Applications Administration Guide > Creating and Administering iHelp >

Translating iHelp Items

When translating an iHelp Item, only the text strings that the user sees are translated. These text strings are:

  • Item name
  • Section labels
  • Step captions
  • Substep captions

If translation is not defined for a language, the text from the base record is displayed.

To translate an iHelp item

  1. Navigate to the Administration - iHelp screen > Translations view.
  2. In the iHelp Items list, select an iHelp item.
  3. In the Translations list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.


    Display Name

    Translation of the iHelp item name

  4. Click the Designer view tab.
  5. For each step:
    1. Open the Translations folder.
    2. Create a record to the Translations list and complete the fields.
  6. For each substep:
    1. Open the Translations folder for the substep.
      Click for full size image
    2. In the Translations list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.
Applications Administration Guide