Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Siebel EIM Tables > EIM Table and Column Mappings >

Verifying Your Object Explorer View Settings

In order to be able to view all the EIM object types in the Siebel Tools Object Explorer, verify that your settings are correct.

To verify your view settings for the Object Explorer

  1. Start Siebel Tools.
  2. From the View menu, choose Options.
  3. In the Development Tools Options dialog box, click the Object Explorer tab.
  4. From the Object Explorer Hierarchy, find the EIM Interface Table object.

    The EIM Interface Table object may appear checked, but gray.

  5. Uncheck the EIM Interface Table object, then check it again.

    The EIM Interface Table object appears checked, and no longer gray.

  6. In the Object Explorer Types tab, expand the EIM Interface Table object.

    The rest of the EIM object types appear beneath the EIM Interface Table object type.

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