Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide > Administration of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging > Process of Administering Applications with Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging >

Reviewing Store-and-Forward Messaging Message History

You can review message histories in the Store-and-Forward Message History view for all the inbound and outbound messages. You may also review an individual user's inbound and outbound messages in the Personal Message History view. These views allow you to access characteristics of an inbound or outbound message, including the unique message ID, the application used for the message, the message direction - either from server or from client, the time when the message was received or sent, the message size, message status, and any error information. You can use this information to troubleshoot or monitor application or system usage.

There are two tasks you can perform to review message history. These tasks are listed below:

To review message history

  1. Choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration—Store-and-Forward > Store-and-Forward Message History.
  2. Review the information.

    The data in the message history view is generated automatically, and is read-only. The following table lists the fields in the Store-and-Forward Message History view.


Message ID

The message ID in the screen is the row id of the message history table.

Transport ID

Transport-level ID used by the system.

User ID

User login name.

Application Name

The name of the Siebel Handheld application.


The direction the message has traveled. Either from Server or From Client.

Time Sent

Time a message was sent.

Time Received

Time a message was received.


  • Pending: The outbound data message has been created but is delayed until the specified Start to Send time.
  • Sent: The server outbound message has been sent to the queuing system.
  • Server-Received: The server has received the message from the Siebel Handheld application.
  • Client-Received: The handheld client application has received the message from the server.
  • Overdue-Not Received: The message is not delivered within the Message Delivery Timeout and has been removed from the user's server outbound queue.
  • Invalid: A message can no longer be generated due to record being deleted or reassigned to a different user. The message appears in the message table to log the fact that a workflow has been initiated, but something was wrong so a message cannot be generated.
  • Send Failed: The server outbound message cannot be delivered due to a transport error.


The message size, as transported to the queuing system, after compression.

Original Message Id

ID of the corresponding request message if this message is a response message.


Message content if this is an ERR (Error) type message.

To review user message histories

  1. Choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration—Store-and-Forward > User List > Message History.
  2. Review the information.

    The table in the previous step describes the fields in the Store-and-Forward Personal Message History view.

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide