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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Installation and Configuration Guide for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Connector

Part Number E14038-05
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3 Configuring the Connector

This chapter provides procedures to configure the two sub-pages of the main Configure Management Connector page, then explains how to perform other tasks to complete the configuration process.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Configuring the General Page

To configure the General page:

  1. From the Management Connectors page, select the TEC Connector and click the Configure icon. By default, the General sub-page of the Configure Management Connector page appears, as shown in Figure 3–1.

    Figure 3-1 TEC Connector General Settings

    Shows sample settings on general tab of config page
  2. Update the URLs for each of the Web Service End Point operations as described below.

    Operation Descriptions

    The TEC connector uses the following operations (web methods) to exchange data with the TEC Web Service.

    • getNewAlerts — Creates alerts in Oracle Enterprise Manager based on events that originate in IBM TEC. Oracle Enterprise Manager uses this operation when polling for events in IBM TEC.

    • getUpdatedAlerts — Updates alerts in Oracle Enterprise Manager based on events that originate from IBM TEC. Oracle Enterprise Manager uses this operation when polling for events from IBM TEC.

    • acknowledgeAlerts — Acknowledges the alerts after Oracle Enterprise Manager has processed them. Oracle Enterprise Manager uses this operation when polling for events in IBM TEC.

    • createEvent — Generates events in IBM TEC based on alerts that originate in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Oracle Enterprise Manager invokes this operation when it forwards a new alert to TEC.

    • updateEvent — Updates events in IBM TEC based on alerts that originate in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Oracle Enterprise Manager invokes this operation when it forwards a new alert to TEC.

    URL Types

    The connector uses two different URLs for operations. One URL polls data out of IBM TEC (getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts and acknowledgeAlerts), and defaults to the following value:


    The other URL pushes data into IBM TEC (createEvent and updateEvent), and defaults to the following value:


    You need to make the following changes to each of the default URLs:

    • Replace [Hostname] in the URL with the hostname or IP address of the system where the TEC Web Service is installed.

    • If necessary, change the port to the port on which the web services are running. For example, the default port for HTTP is 8080 and the default port for HTTPS is 8443.

    • If the TEC Web Service was configured to use the HTTPS protocol, change http to https at the beginning of each web service URL.

    If you are using HTTPS as the protocol, you must also include the TEC web service certificate in Oracle Wallet Manager as described in Adding Signed Certificates to Enterprise Manager on on page 2-7.

  3. Enter the user name and password you specified when you installed the TEC web service, which is discussed in steps 9 and 10 of Section and section steps 9 and 10 of Section

    The TEC web service installer prompts for the user name and password that should be supplied when accessing the TEC web service. It provides default values if you do not provide a response.

  4. Enter the user name and password of the Oracle Enterprise Manager account.

  5. Optionally enter a polling interval to specify how often Oracle Enterprise Manager should poll the IBM TEC web service for new or updated events to process. The poll interval defaults to 5 minutes if not specified.

  6. Click OK to save your configuration changes.

Configuring the Targets Page

Whenever an IBM TEC event is translated into an Oracle Enterprise Manager alert, the IBM TEC event host name determines the target-type instance associated with the alert in Oracle Enterprise Manager. If a target instance that matches the event host name is not found, the default target instance of generic_tec_host is used for the alert.

To add proxy targets in Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. From the Configure Management Connector page, click the Targets link to display the Targets page, as shown in Figure 3–2.

    Figure 3-2 TEC Connector Target Settings

    Shows Targets tab of config page
  2. Provide a target name. The Target Name field is set to the host name specified in the TEC event and must exactly match the name.

  3. Provide the TEC host name in the TEC HOST NAME field. This field must be set to the same value as the Target Name field.

  4. Repeat this process for as many target instances as desired.

  5. Click OK to save your configuration changes.

Testing the IBM TEC Connector

Perform the following steps to test the connector:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console by entering a user name with a 'Super Administrator' role, entering the appropriate password, then clicking Login.

