Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types >


Siebel Object Types > Report

Defines a paper or electronic representation of the information displayed by Siebel applications. The user cannot update the report's data.

The use of certain properties depends on whether the report is static or dynamic. Dynamic reports are tied to one or more specific views and are available only when the views are active; a dynamic report's data may also be global (that is, all data is reported on) or specific to the current record of the active view. Static reports are always available, even when there is no active view. Unlike the data in dynamic reports, however, a static report's data is only global.

Valid Values/Examples

Access Base DB Name (O)

For Actuate reports, the name of the executable file (less the ROX extension) that Siebel applications run when this report is selected. Siebel applications look in the Siebel_client_root\reports\language_code directory.

For Access reports, the base Access database file that contains the Access report's report object definition. The default is base.mdb and is located in the Siebel_client_root\reports directory.


Business Component (R)

The name of the business component whose data is the basis for the report.


Business Object (R)

This property applies to static reports only.

The name of the business component's business object.


Class (R)

The class of the report.

Valid values are: CSSActuateReportViewer for an Actuate report.

CSSCrystalReport and CSSWECrystalReport for a Crystal Reports report.

CSSAccessReport and CSSReport are not supported.

Client Only (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

A Client Only report cannot be scheduled to run at a later time, and cannot be run from a thin client.

TRUE = Specifies that the report cannot be run on the reports server.

Command Line (O)

A job to execute after exporting report data. Use only if the Class property value is CSSReport.




Current Record Only (O)

This property applies to dynamic reports only.

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Causes the business component to export/report only on the current record.

Dynamic View (O)

This property applies to dynamic reports only.

A TRUE or FALSE value.

Indicates if the report inherits search criteria, sort criteria, and visibility from the view.

TRUE = The report is dynamic based on the view and queries run on that view. For example, Dynamic View is TRUE and the report is based on an Account business object. The user runs a query for accounts that begin with the letter T. If the user runs this report, it shows only accounts beginning with T.

Export System Fields (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

If system fields are not required in your report, you should set this to FALSE.

TRUE = Exports the ID, Created, Created By, Updated, and Updated By fields. If FALSE, only the ID field is exported for the report.

Exported Table (R)

The name of the table to which the data is exported.

Applicable only to CSSReport classes.


Help Identifier (O)

A topic name for context-sensitive help.

The name is a constant character string, all uppercase, with no blanks.


Menu Text (R)

The submenu command text displayed under the menu command defined by the report category to which this report is assigned.


Name (R)

The name of the report.


ODBC Source Name (O)

The ODBC data source name for exporting report data.

The default ODBC source names are specified in the CFG file.


Parameter Applet (O)

Used to specify the name of an applet that is shown as the report parameters applet at run-time. Also determines if a report is parameterized or not: for example, if this is not empty, the specified applet is shown.


Patch Field Names (O)

A TRUE or FALSE value.

TRUE = Causes a multiword field name to be patched into a single-word field name by replacing characters such as spaces, octothorpes (#), and slash marks (/) with underscores (_). It also appends _X to the end of the field name, and converts the resulting name to uppercase letters.

Preview (O)

Reserved for future use.

Not applicable.

Search Specification (O)

This property applies to static reports only.

The conditional expression used to retrieve a subset of records.

Using the Search Specification property on a dynamic report makes the report lose this behavior and ignore any predefined queries used on the current view.


Sort Specification (O)

This property applies to static reports only.

The sort expression used to order the records returned.

You can set a sort specification on a report object definition to send the rows to Actuate via the data stream in sorted order. Otherwise the rows are sent in an unsorted, or default, sort order. Ordering the data coming from Siebel applications improves performance when the report runs and possibly is required to make the report work.


Status Text (O)

Not currently used.


Template Name (O)

This property applies to Actuate reports only. This property is left blank for Access reports.

The name of the datastream library generated in Siebel Tools when the Tools menu option Actuate Report is invoked.

Creates a Report Object Library (ROL) file to use in Actuate development and places this file in the location specified by the Tools CFG file.

ActuateDevWBDir = \Actuate7\eRDPro
TemplateDestDir = D:\sea77\Tools\rptsrc\ENU\lib

The CFG file parameter does not specify the file's extension, which is ROL.

The ROL file supplies information to Actuate about this report.


View Mode (O)

This property applies to static Actuate reports only.

The type of visibility that should be applied to the report's business component. This property only works when the business object is defined for the report object.


Parameter Applet

This is the second step (using Siebel Tools) in creating a parameterized report. (The first step would be creating the parameter applet itself.) Next, the report design files need to be modified, to create parameter variables that correspond to the parameter applet's fields. This results in the parameter values chosen by the user at run time being written out to the ROV file in Actuate for the report to pick up during execution.

See Also

Report Field

Object Types Reference