Siebel System Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Servers >

Enabling Support for SSL Acceleration in the Application Object Manager

If you are using a third party HTTP based Load Balancer for your Siebel Servers Load Balancing and you want to off-load the processor-intensive encryption/decryption algorithms to the hardware accelerator on your Load Balancer, you must enable EnforceSSL parameter to ensure that all embedded URLs are using the SSL security protocol. For information on supported load balancers, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.

The default object manager setting is False. To enforce the use of SSL security protocols, you change the EnforceSSL AOM component parameter to True in the Administration-Server Configuration screen.

To configure the EnforceSSL component parameter

  1. Navigate to Administration-Server Configuration screen, then the Servers view.
  2. In the Siebel Servers list, select the Siebel Server of interest.
  3. Click the Components view tab.
  4. In the Components list, select the Application Object Manager of interest. For example, Call Center Object Manager (ENU).
  5. Click the Parameters sub-view tab.
  6. In the Parameter field, perform a case-sensitive query on EnforceSSL.
  7. Click in the Value on Restart field and type True.
  8. Restart the Siebel Servers.
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