Siebel Field Service Guide > Setting Up and Using the Dispatch Board >

About Using the Dispatch Board Gantt Chart to Assign Activities

Note the following when using the Gantt chart in the Dispatch Board:

  • An unlimited number of activities can overlap (be assigned to the same hours for a field service engineer), but only three appear in the chart. Adding more than one activity to a time slot reduces the height of the bar representing that activity and removes the description of the activity. To see the description of an activity bar and the properties of this activity, hold the cursor over the bar for a few seconds. A ToolTip appears.
  • Any activity in the Gantt chart can be reassigned or rescheduled.

    It is recommended that you use the Book Appointment button if you need to reschedule an appointment (see Booking Activity Appointments (End User) for more information) rather than dragging the appointment to a different time on the Gantt chart. See also About Rescheduling Appointments in the Dispatch Board for more information.

  • Activities may be assigned to available or unavailable hours in a field service engineer's schedule.
  • Mouse over a scheduled activity to view activity details.
  • Click an activity type to see more information about the activity. The Activities screen > Schedule view appears.
  • Clicking on the name of an employee shows the Administration - User screen > Employees view, with information about the selected employee.
  • Dragging an activity from the Gantt chart back to the Unscheduled Activities list sets the activity status to Unscheduled and removes the value from the Employees field for this activity.
  • The assignment of an activity and its duration may be changed from the Unscheduled Activities list or from the Activities view.
  • The Dispatch Board can display instances of a repeated activity, with the following restrictions:
    • Drag and drop the repeated activity from the Unscheduled Activities list to the Gantt chart. This becomes the first scheduled instance of the activity.
    • The repeated instances of this activity fill in automatically.
  • The user cannot drag any instance of a repeated activity to another location on the Dispatch Board or back to the Unscheduled Activities list.
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