Siebel Loyalty Administration Guide > Host Organization's Use of Siebel Loyalty >

Entering Loyalty Member Referrals

When you enroll a new member, you can enter the member who referred the new member.

The member referrals list can potentially be used to give out reward points to members who refer many new members. For information about creating a referral bonus, see Example of Creating an Action-Based Bonus.

NOTE:  If members register through the Web and enter the members who refer them, these referrals are also displayed in the Referrals list.

To enter a member referral

  1. Navigate to the Loyalty Members screen.
  2. In the Members list, select the member who referred a new member.
  3. Click the Member # hyperlink.
  4. Click the Referrals view tab.
  5. In the Referrals list, add a record and complete the necessary fields that describe the new member.
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