Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Customizing a Development Environment > Applying Schema Extensions to the Target Database >

Applying Schema Changes to the Target Database

After generating DDL into files, you must later use Siebel-provided scripts, your own FTP, or a similar file transfer program to transport the DDL files to the zSeries machine, where the DBA executes it using customary methods, for example, SPUFI.

To apply schema changes to the target Database using Siebel Systems-provided scripts

  1. Navigate to the output directory (DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390) and open the ftpsync.txt file.
  2. Edit the ftpsync.txt file using the following information:
    1. Change &IP into the IP address of your DB2 host, for example ZM01.
    2. Change &Username into the your own user name, for example SADMIN.
    3. Change SIEBELQ1 to your own high-level qualifier (HLQ), for example, SADMIN, using a command such as Replace All. Save the file.

      Following is an example of the ftpsync.txt file:

    open &IP
    user &Username

    quote site cylinders primary=1 secondary=1
    quote site recfm=fb lrecl=80 blksize=0

    quote site cylinders primary=1 secondary=1
    send &directoryPath1/jobsync.txt 'HLQ.SIEBEL.V00'

    quote site cylinders primary=10 secondary=2
    send &directoryPath1/unload.ldc 'HLQ.SIEBEL.V01'

    quote site cylinders primary=10 secondary=2
    send &directoryPath1/load.ldc 'HLQ.SIEBEL.V02'

    quote site cylinders primary=5 secondary=2
    send &directoryPath1/schema.sql 'HLQ.SIEBEL.V03'

    quote site cylinders primary=1 secondary=1
    send &directoryPath1/bumpver.sql 'HLQ.SIEBEL.V04'

  3. Execute ftpsync.txt and send the file to the host.

    From the command line enter:

    ftp -vn < ftpsync.txt > ftpsync.log

    You will be prompted for the password for the user name, which was entered in ftpsync.txt.

    Press any key to continue.

  4. The log file ftpsync.log is created in the DBSRVR_ROOT\DB2390 directory.

    The log contains information on the file transfer, for example.

  5. After the transfer is successful, log on to the mainframe, and edit HLQ.SIEBEL.V00D2P.

    Change the job card and HLQ and submit job.

    Make sure that the return code is 0.

  6. A new PDS is created:


  7. Execute the following REXX exec to apply the DDL generated for the schema migration process.

    Execute clist HLQ.SIEBEL.D2P.EXEC(SBLD2P)

  8. Verify the schema changes.
Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390