Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide > Sharing Data with Partners > Sharing Transactional Data with Partners >

Assigning Contacts to a Partner

Your partners need information about your contacts at your customers in order to sell or provide service to them. You can provide this information by assigning contacts at your customer accounts to partners. Employees of partner companies can also add new contacts, and these added contacts are visible to you.

If you assign a contact to a partner organization rather than to an individual partner employee, this contact appears in the All Contacts view when partner employees access Siebel PRM through the Web, but does not appear in the My Contacts view for any employee. Someone at the partner company who has access to the All Contacts view must assign the contact to an employee.

For more information about working with contacts, see the chapter on contacts in Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

NOTE:  You cannot use the Contacts view of the Partners screen to assign contacts to a partner. Use this screen to enter your own business contacts at the partner company.

To assign a contact to a partner employee

  1. Navigate to the Contacts > Contacts List > All Contacts Across Organizations view.
  2. In the Contacts list, drill down on the name of the contact you want to assign to the partner.
  3. In the More Info form for the contact, click the select button for the Contact Team field.

    The Access List dialog box appears.

  4. Click Add to add a new record.

    The Add Employees dialog box appears.

  5. Select the partner employee you want to assign to the contact and click OK. You can also select multiple employees and click OK to add them all to the access list.
  6. In the Contact Team dialog box, click OK.

To assign a contact to a partner company

  1. Navigate to the Contacts > Contacts List > All Contacts Across Organizations view.
  2. In the Contacts list, drill down on the name of the contact you want to assign to the partner.
  3. In the More Info form, click the drop-down arrow in the Organization field.

    The Pick Organization dialog box appears.

  4. Choose the partner organization, and click OK.

To work with the contacts of a partner

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.
  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete Record.
Siebel Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide Copyright © 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.