Siebel System Administration Guide > Siebel Application Configuration Parameters >

Editing Configuration Files

The Siebel application configuration files are plain-text files, and can be edited manually using a text editor. You can add parameters and their values or change values for existing parameters.

CAUTION:  When you edit the configuration files, use a text editor that does not perform unwanted character substitutions or change the file's character encoding to formats other than UTF-8. For example, use Microsoft Notepad instead of Microsoft Word or WordPad.

There are many reasons why you might edit configuration files. For example, you might want to do so at some point after the installation in order to enable or disable certain functionality and features. As appropriate, you must make changes in all configuration files for the applications you are using. For each new application you create, you must copy and edit a configuration file to suit your needs.

NOTE:  A configuration parameter that is not needed can be commented out by inserting a semicolon at the start of the line.

To edit a Siebel configuration file

  1. Create a backup copy of the default configuration file for which you want to edit parameter values, and save that file as a backup file.
  2. Using any suitable text editor, such as Notepad, open the default version of the configuration file.
  3. Edit parameter values, as necessary, to obtain the application behavior you require.
  4. Run a test using the configuration file that you edited.
  5. If there is an error in your test, correct the error and try again, or restore the configuration file from the backup file.
  6. If no error occurs, then use the modified configuration file.
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