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Oracle® Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide
10g Release 2 (10.2)

Part Number B25312-01
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4 Building an Oracle Data Provider for .NET Application

This chapter explains how to use Oracle Data Provider for .NET.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Copying a Project

For this chapter, you need to use the application developed in Chapter 3, "Connecting to the Database". Follow these steps to copy the project to a new directory.

  1. Complete all steps in Chapter 3, "Connecting to the Database".

  2. Using the Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory C:\HR\Visual Studio Projects. Make a copy of the entire folder HR_Connect_CS (HR_Connect_VB for Visual Basic), and rename the new folder HR_ODP_CS (HR_ODP_VB for Visual Basic).

    Description of copy01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration copy01.gif

  3. Open the folder HR_ODP_CS. Launch the solution HR_Connect_CS by double clicking on that icon.

    Description of copy02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration copy02.gif

  4. In the Solution Explorer, right-click HR_Connect_CS(HR_Connect_VB for Visual Basic), and select Rename. Change the name to HR_ODP_CS(HR_ODP_VB for Visual Basic).

    Description of copy03.gif follows
    Description of the illustration copy03.gif

  5. In the Solution Explorer, right-click Solution 'HR_Connect_CS' (Solution 'HR_Connect_VB' for Visual Basic), and select Rename. Change the name to HR_ODP_CS (HR_ODP_VB for Visual Basic).

    Description of copy04.gif follows
    Description of the illustration copy04.gif

  6. Close the window. When prompted whether you want to save changes, click Yes.

  7. Launch the HR_ODP_CS(or HR_ODP_VB) solution.

Using the Command Object

The OracleCommand class specifies a SQL command, stored procedure, or table name. It creates a database request, sends the request to the database, and returns the result.

  1. Create a string that represents the SQL query, as shown in Example 4-1 and Example 4-2. Add this code to the body of the try statement.

    Example 4-1 Creating a SQL Statement String: C#

    string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id = 10";

    Example 4-2 Creating a SQL Statement String: VB

    Dim sql As String = "select department_name from departments where department_id = 10"
    Description of command01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration command01.gif

  2. Use the new sql variable to create the OracleCommand object, and set the its CommandType property to run a text command.

    Example 4-3 Using a Command to Query the Database: C#

    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

    Example 4-4 Using a Command to Query the Database: VB

    Dim cmd As New OracleCommand(sql, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    Description of command02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration command02.gif

Retrieving Data: a Simple Query

To retrieve data from the database, follow these steps:

  1. Run the statement using the ExecuteReader() method of the OracleCommand to return an OracleDataReader object, as shown in Example 4-5 and Example 4-6.

    Example 4-5 Starting the OracleDataReader: C#

    OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    Example 4-6 Starting the OracleDataReader: VB

    Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
    Description of simple01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration simple01.gif

  2. Switch to Design view.

  3. From the View menu, select Toolbox.

  4. From the Toolbox, under Window forms, select a Label and drag it onto Form1.

  5. From the View menu, select Properties Window.

  6. In the Properties window, change its Text to Department.

    Description of simple02.gif follows
    Description of the illustration simple02.gif

  7. From the Toolbox, under Window forms, select a ListBox and drag it onto Form 1.

  8. In the Properties window, under Design, change the (Name) to departments.

    Description of simple03.gif follows
    Description of the illustration simple03.gif

  9. Close the Toolbox and the Properties window.

  10. Example 4-7 and Example 4-8 show accessor type methods for retrieving data from the query result. There are typed accessors for returning .NET native data types, and others for returning native Oracle data types. Zero-based ordinals are passed to the accessors to specify which table column should be returned.

    Example 4-7 Retrieving a Value: C#


    Example 4-8 Retrieving a Value: VB

  11. Run the application. After you connect, the departments list box shows Administration, which is the correct name for department number 10.

    Description of simple04.gif follows
    Description of the illustration simple04.gif

Retrieving Data: Bind Variables

Bind variables are essentially placeholders in a SQL statement. When a database receives a SQL statement, it checks if the statement has already been executed and stored in memory. If the statement exists in memory, Oracle Database can reuse it and skip the task of parsing and optimizing the statement. When using bind variables, you make the statement reusable with different input values, improve query performance in the server, eliminate the need for special handling of literal quotation marks in the input, and protect against SQL injection attacks.

  1. Example 4-9 shows a typical SELECT statement that does not use bind variables, with the value 10 specified in the WHERE clause of the statement.

    Example 4-9 SELECT Statement without Bind Variables

    SELECT department_name
    FROM departments
    WHERE department_id = 10
  2. Example 4-10 replaces the numerical value with a bind variable :department_id. The bind variable identifier always begins with a single colon, :, in SQL statements.

    Example 4-10 SELECT Statement with Bind Variables

    select department_name
    from departments
    where department_id = :department_id
  3. Use the OracleParameter class to represent each bind variable in your .NET code. The OracleParameterCollection class contains the OracleParameter objects associated with the OracleCommand object for each statement. The OracleCommand class passes your SQL statement to the database and returns the results to your application.

    You can bind variables by position or by name. The OracleCommand property BindByName (which defaults to false) sets the mode.

    When binding by position, you must use the Add() method to add the parameters to the OracleParameterCollection in the same order as they appear in the SQL statement or stored procedure.

    If you want to bind by name, you may add the parameters to the collection in any order; however, you must set the ParameterName property for the parameter object to the same name as the bind variable identifier in the stored procedure declaration.

  4. In addition to the binding mode (by position or by name), the following properties are typically set for each parameter object: Direction, OracleDbType, Size, and Value.

    • Direction Bind variables may be used as output, input, or input/output parameters. The Direction property indicates the direction of each parameter. The default value of the Direction property is Input.

    • OracleDbType property indicates whether the parameter is a number, a date, a VARCHAR2, and so on.

    • Size indicates the maximum size of the data that the parameter will hold for parameters with a variable length data type, like VARCHAR2.

    • Value contains the parameter value either before statement execution (for input parameters), after execution (for output parameters), or both before and after (for input/output parameters).

  5. Example 4-11 and Example 4-12 tie together these concepts and use a bind variable in a SELECT statement. Note that Direction property uses the default value Input, and the Size property is not set. Since the object is an input parameter, you don't need to set the Size property because the data provider can determine the size from the value. The changed code is in bold typeface.

    Example 4-11 Using a Bind Variable: C#

    string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id = " +
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    OracleParameter p_department_id = new OracleParameter(); 
    p_department_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal;     
    p_department_id.Value = 20;                              
    OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

    Example 4-12 Using a Bind Variable: VB

    string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id=" + _ &
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(sql, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    Dim p_department_id as OracleParameter = new OracleParameter() 
    p_department_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal     
    p_department_id.Value = 20
    Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
  6. Run the application. After you connect, the departments list box shows Marketing, which is the correct name for department number 20.

    Description of bind01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration bind01.gif

  7. Note that bind variables can also be used with UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, and also with stored procedures. Example 4-13 shows how to use bind variables in an UPDATE statement; "Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data" provides more details.

    Example 4-13 UPDATE Statement with Bind Variables

    UPDATE departments
    SET department_name  = :department_name
    WHERE department_id   = :department_id

Retrieving Data: Multiple Values

  1. A DataReader object can retrieve values for multiple columns and multiple rows. Consider a multiple column, multiple row query in Example 4-14:

    Example 4-14 Querying for a Multiple Column Multiple Row Result

    SELECT department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
    FROM departments
    WHERE department_id < 100
  2. A looping construct is needed to process multiple rows from the DataReader object. Also, a control that can display multiple rows is very useful. Because OracleDataReader is a forward-only, read-only cursor, it cannot be bound to an updatable or backward scrollable control such as Windows Forms DataGrid control. A DataReader is, however, compatible with a ListBox control, as shown in Example 4-15 and Example 4-16. The original code is from earlier examples in this chapter, and the changed code is in bold typeface.

    Example 4-15 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result: C#

    string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id < 100";
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
    while (dr.Read())

    Example 4-16 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result: VB

    string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id < 100"
    Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand(sql, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
    Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
    While (dr.Read())
    End While
  3. Run the application. After you connect, the departments list box shows Administration, Marketing, Purchasing, and so on, which is the correct list of department names where department number is less than 100.

    Description of multivalue01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration multivalue01.gif

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

The DataSet class encapsulates a memory-resident representation of data that provides a consistent relational programming model for multiple data sources. It consists of one or more tables that store relational or XML data. Unlike OracleDataReader, a DataSet is updatable and backward scrollable.

  1. Follow the steps in section "Copying a Project" to create a new copy of the HR_Connect_CS project (HR_Connect_VB for Visual Basic). Name the new project HR_DataSet_ODP_CS (HR_DataSet_ODP_VB for Visual Basic).

  2. Switch to design view ( use Shift+F7 keyboard shortcut).

  3. From the View menu, select Toolbox.

  4. From the Toolbox, under Windows Forms, select a Data Grid and drag it onto Form1.

    Description of dataset03.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset03.gif

    A data grid appears. Expand the data grid, and close the Toolbox.

  5. Right-click the data grid graphical element, and select Properties. In the properties list, under Design, change (Name) to departments.

    Description of dataset04.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset04.gif

    Close the Properties window.

  6. From the View menu, select Toolbox.

  7. From the Toolbox, under Windows Forms, drag and drop a Button onto Form1.

  8. Right-click the new button, and select Properties.

  9. In the Properties window, under Appearance, change Text to Save.

    Under Design, change (Name) to save.

    Click the lightning icon (events), and then click the highlighted Click event. From the drop-down window, select save_Click.

    Close the Properties window. Switch to code view using the F7 keyboard shortcut.

    Description of dataset05.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset05.gif

  10. Add variable declarations in Example 4-17 and Example 4-18 to the class variables.

    Example 4-17 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables: C#

    private OracleCommand cmd;
    private OracleDataAdapter da;
    private OracleCommandBuilder cb;
    private DataSet ds;

    Example 4-18 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables: VB

    Private cmd As OracleCommand
    Private da As OracleDataAdapter
    Private cb As OracleCommandBuilder
    Private ds As DataSet
    Description of dataset06.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset06.gif

  11. Within the Form() method, add the code shown in Example 4-19 and Example 4-20.

    Example 4-19 Disabling the Save Button: C#

    save.Enabled = false;

    Example 4-20 Disabling the Save Button: VB

    save.Enabled = false
    Description of dataset07.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset07.gif

  12. Within the connect_Click() method try block, as shown in Example 4-21 and Example 4-22,

    • query the database

    • fill the DataSet with the result of the command query

    • bind the DataSet to the data grid

    • enable the Save button

    The changed code is in bold typeface.

    Example 4-21 Binding Data to the Grid: C#

    connect.Enabled = false;
    string sql = "select * from departments where department_id < 60";
    cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
    cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da);
    ds = new DataSet();
    departments.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
    save.Enabled = true;

    Example 4-22 Binding Data to the Grid: VB

    connect.Enabled = false
    string sql = "select * from departments where department_id < 60"
    cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn)
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
    da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd)
    cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da)
    ds = new DataSet()
    departments.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]
    save.Enabled = true
  13. The finally block in the connect_Click() method contains code for disposing the connection, a conn.Dispose() call. Move this call to the top of the general Dispose() method. This is necessary to keep the connection open after the query result returns, so that data changes made by the end user are propagated to the database.

    Description of dataset01.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset01.gif

  14. Your code also contains a new save_Click() method created in Step 9. Add there the code for updating the data, shown in Example 4-23 and Example 4-24.

    Example 4-23 Updating DataSet: C#


    Example 4-24 Updating DataSet: VB

    Description of dataset00.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset00.gif

  15. Save Form1 using Ctr+S keyboard shortcut.

  16. Run the application using the F5 keyboard shortcut.

  17. After you successfully connect to the database, the data grid is populated with the results of the query.

    Description of dataset08.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset08.gif

Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data

  1. At the bottom of the data grid, enter a new record at the * prompt:

    • For DEPARTMENT_ID, enter 5

    • For DEPARTMENT_NAME, enter Community Outreach

    • Leave MANAGER_ID as null

    • For LOCATION_ID, enter 1700

    Click the Save button.

    Description of dataset09.gif follows
    Description of the illustration dataset09.gif

  2. To check if the new record is saved, close the application, and start it again using the F5 keyboard shortcut.

  3. Connect to the database, and note that the new department is now part of the DEPARTMENTS table.

  4. Change the name of the department to Community Volunteers, and click the Save button.

    Description of DataSet10.gif follows
    Description of the illustration DataSet10.gif

  5. Repeat Step 2, connect to the database, and note that the name of the department is changed.

  6. Select the entire record you just changed (click the cursor icon before it), and delete it using the Delete key. Click the Save button.

    Description of DataSet11.gif follows
    Description of the illustration DataSet11.gif

  7. Repeat Step 2, connect to the database, and note that the name of the new record is no longer part of the DEPARTMENTS table.

  8. Close the application.