Going Live with Siebel eBusiness Applications > Rolling Out Updates to Mobile and Dedicated Clients >

Process of Rolling Out Updates to Mobile and Dedicated Clients

This topic lists the ordered tasks of the process for rolling out customizations to mobile and dedicated clients using Siebel Packager. For background information on this process, see About Rolling Out Updates to Mobile and Dedicated Clients.

To roll out customizations using Siebel Packager:

  1. Make preparations before running the Siebel Packager utility. See Preparing to Use the Siebel Packager Utility for information on this task.
  2. Run the Siebel Packager utility. See Running the Siebel Packager Utility for information on this task.
  3. Distribute the update to mobile and dedicated clients. See Making Your Customized Installer Available to End Users for information on this task.
Going Live with Siebel eBusiness Applications