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Oracle® Content Database Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.2)

Part Number B31268-02
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6 Using Custom BPEL Workflows in Oracle Content DB

You can define custom BPEL workflow processes in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, and then register them in Oracle Content DB. The custom BPEL workflow processes are managed in Oracle BPEL Process Manager.


Oracle Content DB comes with two default workflow processes, Parallel Vote and Serial Approval. Oracle Content DB uses Oracle Workflow to manage these default workflow processes. Oracle Workflow is configured and integrated with Oracle Content DB during Oracle Content DB configuration.

This chapter provides information about the following topics:

About Custom Workflows

Custom workflows can be created in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, an Oracle product that provides a framework for designing, deploying, monitoring, and administering processes based on BPEL standards. Custom workflows are only available to the default Site in Oracle Content DB; additional Sites cannot use custom workflows.

After you have created a custom workflow in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, you can use the Application Server Control to register the workflow in Oracle Content DB. You must provide detailed information about the workflow, including the names of the launch event and cancel event, as well as specific parameters that are used in the workflow. Custom workflows are disabled by default; before you can access the Custom Workflow pages in the Application Server Control, you must set the IFS.DOMAIN.WORKFLOW.BPEL.CreationEnabled domain property to true.

Custom workflows can be blocking or nonblocking. A blocking workflow is one that requires an action for it to complete. For example, you can create a blocking workflow to handle document approval for publication: action on the part of the approvers is required before a document is published. An example of a nonblocking workflow is one that handles sending out notifications for published documents; in this case, a document can be published without waiting for the notifications to be sent.

About BPEL

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is an XML-based language for enabling task-sharing across multiple enterprises using a combination of Web services. BPEL is based on the XML Schema, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and Web Services Description Language (WSDL). Using BPEL, you design a business process that integrates a series of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow. For more information about BPEL and Oracle BPEL Process Manager, see Oracle BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide.

Creating Custom Workflows in Oracle BPEL Process Manager

For information about using Oracle BPEL Process Manager, see Oracle BPEL Process Manager Developer's Guide. For information about creating custom workflows for use with Oracle Content DB, see the Oracle Content DB developer documentation.

Registering Custom Workflows with Oracle Content DB

After the custom workflow has been created in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, you can register the custom workflow with Oracle Content DB using the Application Server Control. Before you can register the workflow, you must first enable BPEL workflow creation by setting the IFS.DOMAIN.WORKFLOW.BPEL. CreationEnabled domain property to true.

Enabling BPEL Workflow Creation in Oracle Content DB

To enable BPEL workflow creation in Oracle Content DB:

  1. Connect to the Application Server Control and go to the Content DB Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Domain Properties.

  3. Click IFS.DOMAIN.WORKFLOW.BPEL.CreationEnabled. You may need to move to the next page to find this property, or you can use the Search field.

  4. Set the Value to true.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Return to the Content DB Home page and click Restart Domain.

Registering Custom Workflows

To register custom workflows in Oracle Content DB:

  1. Connect to the Application Server Control and go to the Content DB Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Custom Workflows. You cannot access the custom workflow pages unless you have enabled BPEL workflow creation in Oracle Content DB.

  3. Click Register Workflow.

  4. Enter a name for the workflow. The name you provide must match the name of the workflow you created in Oracle BPEL Process Manager.

  5. Enter a description of the workflow (optional).

  6. Enter the Launch Event for the workflow. The event you provide must match the name of the corresponding Partner Link Correlation ID in Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The Launch Event cannot exceed 30 characters.

  7. Enter the Cancel Event for the workflow. If you have a corresponding Partner Link Correlation ID in Oracle BPEL Process Manager, the event you provide must match the name of the Correlation ID. The Cancel Event cannot exceed 30 characters.

    Typically, the Cancel Event is not used. If this is the case, you can provide any string for this field (for example, CANCEL_MY_WORKFLOW).

  8. Select Blocking if this workflow is a blocking workflow. A blocking workflow is one that requires an action for it to complete.

  9. Select Approvers Required if this workflow requires approvers.

  10. Click Add to add parameters for this workflow.

  11. On the Register Workflow - Add Parameter page, specify information for the parameter you want to add:

    • Name: The name you provide must match the name of the parameter in Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The parameter name cannot exceed 30 characters.

    • Description: Enter an optional description of the parameter.

    • Fixed Value: Select this option if you do not want to allow changes to this parameter after the workflow has been created.

    • Required: Select this option if this parameter is required for the workflow to complete.

    • Type: Select one of the following type options for this parameter:

      • String

      • Boolean

      • Integer Number Range

      • String Enumeration

      • Date

      • Decimal Number Range

      • Path

      • Time Period

      • User/Group

      If you select Integer Number Range, Decimal Number Range, or Time Period, you can optionally specify a minimum and maximum value for this parameter. If you select String Enumeration, you must specify values for this parameter. To do this, specify a value and click Add. You can manage the list of enumerated values by using the arrows provided to alter the order of the list. You can remove values by clicking Remove.

  12. Click OK on the Register Workflow - Add Parameter page.

  13. Optionally, provide a default value for the parameter by specifying a value in the Default Value column of the Parameters table. If you selected Fixed Value for this parameter, you must provide a default value. Note the following:

    • To specify a default for a Date type parameter, click the calendar icon to ensure that the date you specify appears in the correct format (MM/dd/yyyy).

    • For a Path type parameter, you must supply a valid Oracle Content DB path (for example, /mysite/mylibrary/myfolder).

    • For a User/Group type parameter, you must supply a valid Oracle Content DB user or group name.

  14. Repeat Steps 10 through 13 to add additional parameters as needed. You can modify parameters that you have already added by clicking the parameter name.

  15. Click OK on the Register Workflow page.

You cannot edit a registered workflow. If you need to make any changes, you must delete the custom workflow, then register it again.

Deleting Custom Workflows from Oracle Content DB

You can use the Application Server Control to delete custom workflows. If any folder or Library in Oracle Content DB has been configured to use a particular custom workflow, the custom workflow cannot be deleted.

To delete custom workflows:

  1. Connect to the Application Server Control and navigate to the Content DB Home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Custom Workflows. You cannot access the custom workflow pages unless you have enabled BPEL workflow creation in Oracle Content DB.

  3. Select the workflow you want to delete and click Delete.

  4. Click OK on the warning page. The workflow will be deleted as soon as the last active workflow completes.