Siebel Marketing User Guide > Planning and Budgeting for Marketing > About Marketing Initiatives >

Creating Initiatives and Linking Initiatives to Plans

You can create a marketing plan initiative and associate it with your plan to help you track and analyze the success of your marketing plan against overall corporate initiatives. In addition, you can associate existing marketing tactics and funds to the initiative, link to marketing collateral documents, and add notes to each initiative.

To define a Marketing Initiative

  1. Navigate to Marketing Plans > Marketing Initiatives.
  2. In the Initiatives list, create a new initiative and complete the required fields.

    The following table describes some of the fields.



    The name of the marketing initiative.


    The status indicates whether the initiative is still in planning (not yet official), active, completed (for a past planning cycle), or is cancelled.

    Planning Period

    The period for the planned initiative. This period must align with the period for your marketing plans, marketing funds, and tactics.


    The priority assigned to the initiative.

    Executive Sponsor

    If the initiative is owned by an executive sponsor, this field allows you to select the name of the sponsor (employee).


    If the initiative is owned by a particular team, this field allows you to add team members to the initiative.


    If the initiative applies to a specific region, this field allows you to select it. Regions are organized using a region hierarchy.

To associate a Marketing Plan with an Initiative

  1. Navigate to Marketing Plans > Marketing Plans list.
  2. In the Marketing Plan list, query for the Marketing Plan.
  3. Select the Plan Details tab, and then click the Initiatives field.
  4. Associate one or more initiatives to the plan, and then save the record.

To associate a Marketing Fund with an Initiative

  1. Navigate to Marketing Plans > Marketing Funds list.
  2. In the Marketing Fund list, query for the Marketing Fund.
  3. Select the Fund Details tab, and click the Initiatives field.
  4. Associate one or more initiatives to the fund, and then save the record.

To associate a Marketing Tactic with an Initiative

  1. Navigate to Marketing Plans > Programs or Campaign Management or Events.
  2. In the Program (or Campaign or Event Plan) list, query for the Tactic.
  3. Select the Details tab, and click the Initiatives field.
  4. Associate one or more initiatives to the tactic, and then save the record.

To associate documents and notes to an initiative

  1. Navigate to the Marketing Plans list, and click Initiatives in the link bar.
  2. In the Initiatives list, click the Initiative name.
  3. From the Initiative form, click the appropriate view tab.
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