Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Extracting Databases for Mobile Web Clients > Database Extraction for a Mobile Web Client >

Database Extraction for Multiple Users

There are times when you need to extract a list of users or hundreds of users. The procedures in this section show how to do this.

To extract a list of users

  1. Create a list (or two) containing the mobile users in a text file.
  2. Put one user name on each line.
  3. Start dbxtract server task.

    Use @filename (including the path) as the value for the Client Name parameter.

  4. If you have more than one list, start another dbxtract instance.

    Be sure to specify a different value for the TS Table Number parameter.

To extract hundreds of users

  1. Separate users into multiple lists (about 50 to 100 per list).
  2. Start a dbxtract task for each list.
  3. Note that mobile users should be extracted on the Applications server against which the users will be synchronized.

Example of Extracting Databases for Multiple Users

This section describes the steps in the overall process of creating database extracts for multiple Mobile Web Clients. The purpose is to provide a broad perspective on the tasks involved.

It begins after installation of the Siebel application, to include registration of every user. The administrator receives the following business requirement: create database extracts for new mobile users AMARTIN, CCHENG, PSINGH and RMARLOW.

The requirement implies that to create a database extract you also need a database template. A database template is created only once. Additionally, in order to create database extracts for multiple users at the same time, you need to create a text file containing the user IDs of these mobile users. Finally, you submit the component request for creating the database extract.

The steps below outline the process for the example business requirement:

  1. Log in to your Siebel eBusiness Application as System Administrator.
  2. If you have not yet created a database template since installing, upgrading, adding a new server, or making any database changes, perform the following sub-steps to create a database template:
    1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
    2. Create a new job for Generate New Database, as described in Generating a New Database Template.
    3. Submit the job.

      The task of creating a database template takes a while. To check the progress of this task, from the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Components, select the Generate New Database component, and click the Tasks view tab to view status information.

  3. In order to extract databases for multiple users, create a text file called ExtractUserList.txt containing the user IDs of the new mobile users, as described earlier in this topic.
  4. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Jobs and create a job for Database Extract.
  5. For the Database Extract job, create a Client Name job parameter, and assign it a value of the format @\\AppServer\ExtractUserList.txt, where \\AppServer is the UNC path to the directory where the file of user names is located.

Once the task of creating database extract is completed, go to the directory d:\sea14010\siebsrvr\docking to see subdirectories for AMARTIN, CCHENG, PSINGH, and RMARLOW. To confirm successful extraction, check for compressed files in the outbox subdirectories of each of these client directories.

Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide