Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > EIM: Examples of Common Usage > EIM Merge Process Example >

Example of Running a Merge with Custom Columns

In this example, you run a merge that includes two account records with the same location (LOC), and a string of information in the old record that must be copied into the new record. The two records have different values for Name because the account had a name change. The information contained in the records that result from the merge is as follows:


Old record



top-tier account





When these two accounts are merged, the information in the old record's custom column is lost and the custom column in the survivor record appears blank.

NOTE:  EIM behavior, whether executed from the GUI or through an EIM run, does not merge data in the base record. It simply repoints the foreign keys in the dependent child records. This applies to all columns in the base table. This could lead to unintended data loss in an extension column.

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide