Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Running EIM > Optimizing EIM Performance >

Batch Processing Optimization for EIM

This section suggests ways in which you can optimize EIM batch processing. Try using different batch sizes. Large batch sizes are often not efficient. For import and delete processes that use the DELETE EXACT parameter, use approximately 20,000 rows in a single batch.

Limiting the Number of Records and Rows for Merge Processes

You can improve performance by limiting the number of records in a batch. For information, see Siebel Performance Tuning Guide.

Using Batch Ranges

Try using batch ranges (BATCH = x-y). This allows you to run with smaller batch sizes and avoid the startup overhead on each batch. The maximum number of batches that you can run in an EIM process is 1,000.

For IBM DB2, load a few batches of data into the EIM table and run EIM for just one of these batches. This primes the statistics in the DB2 catalogs. Afterward, do not update statistics on the EIM tables, and run EIM with the parameter UPDATE STATISTICS = FALSE in the .IFB file. This helps achieve consistent performance results when running EIM. See Parameter Settings Optimization for EIM for other suggestions about parameters.

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