Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications > Oracle Scripts >

Oracle Applications Scripts

The Oracle Applications scripts listed here are supplied with the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelaccount11ialert_insert_hz_cust_accounts.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Customer Account Insert, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for every new record created in table HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS.

  • siebelaccount11ialert_insert_hz_cust_acct_sites_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Customer Site Insert, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for every new record created in table HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL.

  • siebelaccount11ialert_insert_hz_org_contacts.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Customer Contact Insert, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for every new record created in table HZ_ORG_CONTACTS.

  • siebelaccount11ialert_update_ra_customers_interface_all.sql

    This script creates an update alert, Siebel Customer Interface Header Update, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for any update in table RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL. This action puts interface_status into Siebel Applications if the records are not successfully created in Oracle Applications by the Customer Import.

  • siebelaccount11iprocedure_sie_customer_preval_pr.sql

    This script creates the pre-validation procedure, SIE_CUSTOMER_PREVAL_PR11i, which validates the data inserted into the Oracle Customer Interface tables.

  • siebelaccount11itable_sie_contact_phones_int_all.sql

    This script creates the table, SIE_CONTACT_PHONES_INT_ALL, which is used in the Accounts Outbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications. The data is inserted into this table before the pre-validation program validates it and moves it into the Oracle interface table.

  • siebelaccount11itable_sie_customer_profiles_int_all.sql

    This script creates the table, SIE_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INT_ALL, which is used in the Accounts Outbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications. The data is inserted into this table before the pre-validation program validates it and moves it into the Oracle interface table.

  • siebelaccount11itable_sie_customers_interface_all.sql

    This script creates the table, SIE_CUSTOMER_INTERFACE_ALL, which is used in the Accounts Outbound track of theSiebel Connector for Oracle Applications. The data is inserted into this table before the pre-validation program validates it and moves it into the Oracle interface table.

  • siebelaccount11iview_sie_addresses_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_ADDRESSES_V, which is used in the Accounts Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelaccount11iview_sie_contacts_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_CONTACTS_V, which is used in the Accounts Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelgeneral11iprocedure_sie_insert_or_update_11i.sql

    This script creates the procedure, SIE_INSERT_OR_UPDATE, which is executed by all the alerts to insert records into the Notification Table.

  • siebelgeneral11iprocedure_sie_insert_or_update_11i2.sql

    This script creates the procedure, SIE_INSERT_OR_UPDATE2, which is executed by all the alerts on the Oracle interface tables to insert records into the Notification Table.

  • siebelgeneral11iscript_notify_invloc.sql

    This script can be used to insert records into the Notification Table to pull all the Inventory Organizations from Oracle Applications into Siebel Applications as an initial data load of Inventory Locations.

  • siebelgeneral11iscript_notify_org.sql

    This script can be used to insert records into the Notification Table to pull all the Operating Units from Oracle Applications into Siebel Applications as an initial data load of Organizations.

  • siebelgeneral11iscript_notify_product.sql

    This script can be used to insert records into the Notification Table to pull all the Items from Oracle Applications into Siebel Applications as an initial data load of products.

  • siebelgeneral11isequence_sie_notify_s.sql

    This script creates the sequence SIE_NOTIFY_S, which is used to generate unique SEQ_NUM in the Notification Table.

  • siebelgeneral11isetup.sql

    This script is run at the SQL prompt after logging into the database as the super user (usually APPS). This script calls other the setup scripts listed below, creates all the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications Objects, creates Synonyms, and grants the necessary privileges to the APPS user and the SIEBEL user.

  • siebelgeneral11isetup1.sql

    This script grants the necessary privileges to SIEBEL from APPS on Oracle Applications base tables that will be accessed by the SIEBEL user.

  • siebelgeneral11isetup2.sql

    This script creates necessary Synonyms and all the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications objects under the SIEBEL user and also grants necessary privileges to the APPS user on the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications objects.

  • siebelgeneral11isetup3.sql

    This script creates necessary synonyms, alerts, and triggers for the Connector under the APPS user.

  • siebelgeneral11itable_sie_notify_tbl.sql

    This script creates the Notification Table SIE_NOTIFY_TBL.

  • siebelgeneral11itable_sie_obj_priority_tbl.sql

    This script creates the priority table SIE_OBJ_PRIORITY_TBL and also the records that indicate the priority in which the records are to be processed.

  • siebelinventorylocation11iview_sie_invloc_v.sql

    This script creates the view SIE_INVLOC_V, which is used in the InvLoc Inbound track of the Oracle11i Applications Connector.

  • siebelorder11ialert_insert_oe_order_header_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Header Insert, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for every new record created in table OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.

  • siebelorder11ialert_insert_oe_order_hold_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Hold Insert, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for every new record created in table OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL.

  • siebelorder11ialert_insert_oe_order_lines_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Lines Insert, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for every new record created in table OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.

  • siebelorder11ialert_update_oe_order_header_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Header Update, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for any update in table OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.

  • siebelorder11ialert_update_oe_order_hold_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Hold Update, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for any update in table OE_ORDER_HOLDS_ALL.

  • siebelorder11ialert_update_oe_order_lines_all.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Order Lines Update, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for every new record created in table OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.

  • siebelorder11iprocedure_order_process11i.sql

    This script creates the pre-validation procedure, SIEORDERVALIDATE11i, which validates the data inserted into the Oracle Order Interface tables.

  • siebelorder11itable_sie_order_headers_all.sql

    This script creates the table SIE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL, which is used in the Orders Outbound track of the Oracle11i Applications Connector. The data is inserted into this table before the pre-validation program validates it and moves it into the Oracle interface table.

  • siebelorder11itable_sie_order_lines_all.sql

    This script creates the table, SIE_ORDER_LINES_ALL, which is used in the Orders Outbound track of the Oracle11i Applications Connector. The data is inserted into this table before the pre-validation program validates it and moves it into the Oracle interface table.

  • siebelorder11itrigger_delete_oe_order_headers_all.sql

    This script creates an after delete trigger, SIE_ORDER_HEADER_DEL_TR, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for any records deleted in table OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL.

  • siebelorder11itrigger_delete_oe_order_lines_all.sql

    This script creates an after delete trigger, SIE_ORDER_LINE_DEL_TR, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for any records deleted in table OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL.

  • siebelorder11iview_sie_headers_all_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_HEADERS_ALL_V, which is used in the Orders Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelorder11iview_sie_lines_all_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_LINES_ALL_V, which is used in the Orders Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelorganization11iview_sie_org_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_ORG_V, which is used in the Organizations Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelproduct11ialert_insert_mtl_system_items.sql

    This script creates an insert alert, Siebel Product Insert, which puts an entry in the Notification Table for every new Customer Order Enabled - Standard or Model Item created in table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.

  • siebelproduct11ialert_update_mtl_system_items.sql

    This script creates an update alert, Siebel Product Update, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for any update to a Standard or Model Item in table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.

  • siebelproduct11itrigger_update_mtl_system_items.sql

    This script creates an after update trigger, SIE_UPDATE_ITEMS_TR, which puts an entry into the Notification Table for any update in table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS.

    There is also a trigger for updates on table, MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B. By default, the alert, is created when Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications objects are created. The trigger improves efficiency by checking the old and new customer order enabled flag values without inserting entries into the Notification Table for these items. Optionally, you can delete the alert, and enable the trigger.

  • siebelproduct11iview_sie_prod_invloc_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_PROD_INVLOC_V, which is used in the Products Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelproduct11iview_sie_prod_org_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_PROD_ORG_V, which is used in the Products Inbound track of the Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

  • siebelproduct11iview_sie_product_v.sql

    This script creates the view, SIE_PRODUCT_V, which is used in the Price Lists Inbound track of Oracle's Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications.

Siebel Connector for Oracle Applications Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.