Siebel Fundamentals > Using Search to Locate Information >

Using the Search Center

Use the search button to open the Search Center. The Search Center opens in a frame on the left of the screen, while the data you are currently displaying is maintained on the right of the screen.

To perform a search

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the search button on the application toolbar.
    • From the application-level menu, choose View > Action Pane > Search.
    • Click the Site Map button on the application toolbar and then click the Search hyperlink.
    • Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

      The Search Center appears in a frame on the left part of the application window.

  2. Enter your search criteria in the Search for field.

    NOTE:  The Siebel application automatically adds a wildcard to the end of your search criteria. This assumption means that if you search for Siebe, the Siebel application looks for all words beginning with the letters Siebe.

  3. From the Look In drop-down list, select the type of information you want to find.

    The type of information that you choose from the Look In drop-down list determines the fields that are available to you when entering the search criteria.

    NOTE:  If Search is invoked from the context of a particular screen, for example, Service Request, the Look In field automatically returns to that screen by default.

  4. Click Go or click Advanced Search if you want to further refine your search.

    If you click Advanced Search, the Advanced Search screen appears.

    When performing an advanced search, you can choose from a number of categories, some of which are described in the following table.


    Perform Search Using

    You can perform searches with Boolean operators. Boolean operators refer to terms that allow you to refine a search. These terms are AND, OR, and NEAR. Boolean operators are supported for integration with FAST but are not supported for integration with Oracle SES. For a list of search term operators, including the variant forms of the Boolean operators, see Siebel Search Administration Guide.

    Modified Between

    Select this option to get the results modified between particular dates. For example, you might want to search documents modified between last year and today.

    Look In

    Select the categories from where you want to perform your search.

    File Format

    You can select which file formats that you want to use to display the results of your search. File format is supported for integration with FAST but is not supported for integration with Oracle SES.

    Data Source

    You can choose to retrieve your search results from multiple data sources. For example, you can choose to search a Siebel repository or any other application repository, such as Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint, or an intranet. Dynamic sorting is supported for integration with FAST but is not supported for integration with Oracle SES.

  5. From the Search Results view, click the hyperlink to go to the results of your search. The record appears in the application window.

To close the Search Center

    • In the upper-right corner of the Search Center pane, click the Close button.
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