Siebel Field Service Guide > Quality >

Verifying Change Request Closures (QA End User)

After the engineer resolves a CR, the QA tester or other CR creator who reported the issue verifies that the resolution is correct.

Querying for Closed Change Requests

The CR creator queries for closed CRs in her functional area.

To query for closed change requests

  1. Navigate to the Quality screen.
  2. In the My Change Request form, create a query with Status = Closed.
  3. Run the query.

Reopening Change Requests

The CR creator tries to verify the resolution on the version identified by the engineer. If she determines that the issue is not resolved, she reopens the CR, which sends it back to the engineer for further review.

To reopen a change request

  1. Navigate to the Quality screen.
  2. Select a CR record.
  3. In the Change Request form, in the Status field, select Open-Disagree.
  4. In the My Change Requests list, drill down on the CR # field hyperlink.
  5. On the More Info form, in the Comments field, enter an explanation of why you disagree with the resolution.

Closing Change Requests as Verified

If the creator determines that the CR is correctly resolved, she closes out the CR as verified. At this point, the CR life cycle is complete.

To close a change request as Verified

  1. Navigate to the Quality screen.
  2. Select a CR record.
  3. In the Change Request form, in the Status field, select Closed-Verified.
  4. In the My Change Requests list, drill down on the CR # field hyperlink.
  5. On the More Info form, in the Comments field, enter a note that you agree with the resolution.
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