Deployment Planning Guide > Siebel Architecture Overview >

About Siebel Tools

Siebel Tools is a Windows-based, object-oriented development environment for creating and customizing Siebel Business Applications. Siebel Tools is also a way to integrate programs written using Siebel scripting languages.

A standard Siebel application provides a core set of object definitions that you can use as a basis for your own tailored application. Siebel Tools object definitions are grouped into four layers with different purposes:

  • Physical User Interface (UI) Layer: Templates and tags that render the UI.
  • Logical User Interface Objects Layer: Presentation of data (UI).
  • Business Objects Layer: Objects that extract defined information from the database or provide a defined service.
  • Data Objects Layer: Database interface objects and table definitions.

Object types in a given layer depend on definitions in the next lower layer, and are insulated from other layers in the structure. This means, for example, that you can make changes to a Siebel application without changing the underlying database structure. Similarly, you can extend the Siebel database schema without affecting the Siebel application.

For additional information on Siebel Tools, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

Deployment Planning Guide