Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Reporting in the Siebel Web Clients > About Reporting in the Developer Web Client >

Requesting Reports in the Siebel Developer Web Client

The user interface and process flow section here is similar to the information in About Reports in the Siebel Web Client. The following information reflect any changes that are specific to the Developer Web Client.

Connected Mode

Reports can be generated in the Developer Web Client in the connected mode. However, reports run locally obtained data from the local database and not from the Siebel Reports Server when in connected mode. Reports can be scheduled and run from the Siebel Reports Server.

Disconnected Mode

Reports can be generated in the Developer Web Client in the disconnected mode also. However, the data for report generation is obtained from the local object manager. The report generation process in the disconnected mode differs from the connected mode as described below:

  • Reports are run locally by obtaining data from the local database.
  • Reports cannot be scheduled.
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