Using Siebel Tools > Working with Strings and Other Locale-Specific Data > Running the String Conversion Utility >

Parameters for Running Consoleapp.exe to Convert Strings

The parameters for running Consoleapp.exe to convert existing locale strings to symbolic strings are shown in Table 40. The format is:

Consoleapp.exe <Config file> <app lang> <uid> <pw> <Business Service> <Method Name: Parameters>

Table 40 lists the parameters and the descriptions.

Table 40. Parameters for Running Consoleapp.exe to Convert Strings

Config file

The Siebel configuration file, such as Tools.cfg. Note that the default data source is used.

app lang

Application language, such as ENU


User ID



Business Service

"String Conversion"

Method Name: Parameters

Business Service method and the input parameters

Using Siebel Tools