Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide > Workflow Policies > About Customizing Workflow Policies with Siebel Tools >

Configuring a Workflow Condition Based on a Foreign Key

You can configure a workflow condition that is based on a foreign key that exists in the primary table of the workflow object. For example, SOPTY.CURR_STG_ID, where S_OPTY is the primary table of the Opportunity workflow object, and CURR_STG_ID is a foreign key from S_STG.NAME.

To configure a workflow condition based on a foreign key existing on the primary table

  1. Create a new Workflow column, S_STG.NAME.
  2. Make sure CURR_STG_ID is added under the Opportunity workflow component.
  3. Create a new workflow component in the Opportunity workflow object based on S_STG table:
    • Name = your choice
    • Source Table Name = S_STG
    • Source Column Name = ROW_ID
    • Target Component Name = Opportunity
    • Target Column Name = CURR_STG_ID
  4. Add the new workflow column S_STG.NAME (from Step 1) to the new workflow component.

You can now create a workflow condition that is based on the new workflow column.

Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide