Siebel Field Service Guide > Assets > Obtaining Asset Information >

Recording Readings from Assets

Follow these procedures to record readings of measurements from assets.

To record a reading for an asset

  1. Navigate to the Assets screen > List view.
  2. Drill down on the Asset # field for a selected asset and click the Readings view tab.
  3. In the Readings form, create a new record and complete the fields as appropriate.

    The record becomes read-only. The Done check box must be selected in order for the reading to be charted.

CAUTION:  When an asset is created, the Measurement Type records are copied over from the Product table into the Asset Table. It is common that measurement types (upper limit, lower limit, and so on) change when products are upgraded. However, assets may not be upgraded to the next version of product and would retain the measurement types of the original product. If the product of an asset has been changed after the asset was created, then measurement types that are not defined for the current product may remain associated with the asset. Therefore, it is recommended that you validate measurement types between the asset and its product when you change the product. Otherwise, it is possible to record a measurement that is invalid for the asset. It is also recommended that the Assets screen only be accessible to a user with the Service Manager responsibility, and exclude field engineers. Field engineers can enter readings using the Activities screen > Readings view.

To record a reading for an asset associated with a selected activity

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen > List view.
  2. Drill down on the Type field for a selected activity with an associated asset and click the Readings view tab.
  3. In the Readings form, create a new record and complete the fields as appropriate.

To analyze the results of readings for a selected asset

  1. Navigate to the Assets screen > List view.
  2. Select an asset and in the link bar, click Charts.
  3. In the Charts list, select a measurement type record.
  4. In the Measurement Analysis subview, select the reading you want to measure.
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