Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide > Installation and Configuration of Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging > Troubleshooting Store-and-Forward Messaging Setup and Configuration >

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Client-Side Common Error Messages

  • Error Message: "Unable to initialize Wireless Messaging. Cannot connect to the server. Please ensure that you have an active connection and try again."

    Verify that the device has an active network connection by starting a Pocket Internet Explorer on the device and check whether the Pocket Internet Explorer can access a server URL, such as http://[hostname]/service_enu/s.swe.

    Microsoft ActiveSync is configured by default to disconnect after an ActiveSync data synchronization. If you are connecting a device to the server through ActiveSync, follow these steps to maintain connection.

    • On the handheld device, navigate to Start > ActiveSync.
    • Tap the Tools menu in the bottom left corner of the screen.
    • From the Tools menu tap Options.
    • Make sure you're in the PC tab, then tap on the Options button.
    • Under the heading titled: "When syncing remotely", tap the Maintain Connection radio button.

      Additionally, occasionally, a network connection by way of an ActiveSync session may have domain name resolution issues. If this occurs, replace the MQeServerAddr host name with the IP address of the computer hosting the queue manager.

  • Error Messages: "Wireless Messaging registration is pending. Would you like to continue to wait for server confirmation." or "Unable to Initialize Wireless Messaging Timed Out while waiting for registration response from the server. Please try again or contact your system administrator."

    These two errors usually mean the device is able to send the first registration message to the server queue manager, but the Siebel server is not able to pick up the message from the inbound queues, generate a response message and send the response message back to the Siebel Handheld application. In this case, review the server-side troubleshooting check list to see if there is an error recorded in the log files.

Siebel Store-and-Forward Messaging Guide