  2. Click the Setup link at the top right part of the window. The Overview of Setup page appears.

  3. Click the Management Connectors link on the left side of the window. The Management Connectors page appears, which shows the installed connectors.

  4. Click on the Configure icon associated with the TEC Connector.

  5. Click on the General tab.

  6. Select and copy the URL specified for the createEvent or updateEvent operation.

  7. Open an internet browser on the system where the Oracle Enterprise Manager server is installed.

  8. In the address window, enter the URL that was copied in step 6 above. Add ?wsdl to the end of the URL. The URL should appear similar to the following example:


    [Hostname] is the actual host name or IP address where the TEC web service is installed.

    If the WSDL is loaded, this confirms that the connector is configured correctly for sending event information to TEC.

  9. At the Oracle Enterprise Manager console, select and copy the URL specified for the getNewAlerts, getUpdatedAlerts, or the acknowledgeAlerts operation. They should all be set to the same URL.

  10. Open an internet browser on the system where the Oracle Enterprise Manager server is installed.

  11. In the address window, enter the URL that you copied in step 9 above. Add ?wsdl to the end of the URL. The URL should be similar to the following example:


    [Hostname] is the actual host name or IP address where the TEC web service is installed.

    If the WSDL is loaded, this confirms that the connector is configured correctly for polling event information from TEC.

Sending Oracle Enterprise Manager Alerts to IBM TEC

Alerts generated or updated in Oracle Enterprise Manager are not transferred to TEC unless you create notification rules to invoke the IBM TEC notification method. A notification rule identifies the conditions that must be met before the notification method is invoked.

The following sections provide procedures that explain how to create and update notification rules.

Creating Notification Rules

The following procedure explains how to create a new notification rule to invoke the TEC notification method.

  1. Click the Preferences link in the upper right corner of the Oracle Enterprise Manager console. The General page appears.

  2. Click the Notification Rules link on the left side of the window. The Notification Rules page appears and displays a list of all defined notification rules.

  3. Click Create to create a new notification rule.

  4. From the General sub-page, enter a name for the notification rule and an optional description.

    Select the target type and whether you want it to apply to all targets of that type or a specific instance. If you indicate that you want a specific instance, you need to click Add and select the desired target instance.

  5. Click the Availability link, then select the availability states for which you would like to receive notifications. Each state you select invokes the notification method whenever it is reached.

  6. Click the Metrics link. If you want to trigger the notification method based on metric violations, click Add and select the metrics and states for which you want to invoke the notification method, then click Continue.

  7. Click the Methods link. In the Advanced Notification Methods section, click the check box next to the TEC Connector to assign the TEC notification method to the notification rule.

  8. Click OK to complete the setup.

Updating Notification Rules

The following procedure explains how to update an existing notification rule to invoke the TEC notification method.

  1. Click the Preferences link in the upper right corner of the Oracle Enterprise Manager console. The General page appears.

  2. Click the Notification Rules link on the left side of the window. The Notification Rules page appears and displays a list of all defined notification rules.

  3. Click on the radio button next to the notification rule you want to update, and click Edit to update the notification rule.

  4. Click the Methods link. In the Advanced Notification Methods section, click on the check box next to the TEC Connector to assign the TEC notification method to the notification rule.

  5. Click OK to complete the update.

Viewing Oracle Enterprise Manager Alerts

Whenever an event is created in IBM TEC from an alert that originates in Oracle Enterprise Manager, a link is provided in the event text. To view the Oracle Enterprise Manager alert that triggered the event, copy the URL to a web browser. You will be asked to log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager. After logging in, the Oracle Enterprise Manager alert information is displayed.

Sending Oracle Enterprise Manager Alerts to IBM TEC

No special setup is required in Oracle Enterprise Manager to retrieve event information from TEC. Oracle Enterprise Manager automatically starts polling the TEC web service after the connector has been configured.

TEC does not automatically send new and updated events to the TEC web service. You must create and install TEC rules to forward events to the TEC Web Service. See "Handling Data Flowing from TEC to Enterprise Manager" on page 2-11 for information about the TEC rules changes.