Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Working with Partner Programs > Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs >

Approving a Partner Program Application

After reviewing all the application data, the application owner can approve the application by clicking the Approve button on the Application Inbox view.

When a partner is approved for the partner program, a membership record is automatically created and some fields are populated, as described in Updating Partner Program Membership Records. The partner is also added to the access groups associated with this partner program.

NOTE:  The workflow used in the following procedure is the PPR Auto Approval Workflow.

Approving or rejecting an application is a task in the Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs.

To approve an application

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs > Application Inbox view.
  2. Select the application and click Approve.

    A message appears saying, You are approving an application. This will create a membership record for this partner. Do you wish to continue?

  3. Click Yes.

    The Status field is Approved, and the application becomes read-only.

Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.