Siebel Database Upgrade Guide > Preparing Siebel Application Data for Upgrade >

Migrating Siebel Household Data

Upgrades: Applies to Siebel Financial Services upgrades from 7.x that have retained the Siebel 6.x form of household associations.

Environments: Production test, production.

Platforms: Windows, UNIX, IBM z/OS.

This topic is part of an upgrade process. See How to Perform a Siebel Database Upgrade.

Siebel 7.0.x introduced the Party model. This changed the way relationships between households and entities, such as activity and claim, are handled.

You have two options for migrating household data:

  • Migrating household relationships to the Party model (recommended)
  • Retaining the Siebel 6.x form of household relationships

Migrating Household Relationships to the Party Model

To check household data integrity and support migration of household data to the Party model, you must run the household verification script (HH_MIG_populate.sql).

The script verifies that at least the same number of entities will belong to a household after the upgrade as belong to it before the upgrade.

The household verification script makes the following assumptions:

  • A household has at least one contact.
  • The primary contact of a Policy/Financial Account is one of the contacts associated with this Policy/Financial Account.
  • The primary contact of a Claim is one of the contacts associated with this Claim.
  • The primary contact of an Opportunity is one of the contacts associated with this Opportunity.
  • The primary contact of a Company is one of the contacts associated with this Company.

The script populates a temporary table with data, TEMP_HH_OBJ_MIG and generates a report based on an output file. Output is in the form of row IDs. The script verifies that every household associated with an entity includes a contact associated with that entity.

If there is no output, this means data integrity is good, and no action is required. If you receive output, you must examine the relationship between contacts and households.

Do not run the household verification script if you intend to maintain the Siebel 6.x method of handling household relationships.

To run the household verification script

  1. Type the following command:
    • Windows:

      odbcsql /U Tableowner /P Password /S ODBCDataSource /a /c REM /separator / /O OutputFileLocation\HH_Mig_populate.txt
      LogFileLocation\HH_Mig_populate.log ScriptLocation\HH_Mig_populate.sql /v y

    • UNIX:

      odbcsql /U Tableowner /P Password /S ODBCDataSource /a /c REM /separator / /O OutputFileLocation/HH_Mig_populate.txt
      LogFileLocation/HH_Mig_populate.log ScriptLocation/HH_Mig_populate.sql /v


      Tableowner = Tableowner

      Password = Tableowner password

      ODBCDataSource = Data source of the database

      OutputFileLocation = Location of the output file:

      • Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\HH_Mig_populate.txt
      • UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/HH_Mig_populate.txt

        LogFileLocation = Location of the log file :

      • Windows: SIEBEL_ROOT\log\HH_Mig_populate.log
      • UNIX: $SIEBEL_ROOT/log/HH_Mig_populate.log

        ScriptLocation = Location of the script:

      • Windows: DBSRVR_ROOT\database_platform\HH_Mig_populate.sql
      • UNIX: DBSRVR_ROOT/database_platform/HH_Mig_populate.sql

        Windows example:

        odbcsql /U Tableowner /P Password /S ODBCDataSource /a /c REM /separator / /O C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr\Log\HH_Mig_populate.txt /L C:\sea7xx\siebsrvr\Log\HH_Mig_populate.log C:\sea7xx\dbsrvr\DB2UDB\HH_Mig_populate.sql /v y

  2. If you receive output, review the temporary table and check the following for each contact. Make corrections as needed:
    • Contact is correct and household is incorrect.
    • Contact is incorrect and household is correct.
    • Contact is incorrect and household is incorrect.

Retaining the Siebel 6.x Form of Household Relationships

You have the option to retain the Siebel 6.x style of handling household relationships. However, this is not recommended. If you choose not to upgrade to the new household design, do the following:

  • Verify that the temporary table TEMP_HH_OBJ_MIG does not exist in the database.
  • Do not run the HH_Mig_populate.sql script.
  • Before doing the upgrade, contact your Oracle sales representative for Oracle Advanced Customer Services to request assistance from Oracle's Application Expert Services to do the following:
    • Verify that the business components needed to support the Siebel 6.x form of household relationships are present in the new release.
    • Obtain instructions for revising these business components to support the Siebel 6.x form of household relationships.
Related Topics

About the Siebel Party Model.

Siebel Database Upgrade Guide Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.