Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications > Pick Lists, Drilldowns, and MVGs > Configuring Pick Lists >

Dynamic Pick Lists

Like static pick lists, dynamic pick lists populate fields by presenting the user with a list of values. However, rather than drawing the values from the list of values table, a dynamic pick list draws its values from another user-maintained business component. Fields that use dynamic pick lists are typically joined fields displaying data from a table other than the business component's base table.

The NREC design includes a dynamic pick list on the Activity Detail Applet. The opportunity field that you exposed on the applet (read Adding the Opportunity Field to a Activity Detail Applet (SCW)) is a joined field. Creating a dynamic pick list on this field allows users to update the activity record by pulling in the opportunity name from the Opportunity table.

The Pick List Wizard helps you through the process of creating a dynamic pick list and related objects, which includes:

  • Pick List. Object that defines the properties of the pick list, including the originating business component and the pick business component.

    NOTE:  The originating business component is the one on which you are creating the dynamic pick list. In the current example, it is the Action business component. The pick business component is the one from which you are picking values to display to the user. In the current example, it is the Opportunity business component.

  • Pick Maps. Child object of a business component field that map the source field in the pick business component with the target field in the originating business component.
  • Pick Applet. Pop-up applet that displays the a list of records from which the user can choose.

Before creating a dynamic pick list you must lock the projects for both the pick business component and the originating business component. For the current example lock the Action business component locally and then change the value of the Project property to NREC Configuration. In previous chapters, you have already associated the Opportunity business component with the NREC Configuration project, which is locked.

To create a dynamic pick list

  1. Select the Action business component and lock it. Change its Project property to NREC Configuration.
  2. Choose File > New Object.
  3. In the General Tab, select the Pick List icon, and then click OK.
  4. In the Pick List dialog box, enter the values shown in the following table, and then click Next.


    NREC Configuration

    Project to which the pick list will belong.

    Business Component


    Business component in the project that contains the field for which you are defining the pick list.



    Field for which you are defining the pick list.

  5. In the Pick List Type dialog box, click the Dynamic option button and click Next.
  6. In the Pick List Definition dialog box, click the Create New Pick List option button and click Next.
  7. In the next Pick List Definition dialog box, enter the values shown in the following table, and then click Next.

    Pick Business Component (business component to base the pick list on)


    This is the business component from which you are drawing values to display to the user.

    Field to sort by


    Records are sorted by this field in the pick applet.


    Opportunity NREC

    Name of the Pick List.

    Search Specification

    leave blank

    This is optional.


    Describe this pick list

    Enter a comment that will help you identify this pick list in the future.

  8. In the Pick List Specifications dialog box, accept the defaults; leave the check boxes clear.
  9. In the Pick Map dialog box, use the drop-down lists to choose the fields shown in the following table, and then click Add.
    Field in Originating Business Component
    Field in Pick Business Component



    Oppty Id

    This information is used to define the Pick Maps for the Pick List. They are the mappings between the source field and the target field.

  10. In the Finish dialog box, review the information you entered and then click Finish.

    The Pick List wizard creates the pick list, pick maps, and determines if a pick applet already exists that can be used to display the records. For the NREC example, there is already an Opportunity pick applet defined, so the New Applet Wizard does not open. If an appropriate pick applet did not exist, then the New Applet Wizard opens.

  11. Compile and Unit Test.

NOTE:  Be sure to compile the Activity project.

The results resemble the following illustration.

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