Provisioning. Then click Schedule Deployment.

  4. On the Select Source page, in the Source section, select Oracle Service Bus Domain.

    1. For Domain, click the torch icon and select the Oracle Service Bus domain from where the resources can be exported and deployed to a target Oracle Service Bus domain. In the following page of the wizard, you will be allowed to select the domain's projects that you want to export.

    2. For BEA Home Directory, specify the full path to the BEA home directory where all BEA product-related files are stored. For example, /home/mark/bea.

    3. Click Next.

  5. On the Select Projects page, do the following:

    1. In the Resource Summary section, select the projects you want to export and deploy to the target OSB domain. The selected projects are exported to a JAR file, and the JAR file is moved to the host where the target OSB domain is running.


      Note that the resources of the selected projects that exist in the target OSB domain but not in the exported JAR file will be deleted.

    2. In the Export Mode section, do one of the following:

      Select Export Projects if you want to export the resources at project level. While deploying the exported JAR file to the target host, the entire project is deployed. This may add, overwrite, or delete resources depending on the availability of resources on the target host.

      Select Export Resources if you want to export the resources at resource level. While deploying the exported JAR file to the target host, only the resources are deployed. This may add or overwrite resources depending on the availability of resources on the target host.

      Export Mode

      To understand these options better, read the use cases described in Understanding Export Modes.

    3. (Optional) In the Security Options section, if the projects you want to export contain any resources with sensitive data, then specify a pass-phrase to protect them. The same pass-phrase will be used to import the protected resources during deployment.

      Security Options
    4. (Optional) In the Save Projects to Software Library section, select Save Projects to Software Library and specify a component name and location if you want to save the exported project JAR file as a generic component in the Software Library.

      Save Projects to Software Library

      By default, the projects you select here are exported to a JAR file and moved to the host where the Administration server of the target Oracle Service Bus domain is running. However, the JAR files are not saved in the Software Library for future use. Using this option, you can save them as a component in the Software Library.

  6. On the Select Target page, do the following:

    1. In the Target section, specify the following:

      For Domain, click the torch icon and select the Oracle Service Bus domain where you want to deploy the selected resources.

      For BEA Home Directory, specify the full path to the BEA home directory where all BEA product-related files are stored.

    2. (Optional) In the Advanced Options section, select the settings you want to retain if you have done some customization to the resources selected for deployment, and if you want to preserve those changes in the target Oracle Service Bus domain.

      Advanced Options

      Note that for Oracle Service Bus 2.6.x, Security and Policy Configuration, Credentials, and Access Control Policies cannot be preserved.

    3. In the Customization section, provide details about the customization file that can be used to modify the environment settings in the target OSB domain.


      If you do not want to use a customization file, select None.

      If you are using a customization file and if it is available on the host where the target OSB domain is running, then select Use the Customization file on the target host and specify the full path to the location where the file is present.

      If the customization file is stored as a generic component in Oracle Software Library, then select Select the customization file from the Software Library and specify the full path to the location in Oracle Software Library where the generic component is stored.

    4. Click Next.

  7. On the Set Credentials page, specify the following and click Next.

    1. Specify the login credentials of the source and target Oracle Service Bus (OSB) domains.

    2. Specify the credentials of the hosts where the Management Agents, which are monitoring the administration servers of the OSB domains, are running

  8. On the Schedule page, schedule the deployment procedure to run immediately or later, and specify a unique name for the deployment procedure so that it can be tracked. Click Next. Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Review page.

  9. On the Review page, review the details you have provided for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources, and click Submit.

Understanding Export Modes

The following describes the different use cases and explains how the export modes will work for those circumstances.

While the first column shows the project selected from the source domain and the resources contained in that selected project, the second column shows the availability of that project in the target domain. And, while the third column shows how Export at Project Level work, the fourth column shows how Export at Resource Level works.

Table 12-3 Understanding Export Modes

Source Domain Target Domain Export at Project Level Export at Resource Level

You have selected Project_1 from the source domain, and this project has Resource_1, Resource_2, and Resource_3.

The target domain has no projects at all.

The entire Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain.

The entire Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain.

You have selected Project_1 from the source domain, and this project has Resource_1, Resource_2, and Resource_3.

The target domain has Project_1, and this project has Resource_1.

The entire Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain, wherein, Resource_1 will be overwritten because it is already available in the target domain, and Resource_2 and Resource_3 will be ADDED.

