Applications Administration Guide > State Models >

Configuring Child Modification for State Models

By default, child records cannot be created, modified, or deleted when the state of the parent record is No Delete.

You can change this behavior in two ways:

  • Globally. At the business-service level by editing the Enable Child Modification user property for the State Model Cache business service.
  • Locally. If child modification is enabled at the business-service level, you can disable it for individual business components using the State Model Enable Child Modification business component user property.

To enable child modification for all business components

  • In Siebel Tools, set the State Model Cache business service Enable Child Modification user property to Y.

    This allows you to create, modify, and delete child records, even when the parent record state is No Delete.

To disable child modification for an individual business component if child modification is globally enabled

  • In Siebel Tools, set the State Model Enable Child Modification user property for the business component to N.

    The interaction of the Enable Child Modification (business service) and the State Model Enable Child Modification (business component) user properties is summarized in this table.

    If the Enable Child Modification business service user property is
    And the State Model Enable Child Modification business component user property is
    Then, for the business component, child modification is


    Y or blank






    any value


Applications Administration Guide