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SiebList Object

The SiebList object provides methods and properties that allow you to manipulate a list object in a test automation environment.


The SiebList object is a child of the SiebApplet Object.


The SiebList object is a singleton container object that is one of the Complex Control Objects. Due to the complex nature of this object, it is also a collection object.


The SiebList object has the following events.

Event Name

ActivateRow (RowNumber)

Activates a row in the list. RowNumber is an Integer that indicates which row to activate, based on the number of currently visible rows. (The show more or show less button determines the number of currently visible rows. )

AscendSort (ColumnRepName)

Sorts the list on the column in ascending order. ColumnRepName is a String that indicates the RepositoryName of the column to sort on.


Toggles the active row between expanded and collapsed (for hierarchical lists).

DescendSort (ColumnRepName)

Sorts the list on the column in descending order. ColumnRepName is a String that indicates the RepositoryName of the column to sort on.

DoubleClick (RowNumber, ColumnRepName)

Double-clicks a row. RowNumber is an Integer that specifies the row to double-click. ColumnRepName is a String that specifies the RepositoryName of the column to double-click.

The ColumnRepName argument is optional. When recording a script, ColumnRepName is recorded only when the double-click occurs on a control in the row.

DrillDownColumn (ColumnRepName, RowNumber)

Clicks a drilldown link. ColumnRepName is a String that specifies the RepositoryName of the column that contains the drilldown link. RowNumber is an Integer that specifies the row that contains the drilldown link, based on the number of currently visible rows (determined by show more/less).


Navigates to the first set of records in the list.


Navigates to the last set of records in the list.


Navigates to the next row in the list.


Navigates to the next set of records in the list.


Navigates to the previous row in the list.


Navigates to the previous set of records in the list.

SelectRow (RowNumber, SelectType)

Activates a row in conjunction with a multiselect key. RowNumber is an Integer that specifies which row to activate, based on the number of currently visible rows (determined by show more and show less). SelectType is a String that specifies which multiselect key (either Shift or Control) to use. If SelectType is not defined, no multiselect key is used.

ToggleFreezeColumns (ColumnRepName)

Freezes or unfreezes the columns to horizontal scrolling. ColumnRepName is a String that specifies the RepositoryName of the last column to toggle.

This event is generated by a double-click on a column header within a list applet. The freeze begins with the first column and ends with the double-clicked column.


The following methods are available from the SiebList object:

For a description of these methods, see SiebList Methods.


The SiebList object has the following properties.

Property Name



Specifies which row is currently active, based on the number of currently visible rows (determined by show more and show less).

ClassName = "SiebList"

Const String

See Common Test Automation Object Properties for a description of this property.



Specifies the number of currently visible columns in the list.

RepositoryName = "SiebList"

Const String

See Common Test Automation Object Properties for a description of this property.



Specifies the number of currently visible rows (determined by show more and show less).



A pipe-delimited string of row numbers that are currently selected.

UIName = "List"

Const String

See Common Test Automation Object Properties for a description of this property.

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