Only the resources of Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain, wherein, Resource_1 will be overwritten because it is already available in the target domain, and Resource_2 and Resource_3 will be ADDED.

You have selected Project_1 from the source domain, and this project has Resource_1.

The target domain has Project_1, and this project has Resource_1, Resource_2, and Resource_3.

The entire Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain, wherein, Resource_1 will be overwritten because it is already available in the target domain, and Resource_2 and Resource_3 will be DELETED.

Only the resources of Project_1 will be deployed to the target domain, wherein, only Resource_1 will be overwritten because it is already available in the target domain. The other two resources already available in the target domain, that is, Resource_2 and Resource_3 will NOT be affected.

Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources from Oracle Software Library

This section describes how you can provision Oracle Service Bus resources from the Software Library.

In particular, this section covers the following:

Deployment Phases

The following describes the different phases involved in this Deployment Procedure:

Table 12-4 Deployment Phases Involved in Provisioning Oracle Service Bus Resources from Oracle Software Library

Phase Description
Select Source

Select Source

Allows you to select the generic component, which contains the resources to be exported, from the Software Library.

Select Target

Select Target

Allows you to select the Oracle Service Bus domain where you want to deploy the selected resources, optionally select the settings you want to retain if you have done some customization to the resources, and specify a customization file that can be used to modify the environment settings.



Allows you to specify the credentials of the source and target Oracle Service Bus domains, and the credentials of the hosts where the Management Agents are running.



Allows you to schedule the Deployment Procedure to run immediately or later.



Allows you to review the details you have provided for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources.


Before running the Deployment Procedure, meet the following prerequisites:

Prerequisites for Designers

Prerequisites for Operators

  • Ensure that you do NOT use an NIS-based operating system user.

  • Ensure that you use an operating system user that has the privileges to run the Deployment Procedure and its commands on the target hosts. If you do not have the privileges to do so, that is, if you are using a locked account, then request your administrator (a designer) to either customize the Deployment Procedure to run it as another user or ignore the steps that require special privileges. For information about customization, see Chapter 23, "Customizing Steps to Run as Another User".

Provisioning Procedure

To provision Oracle Service Bus resources from a source Oracle Service Bus domain, follow these steps:

  1. In Grid Control, click the Deployments tab.

  2. On the Deployments page, in the Deployment Procedure Manager section, click Deployment Procedures.

  3. On the Deployment Procedure Manager page, in the Procedures subtab, from the table, select Oracle Service Bus Resource Provisioning. Then click Schedule Deployment.

  4. On the Select Source page, in the Source section, select Oracle Software Library.

    1. For Component, click the torch icon and select the generic component that contains the resources to be deployed to a target Oracle Service Bus domain.

    2. (Optional) For Pass Phrase, specify a pass-phrase if any of the resources in the JAR file contain sensitive data and are protected. The same pass-phrase is used while importing these resources to the target domain.

    3. Click Next. Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays Select Target page.

  5. On the Select Target page, do the following:

    1. In the Target section, specify the following:

      For Domain, click the torch icon and select the Oracle Service Bus domain where you want to deploy the selected resources.

      For BEA Home Directory, specify the full path to the BEA home directory where all BEA product-related files are stored.

    2. (Optional) In the Options section, select the settings you want to retain if you have done some customization to the resources selected for deployment, and if you want to preserve those changes in the target Oracle Service Bus domain.

      Advanced Options

      Note that for Oracle Service Bus 2.6.x, Security and Policy Configuration, Credentials, and Access Control Policies cannot be preserved.

    3. In the Customization section, provide details about the customization file that can be used to modify the environment settings in the target OSB domain.


      If you do not want to use a customization file, select None.

      If you are using a customization file and if it is available on the host where the target OSB domain is running, then select Use the Customization file on the target host and specify the full path to the location where the file is present.

      If the customization file is stored as a generic component in Oracle Software Library, then select Select the customization file from the Software Library and specify the full path to the location in Oracle Software Library where the generic component is stored.

    4. Click Next.

  6. On the Set Credentials page, specify the following and click Next.

    1. Specify the login credentials of the source and target Oracle Service Bus (OSB) domains.

    2. Specify the credentials of the hosts where the Management Agents, which are monitoring the administration servers of the OSB domains, are running

  7. On the Schedule page, schedule the deployment procedure to run immediately or later, and specify a unique name for the deployment procedure so that it can be tracked. Click Next. Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays the Review page.

  8. On the Review page, review the details you have provided for provisioning Oracle Service Bus resources, and click Submit.