Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Designing Marketing Campaigns > About Using Response Management >

Adding Response Information to Prospect or Contact Records

The All Responses list displays responses to selected campaigns and offers. Use this view to add response information to existing prospect or contact records, to promote a contact to an opportunity, to specify the response type and channel, and to score the response. Use an optional Details form to enter more information about the response.

To add response information to prospect or contact records

  1. Navigate to the Responses screen.
  2. In the Responses list, create a new record.
  3. In the Responses list or form, complete the fields, using the following table as a guide.

    Last Name

    Select the Last Name for a prospect or contact.

    Some fields are populated based on this selection. These include:

    • The first name of the respondent.
    • The account associated with the respondent. If no account is associated, use the Account select button to choose one.
    • The account address (city, state, country, telephone number, and so on), that are associated with the respondent are automatically filled in the form.

    Lead Partner

    Choose a partner organization to associate with the response. If a lead partner was assigned at the program level or campaign level, that partner appears in this field. If you do choose to change the Lead Partner value, the drop-down list shows only those partners associated with the campaign source.

    Response Method

    (Optional) The method used to capture the response.

    Campaign Name

    (Optional) Choose which campaign the customer is responding to. If the customer is not responding to a specific campaign, you can select only the treatment.

    Treatment Name

    (Required) Only treatments associated with the selected campaign appear in the list.


    Enter a numeric value that represents a score for the response.

    Source Code

    In Siebel Marketing and Siebel Campaigns, source codes are assigned to each campaign contact according to the source code format associated with the program stage. If the source code is included in offer materials, then it can be accessed by the recipients in their responses.

    Treatment Code

    Each treatment has an unique treatment code. If the treatment code is included in the offer materials, then it can be accessed by the recipients in their responses.

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